At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

276 The three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang are trying to make a name for themselves! 【2/6, please sub

Fang Yue is also a famous general in Hanoi!

As one of the great masters under Wang Kuang, the prefect of Hanoi, he can be said to be a battle-hardened general with very sophisticated skills and experience.

But when he personally encountered a terrifying existence like Lu Bu, he knew what despair was!

The two rode their horses staggeringly, and with a simple collision, the spear in Fang Yue's hand was almost unsteady!

After three or two moves, he was so frightened - the horse ran away!

But where did Lu Bu let him escape?

With a grinning halberd, Fang Yue flew out on the spot, screaming in agony, and was trampled to death by Chituma as soon as she fell to the ground.

"My God, so fierce?

"Red rabbits among horses, Lu Bu among people, really extraordinary!"

"This guy's combat power is really terrible, I'm afraid he can easily kill in and out in the chaos!"

Everyone gasped, and even Ji Han secretly appreciated it!

Lu Bu's power is really awesome. This kind of person can be an enemy of ten thousand people. On the battlefield of cold weapons, he is a demon-level existence. Killing people is like mowing grass.

Fang Yue went up just to die.

"Who else dares to fight?" Yuan Shao asked with an ugly face.

"Lu Buxiu, go, I will meet you!"

Another member of the general rushed out. This man was named Mu Shun, and his skills were good, but he was still beheaded by Lu Bu in three moves.

Then Pan Feng, Wu Anguo, Yu She, and more than a dozen fierce generals stepped forward one by one, but they were either seriously injured and fled, or were killed on the spot, and almost no one was Lu Bu's combined enemy.

"Okay, hahaha!

"Fengxian my son is good, good!"

Dong Zhuo couldn't stop laughing excitedly, but the allied forces of the Eighteen Route Princes all had ugly expressions on their faces.

If one Lü Bu swept away everything, could this battle still be fought?

And Lu Bu doesn't seem to be doing his best at all, who can beat this kind of thing?

"Who else dares to come forward to fight?"

Yuan Shao roared and questioned with an ugly face, and the major princes did not dare to say a word.

Behind the crowd, Liu Bei's eyes are shining!

This time, he brought Zhang Fei and Guan Yu to join the thief-hunting alliance, and he didn't even have a single soldier, not even a prince.

But when he saw this scene, he was moved!

He wanted to be famous, so he couldn't miss this great opportunity.

So he resolutely clasped his fists and shouted: "Report to the leader, my brother Zhang Fei Guan Yu, you can cut off this tease!""


Yuan Shao and the others' eyes flickered, and most of them showed disdain. Obviously, they looked down on Liu Bei and his two brothers.

But Ji Han and Cao Cao's eyes narrowed!

Liu Bei, is this guy finally unable to hold back?

"Sir, what should I do?" Cao Cao frowned and asked, "How about I let Dian Wei take action? It would not be a good thing to make this thief famous!"

"No hurry!" Ji Han sneered and said, "None of Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are Lu Bu's opponents. They will definitely be frustrated at the beginning, and in the end, the three of them will only work together to defend against Lu Bu's three hundred moves!"

"Later, you will let them fight, and after Zhang Fei or Lu Bu are frustrated, you will order Dian Wei to go out and cut Hu. One can step on Liu Bei, and secondly, Yang Dianwei's prestige! 35

"it is good!"

Cao Cao nodded immediately upon hearing this!

He turned to Yuan Shao and said, "Alliance leader, Brother Xuande does have two fierce generals under his command. Why don't you let him try?"

"Never mind!" Yuan Shao nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Liu Bei was overjoyed, clasped his fists in gratitude, and then whispered: "Which of the two virtuous brothers is going to fight this Lu Bu? This flirtation is so rampant, today is the time for us to make a name for ourselves, don't miss the opportunity!

"Don't worry, eldest brother!" Zhang Fei growled excitedly, "Wait for me to kill this fellow!"

After speaking, Zhang Fei rode his horse and galloped out!

The eight-zhang-eight snake spear flashed hundreds of millions of cold lights, rushing towards Lu Bu like an ancient beast.

"Bah! Lu Bu's child is dead!

"Zhang Yide from a certain Yan family killed you!

Zhang Fei roared again and again, the sound was like thunder!

The next moment, the Zhangba Snake Spear stabbed frantically.

"What a eunuch, a certain family will kill you!" Lu Bu couldn't stop laughing, Fang Tianhua's halberd screamed and fell.

· · Flowers ·

Ding Ding Ding!

The two collided frantically, the weapons in their hands whistled again and again, and the smoke and dust rolled up a hundred meters, stirring the dust to roll in a radius of a hundred meters.

"Hi! 99

"So strong!"

Everyone took a deep breath!

Only at this time did everyone realize that this Lu Bu was so powerful. No one had been able to force his strength out before. Zhang Fei finally saw his true strength after he made his move.


Lu Bu and Zhang Fei roared incessantly, roaring incessantly!

The two must be furious, their muscles constantly bursting with amazing strength, and Fang Tianhuaji and Zhangba Snake Spear also collided again and again.

The air waves that they set off within a hundred meters, ordinary people will be shocked and fly away. It can be seen how brutal this battle is, and it can also be seen how fierce the fighting generals of the Three Kingdoms era are.

"This Lu Bu is so savage, he really is a tiger general, and this flying is not bad!" Ying Zheng couldn't help seeing the joy of hunting, and secretly admired it.

But Ji Han couldn't help but laugh!

Where is Zhang Fei Lu Bu's opponent? Just wait, he will be at a disadvantage soon.

Sure enough, after the two men fought 50 times recklessly, Lu Bu had the upper hand, Zhang Fei's hands were trembling faintly, and he was clearly at a disadvantage.

"Third brother, I'm panicking, I'm here to help you!"

Guan Yu roared and rode his horse to kill him, and a Qinglong Yanyue Saber roared out, which relieved most of Zhang Fei's pressure in one fell swoop.

The two cooperated with each other and attacked frantically, and the situation was brought back in one fell swoop!

But who knew that Lu Bu would get more excited the more he killed it!

His eyes were red, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger, as if he was going crazy.

"Hahaha, happy, happy!"

"You wait for the two of you to join forces to force me to use all my strength, so happy!"

"Come, come, we will fight for three hundred rounds of blood!

Lu Bu laughed wildly with excitement, the more he killed, the more excited he became. His strength was getting stronger and stronger as if he had been beaten with blood.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu's face flushed!

The faces of the two became more and more ugly, and after a hundred rounds of battle, they couldn't help but beg in terror.

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