At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

290 Cao Cao presents a great gift, four beauties of the Three Kingdoms! 【4/6, please subscribe】

This not-so-formal meeting!

After these three or two words, it is over!

Mao Qingfeng, Mr. Lin and others resigned one after another, but they could foresee that Ji Han's order this time would definitely bring great changes to Kyushu.

The existence of such mysterious fields as Qinjia Village, Maoshan Taoist, and Fengjia will also give Kyushu a different kind of vitality, greatly enhancing Kyushu's heritage and national strength.

As for the corpse-carrying incident on the Internet, there are also rumors everywhere!

However, the people in Maoshan had already quietly evacuated, and even the many walking corpses were sent away by the vehicle arranged by Mr. Lin, without causing any more waves.

Let the outside world be noisy!

The Taoist priests of Maoshan also disappeared in front of the world again as if they had never appeared before, which aroused the curiosity of more people.

The hearts of hundreds of millions of people around the world are as uncomfortable as being scratched by a cat. Everyone has clearly discovered an earth-shattering secret. This is a magical discovery that is enough to change everyone's world view.

But the people from Maoshan are also - too mysterious, right?

Turn around and disappear without a trace!

This makes everyone's secrets suffocated, and it is extremely uncomfortable!

"Damn oriental people, they like to hide and hide all the good things, why can't they be made public?

"My God, what is this magical ability to drive corpses? Who can tell me?"

"Damn it, why did their ancestors leave behind so many magical things? It is indeed an ancient civilization of five thousand years!

"Why do corpses bounce around after death? How the hell did they do it?"

Netizens from all over the world are all envious, jealous, and hateful. Countless scientists want to explore the mysteries of this ancient civilization, but unfortunately they can only imagine it!

In this invisible change, they are all just supporting roles!

They have no way to change all this, let alone stop it!

They can only choose to try their best to adapt to this gradually becoming strange world, and gradually get used to it.

that night

The fog is shrouded, the door of light is open!

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen, Li Shimin, Cao Cao and others came again as scheduled.

As soon as they got here, they saw Ji Han playing chess with Princess Changping, Wang Mushi and Yang Zi with dozens of girls busy in the kitchen, and the little girl Wu Meiniang was watching the game earnestly.

"Hahaha, Mister is so elegant!

"Wow, it's delicious, what should I eat today?"

Everyone was laughing and joking, and came one after another!

Ji Han looked up and found that behind Cao Cao, there were four women like flowers and jade.

These four women are charming and charming, each with their own strengths, all of them are top beauties with fair skin, beautiful eyes, and charming eyes!

They just stood there nervously, looking at the fairyland-like scenery around them in shock, obviously shocked!

Ying Zheng and the others didn't care too much about them!

After all, he is an emperor in the world. He has seen too many beautiful women, and his immunity is naturally very strong.

Moreover, Cao Cao brought the beautiful woman here to dedicate it to Ji Han. It is not appropriate for everyone to ask questions, so he didn't say much!

But Ji Han is interested!

Because what Cao Cao brought, must be the legendary beauty of the Three Kingdoms.

He looked at these four girls carefully, and found that they were indeed national beauty and heavenly fragrance, and they were similar to the girls like Princess Changping, the king of Yangzi, and even better!

One of the girls is extravagant, with a white body and a fluttering white dress, like a fairy descending to earth!

There is a girl in a long red dress, tall and tall, with big eyes that seem to be able to talk, and every frown and smile gives people a kind of eye-catching charm!

The remaining two women seem to be sisters, and their looks are 70% to 80% similar, one is wearing a long purple dress, the other is wearing a moon-white dress, and they look like goddesses!

"Four of you, haven't seen the immortal yet?" Cao Cao urged.

"Concubine Diaochan! 99

"Zhen Mi!

"Joy!" 5

"Qiao Wan! 99

"I've seen a fairy!"

The four daughters bowed nervously.

Facing Ji Han, the legendary fairy, and looking at the scenery of this fairyland and the fairy-like existence around them, they all couldn't help but feel a little more awe.

・・For flowers.......

"Big Qiao Xiaoqiao? Diaochan Zhen Mi?" Ji Han's eyes lit up, and he laughed dumbly: "Old Cao, that's good, how did you find it?"

"Hahaha! 35

"Sir, please be satisfied!

"You are an immortal. If there are not many maids around to serve you, this is our rudeness!"

"So after Cao has stabilized in Chang'an, he can send people to look for beautiful women from all over the world and bring them here."

Cao Cao explained for a while, Ji Han suddenly smiled with satisfaction!

Needless to say, he also knew that it took Cao Cao a lot of thought to find these four girls.


Diaochan is easy to find. Everyone talked about it before, she should be a female official in the palace, and she was accepted as a righteous daughter by Wang Yun. In the future, she plans to use her to provoke the relationship between Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu.

Too bad history has been changed!

Dong Zhuo had already died at the hands of Lü Bu, so Diaochan was found by Cao Cao.

Zhen Mi is easier to find, her father is Shang Cai Ling Zhen Yi, it is not difficult to find her!

Big Qiao and Xiao Qiao must have spent a lot of thought. At this time, they were not married yet. Cao Cao actually found the two sisters together, but it gave Ji Han a big surprise.

Thinking of the different graceful appearances of these sisters, Ji Han couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

Of course, he also knew that Cao Cao must have paid a lot to persuade the four of them to come over, and these Ji Han were all kept in mind.

"Old Cao has a heart, you didn't threaten them, did you?" Ji Han laughed lightly.

"No, no! Cao Cao quickly waved his hand to explain: "Sir, don't misunderstand, I heard that they want to serve immortals, they are all voluntary, of course, Cao also made some compensation for their family!""

"Yeah!" Ji Han nodded with satisfaction: "Let's stay, Changping, take them down and settle them down.


"Several sisters come with me! 35

Princess Changping got up with a chuckle and greeted them directly.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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