At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

233 Wisdom of the Empress, the big shuffle is about to begin! [6/7, please subscribe]

Wu Zhao is the Wu Zetian in history!

Since the last time I heard Ji Han say that the Tang Dynasty would eventually be made emperor by a woman, Li Shimin had trouble sleeping and eating. He tried to find this woman several times and completely eradicate it.

With Li Shimin's status, it is not difficult to find her, so after a little order, he will find this woman.

But how to deal with it made him very sad.

Kill it, no, Ji Han once said that without Wu Zetian, there will be Li Zetian and Liu Zetian, which is very reasonable.

Moreover, killing a little girl for no reason is not good for Lao Li's reputation. After all, Wu Zhao's father is Ying Guogong, who once sponsored Li Yuan's army, and he is kind to the Tang Dynasty!

But if you don't kill it, can you keep it?

This girl is so small, she is eccentric and "three one three" pink and jade carvings, and she has some charming postures, if she grows up, will it be okay?

But Li Shimin knew how terrifying a peerless beauty with scheming and means, and how many men had to worship under her pomegranate skirt, so she absolutely couldn't stay.

It is not easy to kill, and it is impossible to stay, so what should I do?

Li Shimin suddenly thought that Ji Han had said that he wanted to take Wu Zhao as a maid, so he was overjoyed and sent her over.

"Sir, this trouble is yours!" Li Shimin smiled and said, "From now on, she is yours, you must not let her return to the Tang Dynasty, and you can do what you want.


Ji Han smiled dumbly and waved to the little girl, holding the timid her in his arms.

At this time, she was not the powerful Wu Zetian, nor was she a very scheming woman, she was just an innocent and lovely baby.

"Wu Zhao doesn't sound good!" Ji Han rubbed her little head and said, "You can be called Mei Niang from now on."

"What does Mei Niang mean?" the little girl asked in a milky voice, "Sir, can I go back to see my mother in the future?"

"Yes! Ji Han smiled kindly: "You will live here in the future, there are many big sisters here to play with you, you can go back and have a look when you want your mother to kiss. ""

"Hmmmm! 35

"Thank you, sir!"

Wu Meiniang laughed happily.

She is a smart girl, even though she is still young, she can clearly read people's hearts.

Ji Han has no ill will towards her and is very friendly.

Li Shimin had hidden murderous intentions for her, if she didn't obey, the Wu family and her mother would definitely be unlucky.

Remembering what her mother had instructed before, Wu Meiniang calmed down and looked around obediently.

"This woman is smart, she doesn't cry and doesn't make trouble, she's really likeable!"

"Yes, as expected of a shrewd person, a generation of empresses is not easy!

"As a teacher taught, this woman's achievements will only be even more extraordinary!

Everyone secretly praised, but the hostility that looked at her has disappeared.

In the patriarchal era, everyone was an emperor, and they could sit on an equal footing. Suddenly, a female emperor appeared, and everyone was naturally unhappy.

But now that Wu Meiniang has entered Ji Han's door, it means that the road to the emperor has been broken, and in the future, at most, she will be a maid under his hand.

For a maid, everyone will naturally not have hostility.

And she is Ji Han's person now, no one dares to be hostile to her, after all, everyone can see that Ji Han still likes this little girl very much.

After all, the existence of such a pink and jade carving can really arouse a man's desire for protection.

"Come, come, eat, everyone! 35

"Changping, sit next to me, take care of Mei Niang for me, she is still young, eat more to grow her body. 55

Ji Han greeted him with a smile!

Princess Changping obediently agreed, and a fragrant breeze came, and she took advantage of the situation to sit beside Ji Han.

At the same time, she also quickly entered the role of a maid!

Helping Ji Han with wine for a while, and taking care of Wu Meiniang's food for a while, she was very busy.

"Wow, sister's food is delicious and fragrant!

"Eat more if you like it, will my sister hug you?"

"No no no, Mei Niang wants to be hugged by Mr.

The chatter between Princess Changping and Wu Meiniang made everyone laugh secretly.

This girl is really naturally charming, and she understands competing for favor at such a young age. It's really amazing..

She could see that Ji Han liked her, so she took advantage of the situation to be in his arms, and she was not noisy or noisy, so well-behaved, which man would not pamper her?

In fact, in this unfamiliar environment, what she did is to maximize the use of all available conditions to protect herself, which is definitely considered to be extremely smart!

If it were another little girl, she might not be as smart as her!

The so-called three-year-old to see old, probably is such a truth.

"Old Zhu, how's the development going recently?" Ji Han asked curiously while drinking a little wine.

The reason why he asked Chongzhen but not Ying Zheng and Li Shimin was mainly because the situation in the Ming Dynasty was the most troublesome. The situation in Daqin and the Tang Dynasty is now stable, and the national strength is growing day by day, so there is no major trouble for the time being.

"It's not bad recently!" Chongzhen proudly showed off: "This big military parade has shocked the foreigners a lot, and now I think it's funny when I think about their envy.

"Also, the newly developed Shenwei cannon is also quite good. It is extremely powerful when equipped on warships. The 200 ships of the navy regiment destroyed the Zheng family's fleet with almost zero losses!

"Now that Zheng Chenggong has taken refuge in the imperial court, he has been ordered to set up a navy regiment, and the soldiers and horses under his command can form an army within half a year at most!"


"All this is thanks to the guidance of Mr., otherwise, how can I have these.""

Chongzhen was amazed, and Ying Zheng and Li Shimin were also secretly envious!

The development of science and technology in the Ming Dynasty was the fastest. Ying Zheng and Li Shimin now also formed their own firearms bureaus and firearms units, but the scale was not so large.

Although Da Qin and Da Tang were trying their best to catch up, it was impossible for them to catch up in a short period of time.

So in the face of Lao Zhu's showing off, they can only secretly envy.

"Not bad!" Ji Han nodded and suddenly exclaimed: "After preparing for so long, it's finally time for the big shuffle!"

"The big shuffle?"

Chongzhen was secretly shocked, and the other people's eyes were also slightly condensed.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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