At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

320 Xun Yu expressed his position, do you answer or not? [5/6, please subscribe]

When Ji Han is enjoying the blessings of Qi people

Ying Zheng and others also started to be busy after they returned.

Ji Han's request this time is not difficult to handle, but the matter is quite complicated, and one or two people must be unable to handle it.

So the four Ying Zheng gave an order, and tens of thousands of officials and personnel threw themselves into this collection.

Whether it is antiques or daily necessities from the past dynasties of Kyushu, or various treasures of various foreign and barbarian dynasties, they are all collected by everyone, and they are all easily organized, and the number can be said to be hundreds of thousands.

You don't know about museums!

However, if it is regarded as a treasure trove to collect, it makes sense. Therefore, these tasks are not difficult, but they are time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Fortunately, Ying Zheng and the others did not lack anything, and there were a lot of staff. The time flow with the small manor was fast, and they had time to prepare calmly.

at the same time

Cao Cao is also preparing to start his own enthronement ceremony!

When he conveyed his decision, the civil servants and generals who gathered for the meeting were all dumbfounded.

"My lord, are you crazy? Although the world is in chaos, it hasn't been completely messed up yet. You are so anxious to ascend the throne, aren't you afraid that the world will attack—?"

"Yeah, this is too risky. I heard that Yuan Shao has already recruited 800,000 troops in Jizhou, and other princes are also frantically recruiting troops and horses. It should not be underestimated!"

"Although we are strong and strong, the great princes have long been eyeing us and want to find excuses to kill people at any time. Don't you give them an excuse to besiege us, my lord?"

"This is not done by a wise man, I ask my lord to think twice!"

Jia Xu, Guo Jia and other advisers have spoken out against it. Obviously, this kind of crazy move is not good for fools.

But Cao Cao didn't care!

He glanced around firmly, not only did not flinch, but asked with a smile: "Everyone, Cao only asks one question, if I ascend the throne now, are you afraid?"

"Afraid? How can we be afraid?"

"It doesn't matter if the lord wants to be enthroned, haha, we are also the founding generals! 35

"Don't worry, my lord, no matter which prince dares to be presumptuous, we will pinch his head down and use it as a chamber pot! 35

Lu Bu, Dian Wei and other generals, all shouted excitedly!

They are afraid of shit, and now they are eager to go to war. The advisors are worried that they will be besieged by major princes, but they are not worried at all.

For them, how many enemies do not have to be cowardly!

Moreover, with hundreds of thousands of troops in hand, you can even sacrifice to kill the enemy. What is there to fear?

"Okay!" Cao Cao nodded in satisfaction, glanced at Guo Jia and the others silently, and finally settled on Xun Yu.

Cao Cao will never allow this top advisor to have a heart for the Han family. If he doesn't make a choice today, then Cao Cao will deal with him.

This kind of person is absolutely not allowed to fall into the hands of other princes, either to return to his heart or to die.

This is Cao Cao's ruthless principle of doing things.

"Wen Ruo, what do you think of this matter? 27 Cao Cao asked immediately.

Xun Yu shuddered, and immediately realized something was wrong.

He was smart and saw something wrong in Cao Cao's Eye Immortal Master, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, it's not advisable to be too high-profile at this time! 99

"If I say this is an order from the Immortal Master, what do you think?" Cao Cao continued to ask.


Everyone took a deep breath!

This is actually the order of the Immortal Master? No wonder Cao Cao dared to be so bold.

During this period of time, Ji Han's holy temple has been widely circulated in the vicinity of Chang'an City, and every month's sacrifices have miracles and divine light, which has already convinced everyone.

Now that Cao Cao is suddenly targeting Xun Yu, the matter is not easy, and he has an attitude of persecution.

It was obvious that the enthronement had ulterior motives, and everyone couldn't help but their minds floated, and they all looked at Xun Yu with a frown.

"Master!" Guo Jia said quickly: "Wen Ruo has a stable personality, and it is normal to disapprove of this matter. Why don't we discuss it again? With the order of the Immortal Master, this matter can still be done.

·For flowers·

"No!" Cao Cao said solemnly, "I will ask him, Wen Ruo, do you answer or not?


Xun Yu was in a cold sweat, and everyone else was secretly shocked.

Cao Cao's attitude has already explained the problem, he is trying to force Xun Yu to express his position.

Others may not know why this is, but will Xun Yu not know?

I am afraid that the legendary God of Eternal Life has already seen through his mind, so Cao Cao will ask such a question. If he does not make a choice today, the consequences will be very serious.

But can he deceive Cao Cao? Obviously not!

Not to mention that if he cheated, then he would have to encourage Cao Cao to ascend to the throne with his conscience.

That is to say, now he is either dead or completely surrendered.

"Wenruo, this world is destined to change!" Cao Cao sighed and said, "You are my Xiao He, don't force me to kill you, with the help of the Immortal Master, no one can stop Cao's rise!

"I, agree with the Lord's enthronement!"

After being silent for a long time, Xun Yu finally bowed bitterly and made his own choice!

As Cao Cao said, with the help of the immortal master, no one can stop him, and the Han family has long been gone.

Now that the world is in chaos, and Emperor Ling of Han's blood has long been cut off, what can he do if he refuses to accept his fate?

"Okay, hahahaha!" Cao Cao laughed in satisfaction, helped him up and said, "The enthronement ceremony will be set in three days, everything will be simplified and you will take care of it, how about it?"

"The minister obeys the order!" Xun Yu quickly knelt down on the ground and shouted, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the grace.

"Good! Hahaha!

"Wen Ruo's move is very good. 99

"We see your Majesty!"

Guo Jialu Bu and others also burst into laughter!

Everyone immediately knelt down and shouted loudly, and the shouts of His Majesty made Cao Cao's heart immediately become hot and begging.

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