At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

217 Accidental exposure, the ultimate shock of all mankind! 【4/7, please subscribe】

East China Sea

A marine research ship is floating on the sea.

There are more than a dozen staff members on the deck busy, a female reporter with several assistants to interview them.

"Dear viewers, this is the East China Sea, and we are following the marine scientific expedition team to conduct a water quality test~!

"In recent years, with the development of human society, all kinds of industrial waste water have flowed into the sea, which has brought great harm to our ocean!"

"Now ask Captain Song of the scientific expedition team to talk to us about the changes in ocean-water quality over the years!"

The microphone of the beautiful reporter was quickly handed to a middle-aged man.

He is Song Tianzhe, the leader of this scientific expedition ship!

"Dear viewers!" Song Tianzhe nodded and said solemnly: "After our inspection, our marine water quality has indeed been deteriorating in recent years, which poses a huge threat to the living environment of many marine creatures! "

"Here I call on everyone to pay attention to protecting the environment, pay attention to the protection of our common ocean, and call on all countries to issue standardized laws and regulations on marine life!"

Song Tianzhe got more and more excited the more he talked!

Just when he was about to continue his long speech, he heard exclamations from the people around him.

This made him a little dissatisfied!

Now that the TV station is live, can you stop doing it?

I still have a lot of lines to finish. I finally interviewed once. Is it easy for me?

But when Song Tianzhe followed everyone's gaze and looked not far away, his scalp was numb with fright, and his brain almost exploded on the spot.

Because not far away there was a huge monster!

It looks like a snake, like a dragon, more like a sea monster.

It is hundreds of meters long, its head is the size of a yacht, its eyeball is bigger than a washbasin, and it is covered in black scales, looking hideous and terrifying.

It drilled out of the water in such a domineering manner, and then rolled excitedly on the water, setting off a terrifying storm.

"Fuck, fuck, what is this?"

"A hallucination, an hallucination for sure!

"A sea monster? A dragon?"

"Run away! Get away!"

After everyone on the deck came back to their senses, they were all scared to death.

Seeing this behemoth at such a close distance, everyone was stunned.

Everyone thinks that this scene is not very real, this is not a hallucination, right?

And it was broadcast live on TV!

In front of the TV, countless viewers who were watching the show were frightened and stunned on the spot, and many people even spit out a mouthful of water!

"Fuck, what is this? Did the expedition team encounter a sea monster?

"Oh my God, isn't this a dragon? What a big one!"

"Damn, are there really dragons in this world?"

Millions of people watched this shocking scene live on TV.


Dahei is dissatisfied with being disturbed.

It silently turned around and glared at the scientific research ship, and the waves almost overturned the ship.

After an earth-shattering roar, it excitedly went to the mouth of the Yangtze River to kill!

At this time, there is only one thought in its heart, that is, to listen to the call and find the owner!

But it doesn't know, it leaves everyone with endless horror.

For a time, the whole network was a sensation!

This short live video of the scientific expedition quickly went viral!

No one doubts the authenticity of all this, because live TV broadcasts are impossible to fake, there is really a huge and terrifying sea monster in the East China Sea, and it is most likely a legendary dragon!

"Hahaha, there really is a dragon, who said our ancestors were bragging? This dragon is clearly real!

"None of the zodiac signs are fake, and the dragon is real!

"You see, the ancestors did not deceive me!

"This sea monster is too terrifying, it looks scary, isn't it a monster hiding under the sea 10,000 meters deep?"

"It turns out that there are really monsters under the sea, and this world is too magical! 99

Kyushu netizens screamed with excitement!

All kinds of videos are continuously forwarded on the whole network, and the number of clicks and comments are skyrocketing.

Even various scientists, biologists, and senior officials of Kyushu were alarmed.

・・For flowers...  

When this incident gradually fermented, reports of this incident appeared on the Internet all over the world.

Netizens from all over the world are stunned!

"Oh god, what kind of sea monster is this? It's a hundred times bigger than a sperm whale!"

"Impossible, how can there be such a huge creature in this world? This is not scientific!"9

"Damn it, isn't it the Orientals who are faking it?"

"No no no! This is a picture that appeared in a live TV broadcast. An eastern scientific research ship encountered it. It has been confirmed by the Kyushu official. These are all true!"

"Damn, why do oriental people always encounter these legendary beings? The ancient martial arts kicking hall incident just happened, and now there is a dragon? What happened to the ancestors of the Kyushu people?"

"Hehe, this is clearly our sacred beast of Dongying, what does it have to do with Kyushu?

There are all kinds of debates and exclamations on the Internet!

In a short period of time, this monster incident became a tumultuous uproar.

Coupled with the incident of the ancient martial arts kicking hall, the eyes of countless people are all focused on the east!

It also made the entire Kyushu seem to be covered with a mysterious color, attracting countless foreigners to find out.

And just when many scientists wanted to go to the East China Sea to find out, a Kyushu netizen suddenly put forward a weak point: "This sea monster seems to be swimming towards the mouth of the Yangtze River!99

This idea is like a blockbuster and quickly caused a sensation!

After watching the video repeatedly, many people were shocked to find that it seemed to be true.

This suspected dragon-like existence actually swam to the mouth of the Yangtze River.

What does it want to do? Does it want to go upstream into the Yangtze River?

What is its purpose? Why did it drill out of the deep sea and then kill the Yangtze River?

One question after another, the curiosity of netizens around the world suddenly soared, and netizens near the Yangtze River made an uproar. Countless people drove to the edge of the Yangtze River to see the true face of this sea monster.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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