At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

265 Ambition breeds, does the prince and general Xiangning have a seed? [3/6, please subscribe]

this moment

Ji Han looked at Cao Cao, who still had a dream.

There was a hint of bad taste in his heart, and he felt that he had to correct this guy's thinking!

"Cao Mengde, what do you think is the evil in this world?" Ji Han suddenly asked.

"Disadvantage?" Cao Cao stood on the spot with a deep expression on his face, and finally clasped his fists and smiled bitterly: "One of Dong Zhuo's thieves is controlling the government and doing things backwards;

"This is the disease of the world, I don't know if what Cao said is right? Please comment!"

Facing the hopeful Cao Cao!

Ji Han shook his head disdainfully.

"You only know one thing and don't know the other. Are there less times when the powerful ministers and ministers are in power? Are there less eunuchs in chaos? Are there less peasant uprisings?"

"But why is it that the Han Dynasty has been terminally ill? Because the national fortunes of the Han Dynasty have been exhausted, the resentment in the hearts of the people has already accumulated to the limit!"

"Since Wang Mang's turmoil, the Han Dynasty has already begun to struggle to the death. No matter how hard you, Cao Cao, can you continue to live for the Han Dynasty for a few more years? 35

"343 The two brothers Liu Bian and Liu Xie are young and ignorant, and everyone in the palace and outside the palace has become very ambitious. How many can you kill Cao Mengde?"

"Even if you are preparing for the crusade against Dong Zhuo by the eighteen princes, do you think the princes really care about the Han family? They are just taking advantage of the opportunity to brush up on their own reputation. You can't see that?"

Ji Han's series of questions forced Cao Cao to sweat!

He hesitated, desperately trying to refute, but couldn't refute it.

Yes, the national fortune of the Han Dynasty has come to an end!

Which of the common people and princes in the world does not want to change?

On the surface, the princes of the Eighteen Routes want to send troops to the King of Diligence, but in reality, which one is not secretly conceived?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"For hundreds of years in the Han Dynasty, countless proud sons of heaven have long seen these chaos, and they have tried to put things right, but they have all ended in failure. Do you know why?"

"Because the rights of those who are courtiers are limited, they must be restrained by all parties. If the emperor trusts you, it's fine. If the emperor doesn't trust you, just a little bit of trouble can make all efforts collapse!"

"How difficult is it to help the Han family as a courtier and sort out this messy world?

"You must participate in the struggle for hegemony as a prince of one party, and kill all the forces of all parties, so that the world can be reshuffled and brought to life!"

Ji Han's eloquent guidance immediately touched Cao Cao's mind.

In fact, this is also the path he chose in history. This path is definitely more reliable than being a courtier to help the Han family.

Perhaps in history, he once thought that after reuniting the country, he would return the power to the emperor, but unfortunately all of this was out of his hands.

"Whether you believe it or not!" Ji Han sneered disdainfully: "You keep saying that you want to be a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty, but you haven't been a hero that everyone spurned in history? You can't change your destiny!


Cao Cao's face was tangled and unwilling!

Obviously these words had a big impact on him.

"Hahaha!" Chongzhen laughed loudly: "Is there such a thing as a prince and general Xiangning? You Cao Heizi are such a mother-in-law and mother, you really don't deserve to drink at the same table with me!

"Yes!" Ying Zheng snorted impatiently: "In this time of chaos in the world, loyal ministers are important, but heroes are equally indispensable. The longer the world is in chaos, the more miserable the people will be. Don't you even understand this truth? ?

"This kind of trivial matter still needs the teacher's personal guidance, and you are also called a hero in vain!" Li Shimin said unhappily: "If the world is in chaos, kill it, kill everyone else, won't it stop chaos?"

The sound of guidance from the crowd quickly defeated Cao Cao's last insistence.

There was something called ambition in his eyes. This ambition was inspired by Ji Han and others in advance, but it became even more vigorous.

"Thank you for your guidance, Cao has understood! Cao Cao clasped his fists and said politely: "After returning, I will secretly accumulate strength, clean up all the filth in this world, and make the Han Dynasty a bright future!

"Good! Hahaha!"

"Come, come, sit!"

"That's about it, sit down and drink! 39

Everyone smiled and greeted, and the atmosphere suddenly became a lot more eager.

"Speaking of which, these eighteen princes are fighting against Dong Zhuo, it is truly a great battle!" Li Shimin said excitedly while drinking a small wine: "The stories that the storytellers in the Tang Dynasty like to tell the most are these stories, I have loved to hear them since I was a child!

"Yes, yes, yes! What about the three heroes fighting against Lu Bu, and Guan Yu's warm wine beheading Hua Xiong? I also love to hear these stories!" Chongzhen continued with a smile.

"Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, which was fabricated by Luo Guanzhong in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". In the real history, it was Hua Xiong killed by Sun Jian!" Ji Han reminded and commented: "But this Lu Bu is quite good, and it can be regarded as the first in the Three Kingdoms combat power. people!"

"Sir is right, I also like Lu Bu!

"The three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang are also good!"

The three of you spoke to me, and chatted clearly about the history of the Three Kingdoms hegemony period.

From the crusade against Dong Zhuo by the princes of the Eighteenth Road, to the battle at Hulao Pass!

From the clothes and belts, we talked about the Battle of Guandu!

From the battle of Chibi, to the third world.

The general development of the Three Kingdoms in a hundred years can be easily said by everyone. These are recorded in historical books, not only Ji Han knows it, but also Chongzhen and Li Shimin.

Cao Cao was stunned when he heard it!

He never imagined that the world would become so chaotic, and he never imagined that the wars in this world would be so splendid, just listening to it made people's blood boil.

"Lu Bu? Liu Guanzhang!"

"Xu Chu? Sun Ce?"

"This is really a time to look forward to it!

Cao Cao sighed in shock, and a trace of ambition began to soar in his heart. He suddenly wanted to try, whether he could really conquer the world in the turbulent times of the Three Kingdoms.

That's how it's worth being a man forever!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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