At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

020 Wang Ben, Who Forced The King To Possess His Body, Are These All Given To You By The Immortal Ma

The time flow of the two worlds is indeed different.

When Ying Zheng and the three returned to the Daqin Palace, the sky was already bright, and the whole night had passed.

The civil and military officials were waiting here, and when they saw their appearance, everyone immediately became excited.

"I'm back, I'm finally back, it's fine!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, I am really worried."

"Marquis Tongwu, why did you wait for a whole night? But did the Immortal Master instruct you?"

Everyone started asking questions!

Ying Zheng was stunned when he saw this, and all this confirmed his guess.

This fairyland is worthy of being a fairyland. They only stayed for an hour or two, but Da Qin had already passed the whole night.

No wonder the officials are worried.

"All gentlemen, please be at ease!" Ying Zheng said with a smile: "The so-called heaven, one day, one year on earth, we have just passed by for a short time, but the whole night has passed here, but the fairyland is too miraculous, and the gentlemen do not need to worry."

"I see!"

"Looks like I've been overthinking it!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Wang Ben laughed when he saw this.


There was a crisp sound, and I saw him swinging the lighter dashingly, the flames rose slowly, and he started pretending with a cigarette in his mouth.

After pretending to spit out a puff of smoke.

Wang Bencai said with a look of contempt: "What are you worrying about? The Immortal Master has a harmonious temperament and is extremely kind to me, Daqin. How could he secretly harm Your Majesty?"

"Yes, yes, Marquis Tongwu is right, it's me who has been a villain in vain!"

"However, Marquis Tongwu, what are you? Why do you start a fire on the ground? Smoke is coming from your nose and mouth?"

"This, this is something from the fairy family?"

The officials pointed in surprise.

"You bastards!" Wang Ben said triumphantly: "This is the spiritual smoke of the fairy family's treasure. Only the immortals can enjoy a good thing. After smoking it, you can prolong your life, understand?"

"Have you seen this sword? This is the magic weapon gifted by the Immortal Master to the Marquis. With one sword, it can slash all the world's Kyushu and kill ghosts and ghosts in the sky. Have you seen it?"

Wang Ben blew wildly, and from time to time proudly took out the kitchen knife on his waist to show off, which attracted envy, jealousy and hatred from the audience.

Ying Zheng and Fu Su were stunned and stunned.

Pharaoh, do you still want a face? These were given to you by the Immortal Master?

This kitchen knife can barely be said to be picked up by you, but these packs of cigarettes and lighters are clearly brought back by you.

After the immortal master found out, he had to rip your skin off.

"Your Majesty, don't look at me like that!" Wang Ben grabbed his neck and said confidently: "The Immortal Master knows everything and can do anything, he must know if I take this thing, if he doesn't stop it, it means he agrees to acquiesce, so It was he who gave it to Ben Hou."


Ying Zheng and Fu Su imitated Ji Han's appearance, and subconsciously despised this guy, his face is really thicker than the city wall.

"If that's the case, get me two packs!"

"Marquis Tongwu, give me two packs too!"

Ying Zheng Fu Su decisively shot, one person took two bags!

Seeing this, other civil and military officials also gathered around.

"The Marquis of Tongwu will also be divided into one package for the official!"

"What a pack, where is a pack, there are only a few packs left, and you deserve a whole pack?"

"That's right, just give me one, this is the fairy smoke, I have to taste it."

The big guys are scrambling excitedly!

Li Xin even shouted, "Give me one from the Marquis of Tongwu, you and I are a deadly friendship, you can't be so stingy!"

"Fuck, you are the bandits!"

Wang Ben wanted to cry without tears.

Then a strange scene happened in the Qin Palace!

The guards, eunuchs, and palace maids looked at these high-ranking bosses in shock, rolling up their sleeves one by one, swallowing clouds with an unknown object in their mouths, like immortals.

"Are they cultivating immortals?"

"It must be so, is this the immortal master who taught the immortal method?"

"Great, God bless me Daqin!"

Everyone was secretly envious, and the civil and military officials also became intoxicated under the stimulation of nicotine, and all of them looked like they were enjoying it.

"This fairy smoke is refreshing, it's really good!"

"I don't know why, when I smoke this thing, I have an inexplicable aura, and this marquis likes it!"

"Puffing up clouds and mists like a fairy, this thing is so good!"

Everyone was amazed, and everyone was in a pretty good mood.

When Ying Zheng saw this, he instructed Fusu, "Tell me about the harvest of this trip to the fairyland, and let Zhu Qing know."


Fusu cupped his hands and said quickly: "My lords, we have gained a lot from this trip to the fairyland. Not only have we tasted the food of the fairyland, but also received treasures from the fairy!"

"There is a thing called a waterwheel. It is made of wood. It can irrigate a hundred acres of land without manpower.

"There is a thing called papermaking. You can use bark and flax to make white paper as thin as a cicada's wings. A piece of white paper can easily write 10,000-character mantras, which is tens of thousands of times stronger than bamboo slips!"

"Finally, the immortal also said that His Majesty's hard work is high, the merit is in the society, the benefit is in the future, and you should enjoy a hundred years of life!"

Fusu's boast made all the officials in an uproar.

If Ji Han was here, he would have to spit on his face. This guy's brain-boosting ability is comparable to Wang Ben.

He only said that Ying Zhengduo has a long life, so this is a polite remark, why do you take it seriously right away?

But as soon as these words came out, the officials were excited again.

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty!" Everyone kowtowed excitedly: "With the blessing of the immortal master, Daqin will last for thousands of years!"

"Okay, well said!" Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction, and directly ordered: "Let Fu Su develop waterwheel and paper-making techniques as soon as possible, and there must be no mistake!"


Fusu bowed excitedly and agreed!


"Chapter 5 Today, Ask for a Reward for Flower Evaluation Tickets"

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