At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

263 Who is coming? Cao Cao and Cao Mengde are also! [1/6, please subscribe]

that night

The fog is shrouded, the door of light is open!

In addition to the gates of light of the three dynasties this time, there is a fourth gate of light, which makes Ji Han secretly looking forward to it.

Ying Zheng, Li Shimin, Chongzhen and others came as promised!

They were also surprised when they saw the fourth gate of light.

"Huh? Another newcomer is coming?" Ying Zheng said with great interest, "I don't know who will be here this time!"

"Maybe it's Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, or maybe it's Yang Guang!" Chongzhen chuckled.

"Don't be Yang Guang!" Li Shimin sneered and mumbled: "My Li family robbed him of his world, and if he sees me here, we have to fight one-on-one here.


Ying Zheng and Chongzhen burst into laughter!

"What are you laughing at, come and sit!" Ji Han urged angrily.

Everyone smiled slightly, then folded their fists and saluted Ji Han, and then sat down in the pavilion.

Unsurprisingly, the table is already filled with all kinds of food and drinks, which is extremely rich!

There are several girls playing the piano, a dozen girls are dancing, and the others are preparing more ingredients after their busy schedules.

11Unconsciously, Ji Han's wonderland has become a bit of a weather!

Wu Meiniang, this little girl, was held by him, and she didn't cry or make trouble, which made people feel good about her.

"Sir, is it alright if we haven't seen you for a long time?" Ying Zheng jokingly said, "You have had a very good life these days, you really envy us!

"No, this is indeed a life like a fairy!"

"I don't know if we can be as happy as Mr.

Li Shimin and Chongzhen also laughed and opened their mouths!

Chongzhen's voice changed, and he asked with a smile: "This fourth gate of light has been around for a long time, but no one has come over, sir, do you know who the other party is? 35

Ji Han rolled his eyes!

Heart says I know a ball!

However, in order to maintain his image, he did not say such words, but said calmly: "Don't be impatient, when Lao Li came over for the first time, didn't he take it slow? He also sacrificed three blood. What about food worship!


Everyone laughed!

Li Shimin blushed and said embarrassedly: "Where have ordinary people seen this fairyland, it's normal to be a little hesitant, let's just wait a moment!

"That's right, just wait!"

"Coming soon!

Everyone agrees!

Sure enough, it didn't take long, a middle-aged man in a brocade robe tentatively walked through the gate of light, and was shocked by the scenery and layout of this fairyland.

He was of medium stature, with a saber on his waist, and his eyes were as sharp as a falcon. Although he was shocked, he did not lose his temper, but looked around subconsciously.

When he saw the palace pavilion, the dancing girls, Ji Han and others who were drinking and having fun in the pavilion, he subconsciously thought he was dreaming, and rubbed his eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Ying Zheng urged impatiently: "Come here, why are you so dawdling?"


"This is Wonderland? 35

The middle-aged man came over in shock!

His eyes were full of doubts, and he couldn't believe it for a long time.

When he approached, Ji Han immediately became happy when he saw it: "Oh, what the hell, wife Cao? 35

"Wife Cao? Who is this?

"This person's surname is Cao? Could it be Cao Cao?"

"I'm afraid it's him, yes, I heard that this dog loves his wife so much, calling him a wife Cao is also appropriate!

"Hahaha, what Mr. said is wonderful! 35

Li Shimin and Chongzhen reacted instantly!

They also immediately judged the identity of the person who came, and this guy must be Cao Cao.

It's actually not hard to guess!

Among the emperors of the Three Kingdoms era, Cao Cao's body and appearance are similar to this middle-aged man. Who else could he be?

Ji Han guessed it right away!

"Who are you all?" Cao Cao blushed and said apologetically, "It's really Cao Cao in Qiao County, but it's not Cao Cao, the wife, did you all admit the wrong person? Where is this place?"

"How can there be a fog in a certain room, and what's the matter with this light door?"

Cao Cao is obviously full of doubts!

He asked random questions, making everyone laugh and cry, this person is suspicious at first glance.

"This is a fairyland, I am the lord of Da Qin, and the first emperor Ying Zheng is also!

"I am Li Shimin, the lord of the Tang Dynasty!"

"I am Zhu Youjian, the lord of the Ming Dynasty, and this is the Immortal Master!

Everyone briefly introduced themselves, and then introduced the relationship between the Gate of Light and Wonderland in a few words.

Cao Cao was stunned when he heard it, and he didn't come back to his senses after a while.

He also quietly pinched himself a few times, obviously not believing all of this.

Is this a fairyland? Is the young man sitting on the main seat a fairy?

Qin Shihuang and Ying Zheng are also there? As for who are Li Shimin and Zhu Youjian? Why hasn't he heard of Tang Daming?

This is not a dream, is it?

"Don't doubt!" Li Shimin explained patiently: "The immortal master is omnipotent, and he used immortal methods to bring us here from various time and space, and the other doors of light you see are the places that lead to our time and space. !""

"You should know the First Emperor, Old Brother 343. As for my Tang Dynasty, it was a dynasty that was established only about 400 years after the fall of your Han Dynasty, and Lao Zhu's Ming Dynasty was more than 1,400 years away from your time and space! "


Cao Cao suddenly became even more confused!

Obviously, all this made it difficult for his brain to accept and understand, but no matter how stupid he was, he knew that this place was really a fairyland.

"Sit down first!"

Ji Han burst into laughter and raised his hand to grab it on purpose!

An invisible force bound Cao Cao, and finally pressed him firmly on a chair.

This kind of miraculous means immediately convinced Cao Cao of all this. He got up excitedly and said: "Thank you immortal, I don't know what the immortal ordered to summon?"5

Ji Han chuckled and waved his hand: "Don't be nervous, we're just drinking, eating, pranking, and chatting, sit down!"

"Hahaha, sir is right!

"Come on, let's eat first!"

"I'm so hungry!

Everyone happily agreed, and the banquet officially started, and Cao Mengde could only sit down crampedly.

Wisely, he decided to listen, read and think more, and then figure out the situation first.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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