At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

194 Zuxun of the Tang Dynasty, are you also worthy of marrying my Princess of the Tang Dynasty? [2/7

After solving the Turkic affairs with a tough attitude!

Everyone in the Tang Dynasty looked strange, and the messengers of the Huihe and Tuyuhun ethnic groups were also gloomy.

Obviously, they also understand the truth that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

Only Persian businessman Alberts came out laughing!

"I have long heard that His Majesty the Tang Dynasty is unparalleled in force. Today, I saw him as a heroic warrior. You are as powerful as our Emperor Abbas. Alien Alberts, I pray for your blessings!

"We Persia and other countries have always had good business habits, and I ask His Majesty Tang to agree to do business in Datang, and I will be grateful!"

Alberts saluted with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Li Shimin snorted coldly.

This blond, blue-eyed, dead fat man is definitely a jerk.

He has already come to Chang'an, and his relationship with many officials is quite good.

He was the one who presented the Jiuqu Treasure Box a few days ago!

In order to obtain a business license, he took great pains.

"Alberts, right? I have already agreed to your trade application, but you can only trade some common commodities!

"Iron, books11, armaments and other goods are not allowed to operate!"

"As for the nine-song treasure box you presented, I have already cracked it, there is nothing unusual about this thing, take this kind of rubbish back and play! 39

Li Shimin waved his hands with disdain, and a little eunuch sent the nine-song treasure box back.

I saw that the two ends of this treasure box have really been connected by a thin silk thread, it seems that the problem has been solved!

Alberts exclaimed in disbelief: "It's impossible, it's impossible, even in our Persia, it takes the greatest wise man to unlock it, how did you unlock it?

"You bastard, what do you mean? Do you think we have no one in the Tang Dynasty?"

"You wise men in Persia are too unbearable. We can find a few children at will, and we can unlock these treasure boxes!"

"Haha, shame on yourself!

The civil and military officials sneered and sneered.

Alberts, the proud Persian, was immediately flushed with embarrassment.

He thought that playing a few tricks would give Datang a headache, and then he successfully obtained the business license. In fact, he played the same way in other places.

But he never thought that the famous nine-sentence treasure box in Persia, known as the existence of non-wise people who are not enough to crack, would be broken so easily?

"How, how is this done?" Alberts exclaimed.

"Haha!" Li Shimin shook his head and said contemptuously, "Why is this so difficult to crack? I just found a few little eunuchs, and I have already broken it open. Just find a few insects and bind them with silk threads, and they can drill from one hole to another. A hole, can you accept it?

"Also, this is a gadget I gave you. If you can restore this Rubik's cube, then I can admit that you Persians are the smartest race in the world. If you can't, put away your arrogance!"

After that, Li Shimin gave another 12th-order Rubik's Cube!

This is naturally a small gift Ji Han prepared for them.


Alberts took the Rubik's Cube in surprise!

After he moved a few times curiously, the Rubik's Cube immediately became confused.

No matter how he turned next, the Rubik's Cube was a mess, and it was difficult to restore it to its original state.

This made Alberts, a self-proclaimed smart man, immediately stunned.

His face was full of horror and fear, and at the same time, he was extremely horrified by the profound heritage of the Tang Dynasty.

This mysterious ancient eastern country is indeed a place where wise men are everywhere, so it should not be underestimated!

"Is there anything else? Retire from the DPRK!" Li Shimin sneered complacently.

"His Majesty the Emperor Tang, the Tubo envoy Tashi Dorji was ordered to send an ambassador to the Tang Dynasty, hoping to form a friendly ally with your country! 39

The Tibetan envoy Tashi Dorji hurried out and shouted!

He presented a letter of credentials with both hands, which was then presented to Li Shimin by the little eunuch.

After reading it, Lao Li frowned!

This Tubo envoy brought a lot of gifts, and it seemed to be very polite, but he always felt that it was not so simple.

"Datang and Tubo are friendly neighbors. Tubo is interested this time, but I don't know what else is going on with your envoy?" Li Shimin asked.

"His Majesty Emperor Tang!" Tashi Duoji shouted, "Our Zanpu hopes to intermarry with the Tang Dynasty, marry the princess of your country, and ask your country to teach grain seeds and gunpowder technology, and hope that Emperor Tang will agree!

"What? How is this possible?"

"You bastard, who gave you the courage to marry me, Princess Tang?"

"Your Majesty, this minister please kill me! 35

The Tang officials screamed in anger!

Li Shimin was also angry enough!

Just want to marry a princess by giving some gifts, and also want to obtain grain seeds and gunpowder technology, are you still awake?

"His Majesty Tang Huang, don't be angry!" Tashi Dorji said quickly: "I heard that during the Han Dynasty, the Central Plains Dynasty often intermarryed and married with foreigners, why not now?"

"We Tubo are willing to be friendly with the Tang Dynasty, isn't this a good thing for everyone?

"I hope His Majesty Tang will not refuse, otherwise it will not be good for our two countries!"

Tashi Dorji hides threats in his words!

Li Shimin sneered again and again, and he remembered what Ji Han once said to him!

It was he who married the Tang princesses to foreigners one by one, and taught them seeds and various advanced technologies.

In a short period of time, you will indeed gain 280 friendship from other races, which will make them shout and praise, but what is the difference between this and collaborating with the enemy in the long run?

Such a peace based on the blood and tears of women, what is the use of the Tang Dynasty?

If he, Li Shimin, dared to do this again, he wouldn't be able to let go of himself, not to mention whether the Immortal Master would let him go!

"It used to be before, now it is now!" Li Shimin slapped the table and roared furiously: "Do you really think I'm afraid of your Tubo? Come and try if you can!"5

"From today onwards, I, the Tang Dynasty, have to set a ancestral motto, all the emperors of the later generations of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Never make amends, pay indemnities, cede land, or pay tribute. Anyone who violates this ancestral instruction will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Li Shimin's voice was thunderous, and everyone was stunned!

Tashi Dorji never expected his reaction would be so intense, this guy was frightened enough on the spot.

"Okay, Your Majesty said it well!"

"My Tang Dynasty should be so strong, not amicable, not indemnifying, not ceding land, not paying tribute! 99

"Anyone who kills my people and invades our country's soil will be punished a hundred times more severely!"

"My emperor is wise, long live my emperor!

All the officials of the Tang Dynasty were full of enthusiasm and shouted incessantly!

The representatives of the different races were trembling with fear, and the unyielding might of the Tang Dynasty seemed to be condensing.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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