At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

262 The Fourth Gate of Light, the idea of ​​​​the transformation of the Three Kingdoms? 【7/7, please

The time-space magnetic field events between Dongying and Goryeo are full of uproar.

It deeply hit the historical self-esteem of netizens in the two countries and caused huge psychological trauma to them!

Ji Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he learned about it through the Internet. Although he didn't know the details, he could guess that no matter how stupid he was, it must be the Ming Dynasty going to war.

"With the strength of Lao Zhu today, it is not difficult at all to destroy Jiannu, step on Gaoli, and fight against Dongying!

"The embarrassing situation in the Ming Dynasty has also gradually changed, revealing a trace of the spirit that a hegemon should have!

"Yes, yes! It's not a waste of my painstaking advice."

In the small manor, Ji Han sighed happily while drinking tea and fishing.

Now he is accompanied by beautiful beauties every day, and his life can be described as quite comfortable.

The development of the three dynasties also made him quite satisfied!

But at this moment, the system suddenly prompted: "Congratulations, master, the fourth light gate will be opened tonight, please - look forward to it!"

"Oh? 35

Ji Han immediately became interested.

Is the fourth gate of light also about to appear-?

In other words, there will be a new emperor in the small manor tonight?

It's kind of interesting, Ji Han was still sighing that the three dynasties are developing well, he's been a little bored recently.

Now it looks like he has something to do!

But who will come tonight?

"System, let me reveal it, so that I can prepare a little bit! Ji Han laughed and joked.

I thought the system would ignore it like last time.

But what surprised Ji Han was that this time the system answered.

"Master!" The system intelligently replied: "The Gate of Light that appeared tonight is related to the Three Kingdoms era, please find and explore the specific details.

"The Three Kingdoms Era?

Ji Han frowned secretly, he thought that there would be Dahan and Da Sui, but he didn't expect the Three Kingdoms era.

But when he thought of this splendid Three Kingdoms era, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up. This was an awesome era.

In the five thousand years of Kyushu, there has never been such a chaotic era, and there has never been an era where so many fierce generals and ministers were born!

Some people say that the Three Kingdoms is the era with the highest military force in the history of Kyushu, and any small prince who is defeated can easily hang and beat aliens.

The legend of a Han top five hus is not nonsense!

Even in the 21st century, many young people in Southeast Asia and Eastern Ying are worshipping the fierce generals of which era, and various games about the Three Kingdoms are emerging one after another!

You can imagine how ferocious the generals and princes were at that time.

This is definitely an era that makes the descendants of Kyushu proud, and it is also a dynasty that Ji Han prefers.

I just don't know who it is this time!

What is the current situation of the Three Kingdoms era?

Did the Yellow Turban Rebellion just break out, or did the Three Kingdoms already stand?

"System, who will come tonight?" Ji Han asked curiously: "Liu Xie? Liu Bei? Cao Cao? Sun Quan? Oh yes, Yuan Shu is also an emperor, although he claims to be himself, but it shouldn't be him!"

"I'm sorry master!" The system intelligently replied: "No comment for the time being!""


Ji Han suddenly became depressed.

It's better not to say it, let him guess in vain.

However, there are only a few emperors in the Three Kingdoms era, and there is nothing to be mysterious about.

It's just that Ji Han suddenly remembered a question, if he wants to transform the Three Kingdoms, how should he transform it? How should he start?

According to the past operations, he should use historical knowledge to point the country, and then let Lao Zhao and the others help him learn from each other's strengths, trade firearms with each other to make each other stronger!

In this way, no matter who has Ji Han's help, he can easily dominate the world and defeat other princes.

What the Flying Bear Army and Baima Yicong are all scum in front of the artillery!

What Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and Lu Bu are also scum in front of firearms!

But is it interesting? There is no sense of expectation and achievement.

This completely destroys Ji Han's impression of the Three Kingdoms era, which is also what he doesn't want to see.

"How about playing a different routine this time? Instead of fighting for the world with firearms, take a road of becoming stronger that belongs to the Three Kingdoms?"

Ji Han whispered secretly, her eyes brighter and brighter!

··For flowers....

He has always had a tangle, if technology comes to an end, how can Daqin Daming become stronger?

When technology is enough to let them sweep the world, how can they continue to develop?

Research and development of missiles and nuclear bombs? This is obviously unrealistic and unnecessary.

But if he took a different path, it would be interesting. From the various signs of the system, Ji Han realized that there are many strange worlds in this time and space.

If the Daqin Daming and other dynasties are changed in the future, it will be quite a mess.

There was a very interesting saying on the Internet.

Some netizens divided the dynasties into Zuxia, Huangshang, Tianzhou, Xianqin, Shenhan, Shengtang, Daosong, Moyuan, Wuming, and Yaoqing.

If it is according to this statement, it will be slightly modified!

Transform Daqin into the immortal Daqin of immortality!

Transform the Tang Dynasty into a magical Taoist Tang Dynasty!

Transforming Daming into martial arts, Daming!

What would it be like to transform the Three Kingdoms into a genetic Three Kingdoms where everyone has the power of genes?

"This idea is a bit of a show!"

"But don't be in a hurry, this kind of thing has to take your time!"

"Take the Three Kingdoms to test the water first!"

The corners of Ji Han's mouth curled into a smile, and then decisively began to search the system mall to find the treasures that he needed next!

If you want to transform the Three Kingdoms, you must be fully prepared!

Ji Han is a person who will do what he says. Since he has this idea, he can't do it if he doesn't try it.

Anyway, it's just an experiment, and it's really impossible to change it back.

"Mu Shi, Yang Zi, there are guests tonight, prepare to order more!" Ji Han ordered casually.


When Wang Mushi and Yang Zi heard the words, they nodded and agreed.

Another guest? Definitely not Lao Zhao and the others!

These guys are so familiar, they come over to eat rice when they have nothing to do, Ji Han will not specifically order to add vegetables.

This is the rhythm of newcomers coming over.

"Today Chapter Seven, Asking for a Flower Evaluation Ticket" beg.

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