At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

250 god posts reappear, detailed revelations of the shadowy fragrance! 【2/7, please subscribe】

Just when the whole network was shocked and shocked!

The famous whistleblower "Shadow Floating Fragrance", who has been silent for a while, suddenly posted a post on the Internet.

This post is called - "Behind the Snake and Insect Riots in Dongshan City, the Hidden Peak Showdown!"

This person seems to be very familiar with everything in Dongshan City, and he seems to be a native of Dongshan City, and he has exposed everything that happened last night.

From the dark web bounty, to the killer agents from all over the world sneaking into Dongshan!

From the cold night teaming up with Qinjiacun, to the terrifying hunting in this dark night!

From the appearance of the Twelve Saints, and the frantic search of the city's police force, to Ji Han's shot.

A picture of the scene, a group of shocking data, appeared in the post like iron proof.

This shadowy fragrance used his own words to describe all this vividly and vividly, and it also made countless netizens feel as if they came to the night in Dongshan City and experienced the horror and bloodshed this time.

"Damn, ****! God sticker, I said how could this happen in Dongshan City, so it is!""

"Nima, isn't this crazy? Hundreds of killer agents sneaked into Dongshan, and then they were all killed?"

"It's awesome, it's awesome, this is the strength of our Kyushu, hahaha!

"The intruder is killed without mercy, it's really tough, I like it! 39

"Fuck, I'm in Dongshan City, and I slept so hard at night, who would have thought so many earth-shattering events would happen in one night! 35

"My God, are these twelve saints really crazy? Fortunately, there are immortal cultivators who took action, otherwise how many people would have died?"

"These dog things, dare to provoke immortal cultivators and seek death!

Netizens in Kyushu were excited and proud of the discussion!

No one expected that so many thrilling events happened in Dongshan City last night.

It's the killer sneaking into the special agent to do things again, it's hunting in the cold night, and it's the Twelve Saints, snakes, worms and ants!

All of this makes everyone feel as exciting as reading fantasy novels, and makes everyone extremely proud.

It turns out that Han Ye and Qinjiacun are so strong, and it turns out that the legendary immortal cultivator Ji Han is so terrifying, this kind of god-like means really makes people's hearts sway!

At the same time, netizens from all over the world are also envious, jealous, and hateful.

As for those top scientists, they were stunned again!

Ji Han refreshed their judgment on him again, this is by no means an ordinary genetic mutant, or an alien creature can explain.

Is he really the cultivator in the ancient legends of Kyushu?

Northern Hemisphere

A secret meeting room in California

High-level and top scientists from Europe and the United States all gathered together with solemn faces.

Everyone is worried about things in Dongshan City.

Because this time not only caused many organizations to suffer heavy losses, but they also suffered more violent retaliation.

"Everyone~々!" A fat man with blond hair said angrily on the stage: "We had dozens of cargo ships in the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea early this morning, and an aircraft carrier fleet was attacked again!

"This damn sea monster has appeared again, and it has attacked us frantically, causing huge losses to us!

"This is a revenge, a shameful revenge, who can tell me what to do with this?"

The fat blond questioned in exasperation!

Everyone is silent!

What should I do? Everyone can't do anything about it!

A sea monster that an aircraft carrier fleet can't do, and is not even afraid of missiles, who can afford to provoke it?

It is an invincible god at the bottom of the sea, which makes the big country with the world's top technology feel a little overwhelmed.

"I think we have to warn Yanjing!" An old white man in a suit said angrily: "If similar incidents happen again, we will use force to retaliate!

"Yes! I think it makes sense!"

"We have to warn Yanjing and let them respond and guarantee it!"

"We also have to ask them to pay or they will face our wrath!"

The big bosses screamed and roared in anger!

But the fat blond sneered: "Oh my god, gentlemen, haven't you seen the truth?

"Even the senior executives of Yanjing have nothing to do with this mysterious existence, they are like us, they have nothing to do with him, you all have problems with your brain, right?

"..this is an existence that can command and control sea monsters, he is definitely not a genetic mutant, nor is he an alien creature!

"He is the real God, he is the immortal cultivator in the Kyushu population, and the devil in our mythology!

"Do you think ordinary people are qualified to oppose him? Even if you launch a nuclear bomb, are you sure you can threaten him? 99

A series of questions from the blond fat man made everyone present awkwardly silent.

Although they don't want to admit it, it's the truth!

Is it useful to threaten Yanjing? Does Yanjing dare to intervene in this matter?

No! Not only do they dare not, but they will not!

Because it is beneficial and harmless to them.

Even if a global war breaks out, he (well, Zhao) will not have to be intimidated at all, because in the end, the unlucky people must be Westerners.

With such a sea monster that is difficult to explain scientifically in the deep sea, no country dares to claim that it can gain control of the sea, even if it is killed by ten aircraft carrier fleets?

What can you do to get it? Do you dare to go to war?

"Now I propose!" The blond fat man said helplessly: "Until someone has come up with a solution, don't provoke him again, this is an irrational behavior, I hope everyone understands!"


"I agree!

Everyone nodded helplessly. For this unknown and powerful enemy, everyone had to choose to admit counsel.

Even many people are secretly considering whether they should be the first to improve their relationship with Kyushu?

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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