At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

003 Too Deep Into The Play? I Am Really Qin Shi Huang! 【35, New Book For Collection】

"Sir, you didn't lie to us, did you?"

"Does this potato really have such a high yield?"

"This, this is simply fairy food!"

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben's startled appearance made Ji Han secretly contempt.

Where did these two things come from?

Haven't the city people seen potatoes?

"You two aren't here to make fun of me, are you?" Ji Han frowned.

"I don't know much, so please don't blame me, sir." Ying Zheng said embarrassedly, "I would like to ask you, sir, are these potatoes difficult to grow?"

"What's so difficult about planting?" Ji Han pointed at his hand and said, "I own the 100 acres of land at the foot of the mountain, and at least one-third of the land is grown with potatoes. It doesn't matter where you are, you can grow it anywhere. live."

"If the land is good and the fertilizer is sufficient, the yield will be high, and if the land is poor, the yield will not be too bad!"

"This thing can be used for cooking or as a staple food, and it is easy to store and can be grown all year round!"

"If there were such grains in ancient times, so many people would not starve to death!"

A talk by Ji Han Kai Kai!

Once again, Ying Zheng Wang Ben was full of excitement.

Oh my god, this is definitely fairy food!

The best fertile fields in Daqin Pass can only produce six and a half stones of grain per mu of land, and it is difficult for other barren places to have two stone grains a year!

Many people work hard all year round, and they barely starve to death!

If you are unlucky and encounter disasters and shortages of soldiers, this will kill people.

If this potato can be brought back to Daqin, will everyone be afraid of running out of food in the future? Would Ying Zheng still be afraid of rebellion by the remnants of the Six Kingdoms?

This is simply an artifact that can protect the Great Qin for thousands of years!

"Sir, can I take a look at this potato?" Ying Zheng begged anxiously.

"This thing is worthless." Ji Han said with disgust on his face: "If you want, take some back to eat later. There are a lot of them in the warehouse. If you want to plant it, just cut it into pieces and bury it in the soil."

After that, Ji Han pointed to the warehouse next to the kitchen!

I saw that there were all kinds of grains, potatoes, and corn piled up here, which directly lit up the eyes of Ying Zhengwang Ben.

"Thank you for your generous gift, sir!"

"I can't thank you enough!"

Ying Zheng and the two were very excited. If they weren't a little sensible, they would have to pounce on them.

"As for being so excited?" Ji Han said contemptuously: "My tens of acres of land produce hundreds of thousands of catties of potatoes a year, and there is no place to pile them up. I usually use them to feed chickens and pigs. You can move as many as you want. ."

"This kind of immortal food is actually used to feed chickens and pigs?"

"The tyranny of the heavens, this is simply the tyranny of the heavens!"

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben beat their chests and feet in distress!

"Come, come, continue to eat!" Ji Han greeted warmly: "There is no charge for this meal, everyone should be friends, and after eating, introduce more relatives to come and play."

"No no no!"

"This stuff is delicious!"

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben continued to feast on each other.

The braised pork ribs with potatoes are fragrant and tender, and the hot and sour potato shreds make people appetite.

The cola chicken wings made Wang Ben so happy that he couldn't wait to swallow the bones.

Ying Zheng kept his head down and ate the fish with pickled cabbage, and he ate it heartily.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Ying Zheng!" Ying Zheng couldn't help but sigh: "Daqin is rich all over the world, but I have never eaten such delicious food. What a waste of life!"

Ji Han is also not surprised by the two people's turtle-like appearance. While greeting them to eat, he asked with a smile, "Brother, are you playing Qin Shi Huang?"

"Uh, I am naturally the first emperor." Ying Zheng was embarrassed.

"Haha!" Ji Han was interested: "The first emperor is good, I like this emperor of all ages."

"Eternal Emperor?"

Ying Zheng gasped in shock!

There was a flash of ecstasy and excitement in his eyes!

The immortal actually praised him as the emperor of all ages?

Ying Zheng ascended the throne at the age of thirteen!

Execution of traitorous officials, revitalization of the dynasty, and extermination of the six kingdoms to conquer the Huns!

The brutal killing methods in his life were criticized as violent Qin!

But now Ji Han actually called him the emperor of all ages, and his heart couldn't help trembling. This was the greatest affirmation for him.

"Don't you think my methods are too violent, sir?" Ying Zheng asked with a guilty conscience.

"Violent chicken!" Ji Han waved his hand and pointed at Jiangshan: "The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period have been in chaos for hundreds of years. How many people have been killed and injured in the land of Kyushu? If it wasn't for the First Emperor swept the Six Kingdoms and ruled the world, I don't know how many people would have died. !"

"How can you pacify the four seas without being cruel? How can you shock the eight wastes without being cruel? Create a big situation of the unification of Kyushu?"

"Ying Zheng swept across the six countries, with the same text, the same vehicle, unified weights and measures, how much contribution he made to my Kyushu, can it be summed up in a sentence of violent Qin?"

"Hehe, some historians are ignorant and incompetent. They say that Qin Shihuang was brutal every day, and they don't even know that Ying Zheng never killed a good general during his reign. Is this what a tyrant did?"

The more Ji Han talked, the more excited he became, and he had the momentum of a keyboard warrior!

I can't wait to shout the key, incarnate the key immortal and kill the Quartet to rehabilitate the first emperor.

Ying Zheng heard that his blood was too strong, and could not wait to refer him as a confidant. He never thought that he would have such an opinion in Ji Han's heart.

"Thank you sir for the compliment!" Ying Zheng said excitedly, "I am ashamed to be worthy of it."

"You're so excited, you're not Qin Shi Huang!" Ji Han rolled his eyes and said, "Brother, don't get too involved in the drama, if it wasn't for my cell phone signal being full, I would have thought I had passed through!"

"Zhen, Zhen is really Qin Shihuang!" Ying Zheng blushed in embarrassment.

"What a lunatic." Ji Han sighed silently: "Okay, you are Qin Shi Huang, this old man, aren't you Meng Tian?"

"No!" Wang Ben said bitterly, "I am Wang Ben, the Marquis of Tongwu!"

"Yes, two lunatics!"

Ji Han couldn't help laughing and laughing, if it wasn't for the normal behavior of these two, he would have to think they were crazy.

But there are not many people who like to play cosplay these days, so Ji Han didn't take it too seriously, but continued to greet them.

"Come on, Lao Wang Lao Zhao continue to eat!"

"Although the food in my farmhouse is home-cooked, it tastes pretty good. Remember to introduce friends to come later!"

"What did we talk about just now? Oh yes, Qin Shihuang, it's a pity to say it. If Ying Zheng hadn't died in the sand dunes at the age of 49, Da Qin would not have died in his second life. It's a pity!"


Ying Zheng and Wang Ben were dumbfounded on the spot!

Da Qin Hui II died? He died in the dunes at 49?

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