At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

268 The words of the immortal, how dare Cao doubt it? 【6/6, please subscribe】

"Is it true or false, don't you know if you go back and try it?"

"Do you think I'm so free to make up a lie to deceive you?"

Ji Han asked with a half-smile but not a smile, Cao Cao immediately believed it, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

This is an immortal, this will definitely not deceive people.

This means that he is going to develop a rhythm!

Imagine that if you worship the idols and sacrifice yourself, you can mass-produce a large number of powerful soldiers and form powerful legions. Isn't it easy for him to sweep the world?

In fact, that's Ji Han's original intention!

After he had the idea of ​​transforming the Three Kingdoms today, he wanted to find a way to make people stronger and stable without trouble!

Originally, he wanted to use the genetic technology of the technological world to play Gene Three Kingdoms, but when he thinks about it seriously, it is not right. It is impossible for every soldier to inject a genetic medicine once, right?

This is so troublesome, and it is inconvenient to produce this thing in the Three Kingdoms era!

After picking and choosing in the system mall for a while, plus the recommendation of the system, Ji Han chose this sacrifice method.

This is a way of cultivating believers by the evil gods in the fantasy world. It can strip and refine all the power and soul of the sacrificed creatures, and finally inject them into a person's body, forcibly elevating the person's realm!

Moreover, as long as this method is not raised too fast at one time, there are almost no sequelae, and it can be used repeatedly for the same person.

In other words, Ji Han can make as many strong men as he wants.

If Cao Cao kills a cow for sacrifice after returning, Ji Han will be able to use the power of the cow's flesh and soul to create a soldier with natural power!

If Cao Cao goes back to sacrifice 10,000 prisoners of war, then Ji Han can easily create hundreds of middle-level generals with the strength and soul of these prisoners of war!

After carefully and patiently explaining the benefits of this sacrifice, everyone present was full of excitement and astonishment.

"This, this is really the method of the fairy family, it's amazing!"

"Master has such means, why didn't you show it earlier? I just fought so many battles and killed so many enemies, isn't it a pity to eat blood?"

"That's right! It's a pity, isn't it? If we sacrificed it early, wouldn't we be able to get a lot of non-human generals?"

Chongzhen and Li Shimin couldn't help but beat their chests and feet!

Before they fought and killed so many people, if they all sacrificed, the benefits would be too great.

"No, no, no!" Chongzhen said excitedly: "I have just captured Goryeo and Dongying, and I have to capture a group of prisoners of war and go back and chop them up for sacrifice."39

"Don't worry!" Ji Han stopped with a dumb laugh: "I have my own arrangements for you, what you should develop in the Ming Dynasty now is technology, and you will have the opportunity to sacrifice in the future!

"Everyone can rest assured that it is possible for you to become immortals and ancestors in the future, and there is hope for longevity!

Ji Han's reassurance suddenly made everyone take a deep breath!

Longevity? This, this is too attractive, right?

In particular, Ying Zheng's eyes lit up with excitement. This is the long life he has always dreamed of. Ji Han said there is hope?

"Sir, really?" Ying Zheng asked excitedly: "Can you really let us live forever?

"Yes!" Ji Han nodded and said solemnly, "Have I ever lied to you? It's alright to help me promote the teachings and collect more believers, it will be good for you all!

"Hahaha, this matter is simple, after I go back, I will set up holy temples everywhere in the prefectures and counties!

"Yes! I have to establish Mr. as the immortal teacher of my Daming, and make sure that everyone in Daming believes in it!

"I will definitely promote it vigorously when I go back, and make sure that everyone in the Tang Dynasty believes in immortal masters!"

Lao Zhao and several people were excited and desperately promised!

Longevity, this is the dream of every emperor, and now everyone can see hope.

"Back to the topic we just talked about!" Ji Han said with a chuckle, "Old Cao, you can try it after you go back, I guarantee you will be absolutely satisfied.

"How dare Cao dare to doubt the words of the immortal?" Cao Cao said excitedly: "I will definitely collect all kinds of blood and food for sacrifice next time, please rest assured sir."


Ji Han nodded in satisfaction!

With the sacrifice, Cao Cao has no shortage of fierce generals and soldiers, and the soldiers who sacrificed to him must be loyal and loyal, which allows Cao Cao to obtain an absolutely powerful team!

But that's not enough!

"Sacrificing soldiers who have become stronger in a hurry is not enough for you to sweep everything in Hulao Pass, and it is not enough to cultivate a fierce general comparable to Lu Bu!""

"If you want to fight against fame in Hulao Pass, you must find Dian Wei, who is the top three super fierce man for the Three Kingdoms era! 35

"He was originally from Chenliu County, and now he should be an ordinary sergeant under Chenliu Taishou Zhang Miao, and he will also participate in the battle of Hulao Pass. If you can bring him under his command, you are guaranteed to make huge profits! 99

"As the saying goes, one Lu, two Zhao, three Dian Wei, four passes, five horses, and six Zhang Fei, although this ranking may not be accurate, it can also see the strength of Dian Wei, you can't miss it!

Ji Han's eloquent 343 advice made Cao Cao excited again. He has always wanted to find a fierce general to help him, but he has no reputation and can only covet Liu Bei's two sworn brothers!

Now that I have got Ji Han's guidance, this is the rhythm to make money.

If Dian Wei can be accepted and sacrificed again, I am afraid that he will be able to cultivate an existence that is even fiercer than Lu Bu.

"Thank you for your guidance, sir!" Cao Cao excitedly clasped his fists and shouted: "Cao must live up to his high expectations, if he has the help of this heroic warrior Wei, he will definitely make a name for himself in this battle against Dong Zhuo!

"It's more than just making a name for yourself, you have to sweep the army and make a name for yourself!" Ji Han said domineeringly: "Don't embarrass us, you know?"

"Sir, what you said is very true, Cao Heizi, you will be the master of the Great Wei in the future, don't be ashamed!

"You can drink with us when you set foot in the fairyland, you don't play well, but you lose everyone's face!

Everyone laughed and joked, and Cao Cao was swaying again, and his ambition was bursting!

"Chapter 6 Today, Ask for a Flower Evaluation Ticket"

"I've been writing too fast recently, I can't stand staying up late every day without saving the manuscript, and my eyes are uncomfortable every day, so I can only add one less, please forgive me!".

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