At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

278 Lu Bu is shaken, is there a god in this world? [4/6, please subscribe]

"Bastard, trash, trash!

"Aren't you the number one general in the world? How can you be so unbearable and defeated by others?"

"Waste, what a waste!"

On the wall of Hulao Pass, Dong Zhuo roared and cursed in exasperation. It was obvious that Lu Bu's defeat just now made him very unhappy.

The grumpy Dong Zhuo kept venting his anger.

"Foster father forgives sin, child knows wrong!"

Lu Bu bowed his head to admit his mistake, and let him be insulted without daring to say a word. It took a long time for Dong Zhuo to dissipate his anger.

"Father-in-law!" Li Ru whispered from the side: "Fengxian has done his best, but who knows that the other party is too strong, maybe he has lost his strength by taking turns to develop, please don't blame your father-in-law!""


Only then did Dong Zhuo hold back his anger and snorted coldly, not saying more.

But he didn't know that 11, Lu Bu's drooping eyes flashed a terrifying murderous intent.

If it wasn't for the letter of surrender, Lu Bu would not dare to say a word at most when he was scolded, and he could only endure the grievances in his heart, because his desire for power was very strong.

Dong Zhuo is such a person with such a temper, and he is often scolded often!

However, after reading this letter of surrender, he inexplicably had more ambitions in his heart. At this time, when Dong Zhuo scolded him a few more words, Lu Bu would inevitably have a trace of murderous intention in his heart.

"Ha ha!"

He silently said nothing, pretending to be frightened, but in fact, he already had a bold idea in his heart.

Next, the battle continues!

After the defeat of the generals, the morale of Dong Zhuo's army plummeted, and the Thieves Alliance took the opportunity to order a siege.

The densely packed army of hundreds of thousands poured in, and this Hu Laoguan suddenly became a battlefield for cold weapons. The two sides fought frantically, competing for every inch of the city wall.

"Foster father, please go down and rest first!" Lu Bu clasped his fists and said, "Although the bandit army is strong, the walls of Hulao Pass are deep, and it is not difficult to stop them! 99

"Hmm! 35

Dong Zhuo nodded irrefutably!

After handing over the defense of the city to Lu Bu and others, he moved back to the city to rest.

The defense of the city wall was jointly in charge of Li Jue, Guo Si and Lü Bu. Zhang Liao also ran around with the Bingzhou army, trying his best to resist the attack of the Thieves Alliance.

"Wenyuan, take it easy!

Lu Bu suddenly opened his mouth to remind Zhang Liao, who was originally running around, and immediately became stunned.

He and Lu Bu were both subordinates and brothers. After years of friendship, he could immediately see what was wrong with each other.

"Fengxian, what do you mean?" Zhang Liao asked in a low voice, "Do you want to preserve your strength? The people of the Grand Master are still on the city wall, we can't be too obvious! 99

"Just pretend, let the brothers take it easy! Lu Bu continued to exhort.


Zhang Liao nodded and made a gesture directly to his subordinates!

After a while, the order was conveyed. Even though Lu Bu was scolded by Dong Zhuo, he actually kept the state army firmly in his hands.

After Ding Yuan's death, Lü Bu was the one who covered the sky with one hand in the army of Bingzhou and was one of a kind!

On the surface, the Bingzhou army was under Dong Zhuo's command, but in fact it was still Lu Bu's word. So many things happened just now, which made him have a strange thought.

Therefore, he did not want to fight recklessly with the allied army of thieves, so as not to damage his troops and horses too much!

Conservation of strength is king now!

"Wen Yuan, what do you think about the alliance of the feudal lords?" Lu Bu asked, pointing to the attacking army below.

Zhang Liao glanced curiously and shook his head secretly!

"Most of the troops of the lords are new troops, all of them just recruited. Although they are large in number, they are weak in combat. They are really vulnerable! 39

"It's really hateful for these princes to use their lives to build up their own fame!

Zhang Liao could see through the reality here at a glance, and his face became not very good-looking!

"You're right!" Lu Bu sneered, and suddenly pointed to the distance and said, "But look, what about this army?"

The official Cao Cao soldiers and horses pointed by Lu Bu!

His men and horses were mixed on the right side of the crowd, and they were inconspicuous, but the soldiers were all majestic and not afraid of death, and they were quite sturdy when they rushed.

Many soldiers have easily rushed to the city wall, and they are inseparable from the killing of the soldiers of Xiliang, and some of the generals are especially fierce, and they have caused huge damage to the soldiers of Xiliang.

"This army is really extraordinary!" Zhang Liao secretly smacked his tongue: "They have a pretty good momentum. They are all elite soldiers and strong generals.

Zhang Liao's eyesight is so powerful, he can see the details of Cao Cao's army at once. These soldiers are strong and not afraid of death, but they don't have enough combat experience. It seems that most of them are recruits.

But can recruits have such a strong physique?

Could 343 not be an army of dead soldiers at the bottom of the box that the princes have trained for many years but have never been on the battlefield?

Zhang Liao's face was puzzled, but Lu Bu gradually realized it in his heart!

He knew that the troops of the feudal lords were all newly recruited soldiers and horses, and the soldiers and horses under Cao Cao were also newly recruited, otherwise it would not be only a few thousand people.

In particular, Dian Wei had never seen it before, and when he thought of the contents of the surrender book, his heart couldn't help but heat up!

At first he thought it was Cao Cao who deliberately deceived people, but thinking about it, he didn't seem to need to play with himself!

And the changes in Cao Cao's army are obvious to all. Who would believe it if there is no trick here?

"Is there really a god in this world?"

"If I can make me stronger and hold a high position, why should I be subservient to this thief Dong and let him be reviled?

Lu Bu whispered in his heart, a strong thought made his eyes brighter and brighter!

He stared at Cao Cao's soldiers and horses and kept observing!

In the end, this thought became stronger and stronger, so that he could not erase it, so that he had made up his mind secretly.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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