At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

274 Killing is like mowing the grass, Dian Wei's divine power! 【6/6, please subscribe】

After Cao Cao secretly controlled a wave of loyal soldiers through sacrifice, his strength suddenly skyrocketed.

Although he still has only a few thousand soldiers and horses at this time, his combat power should not be underestimated, especially the soldiers who have been enhanced by miracles are all one to ten.

With soldiers and generals in his hands, Cao Cao's confidence was inexplicably high, and he was not looking forward to fighting quickly at all times.

After half a month, the princes of the Eighteen Routes are gradually in place!

After some wrangling and offering sacrifices to the heavens, Cao Cao took the initiative to ask for troops, and was the first to lead the troops to Hulao Pass, shocking all the lords.

Everyone couldn't help crying and laughing.

This two fools, everyone is here to gain prestige by acting, are you really here to play?

Cao Cao's eagerness to advance, disrupted the deployment of the princes, and changed history on a small scale.

Originally, the princes planned to dawdle, eat, drink and have fun, and work hard to gain a steady wave of prestige.

But now that Cao Cao is doing this, everyone is really embarrassed to dawdle, so they start to march from various directions.

This guy Sun Jian is also a brave and invincible guy. He took his troops and horses all the way to Lu Yang, and he was the first to encounter a battle!

Dong Zhuo dispatched Xu Rong to lead tens of thousands of troops to fight against Sun Jian's troops.

This Xu Rong was a fierce general, and his subordinates were all elite soldiers of the Western Liang Dynasty, so Sun Jian's troops suffered heavy losses.

This battle frightened the eighteen princes to tremble!

At this time, Cao Cao had already led his men to the vicinity of Hulao Pass, which was guarded by Fan Chou, Zhang Ji and others.

When Cao Cao approached, Fan Chou had already stationed a camp for several miles outside Hulao Pass, ready to complement the Hulao Pass to defend against the coming attack.

"My lord!" Dian Wei said domineeringly: "I'll call the formation and destroy the enemy troops in this battalion, and then I will strengthen the army~々!"

"it is good!""

Cao Cao is also very courageous now, and he directly ordered: "Beat the drums and cheer, and the whole army will go to battle!

"Boom boom boom!"

With the sound of drums, Dian Wei rode his horse to the barracks and roared loudly: "Bah! Dian Wei is seated under General Cao of a certain thief alliance, and the thieves dare to fight!

"You bastard, even a little traitor dares to come and die? I will send you on your way!

Fan Chou was so angry that he screamed, and he led the troops and killed them!

At this time, the Three Kingdoms was still a popular fighting general, and when Dian Wei was killed alone, Fan Chou naturally did not dare to neglect him!

He slapped the horse and killed Dian Wei, roaring and roaring as he rode the horse: "Damn, your grandfather Fan Chou will send you on the road!

After he finished speaking, a two-zhang sword roared and slashed over!

This Fan Chou's ability is quite good, and he can definitely be regarded as a first-class military commander with a single martial arts skill.

But in the face of this kind of attack, Dian Wei scoffed.

He rode his horse and stood there, motionless, just as the sword was about to slash him, Dian Wei pulled out his halberd like lightning, and swept it out viciously!


A terrifying golden and iron symphony sounded!

The terrifying giant force smashed Fan Chou's sword in an instant, and the next moment smashed him out.

"Ah! 39

Fan Chou screamed miserably, and after flying upside down for more than ten meters, he rolled over and over again. He fell to the ground and vomited blood with all his might. Obviously, he was seriously injured.

"Hehe, rubbish!""

"Death to a certain family! 99

Dian Wei gave a domineering grin, and his horse rushed over!

"Do not!"

Fan Chou was so frightened that he screamed desperately, trying to run away as he rolled, but the hoofs of the war horse easily crushed his head.

From start to finish, Dian Wei didn't do his best!

This terrifying combat power, combined with his demon-like figure, immediately scared the 30,000 Xiliang soldiers stunned and their morale plummeted.

As for Cao Cao's soldiers and horses, their morale soared and everyone was excited!

"Okay, hahaha!!""

"Brothers, kill!""

"Kill kill kill!

Cao Cao drew his sword out of the scabbard excitedly, and rushed out with him personally!

Thousands of people rushed directly to the 30,000 Xiliang soldiers, and a war broke out between the two sides.

Although the Xiliang soldiers lost their main generals, their morale plummeted, but when the number of soldiers was dominant, it was almost impossible for the general army to kill them.

But they never expected Dian Wei to be terrifying!

This guy rode his horse into the crowd like an ancient beast, his halberds roared and swept away, and when he hit anyone, he had to fly out. Killing people was as easy as mowing the grass.

Xiahou Dun led more than a hundred second- and third-rate generals, and more than a thousand soldiers who had been strengthened by sacrifices, and rushed forward.

These soldiers of the Western Liang Dynasty were immediately beaten up. No one expected that there would be so many ferocious generals in an army of several thousand people.

And there are more than 1,000 elite soldiers who are equal to 10. They are simply soldiers of the Flying Bear Army. Who can resist such an attack?

As soon as they met, the 30,000 Xiliang army was smashed to pieces, and they lost contact with each other. The two sides fought and fought each other on this chaotic battlefield, killing heavy casualties!

Although Cao Cao's troops were new troops, they couldn't stand the high pressure of quality. With hungry wolves and a flock of sheep, their combat effectiveness would soar a lot.

In particular, this guy Dian Wei is a murderer. The more he kills, the more excited he gets. Every time he makes a move, he will definitely be able to sweep more than a dozen people into the sky.

Gradually, the soldiers of Xiliang were completely killed (alright, alright)!

After leaving thousands of corpses, they fled to Hulao Pass in a hurry, and there were already a lot of soldiers on the wall of this pass!

Seeing this, Cao Cao did not dare to chase after him, so he could only order Ming Jin to withdraw his troops and let the soldiers of Xiliang retreat into the Hulao Pass!

.Hahaha, win, we win!

"Long live the lord, long live General Dian!""

The soldiers cheered excitedly, and Cao Cao was also smiling!

"Quick! Send the battle report of the great victory back to the rear!

"Collect the corpses of the enemy and prepare for the second sacrifice! 35 Cao Cao ordered Xiahou Dun excitedly.

After trying the benefits of sacrifice, how could he let go of the corpses all over the ground?

I believe that after another sacrifice, his thousands of soldiers and horses will become even more terrifying!

"Chapter 6 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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