At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

032 Various Plans, How To Deal With Gold Bars? 【25, Ask For Flowers】

"Ding! Congratulations on getting three thousand corrections!"

"Congratulations on your whole body attribute +3!"

the next morning

The sound of the system wakes Ji Han up from his sleep on time.

Now he has figured out that every night when Ying Zheng and the others go back, they will definitely have a lot of influence on Da Qin.

So this system prompt is nothing unusual.

"I have to go out today. Wang Ben is so cheeky. He eats and takes it. He also took me several Yuxi and two boxes of cigars. There is no stock at home, so I have to go out and get in!"

"Oh yes, these golds are also troublesome. They must not be sold with great fanfare, otherwise they will be targeted, and they have to find a way to deal with them."

"I still have to change the car. It's time to replace the small and broken van at home. It's time to change to a big pickup. It's enough!"

"This strawberry shed also has to be built, and the fruit trees have to be weeded and fertilized for help. Let's do it together today!"

Ji Han quickly planned his own affairs. After a simple shower and breakfast, he immediately called the village chief Wang Tiegen.

This is Ji Han's uncle from the family, and he is also highly respected in the village.

It's okay to ask him for help!

"Uncle Forgan, it's me, I need people to work on my farm, three hundred a day, can I find twenty or thirty people?"

"It's okay, anyone is fine, you can bring someone here later!"

Ji Han's angry words immediately made Ji Fugen on the other end of the phone smile.

This wage is sky-high in rural areas. Generally, big workers who work on construction sites in the city only have this price. Ordinary people are paid a maximum of one or two hundred days to work at home during idle farming.

Ji Han is not short of money now, hundreds of catties of gold are here!

In addition, he wants to make his small farm a little better, so it doesn't matter to the villagers to give a higher price.

So after ten minutes!

Ji Fugen, who was over half a hundred years old, came with a large number of people.

Hearing about the wages of 300 a day, many people in the village could not sit still, and more than 30 men and women, young and old, came at once.

Ji Han didn't care, he stayed on the spot.

"Han Wazi, aren't you joking? Are there really three hundred days?"

"Yeah, do you want all of us?"

"You kid, you made a fortune quietly, didn't you?"

The villagers were joking with doubts on their faces.

Ji Han waved his hand indifferently and said, "Don't underestimate me, uncles. Although my farm of several hundred acres is not big, it is still easy to earn several million a year."


Everyone took a deep breath.

Everyone couldn't help but feel jealous and jealous.

"Awesome, Hanwazi, you are too good!"

"Yeah, you are the most promising in our village!"

"Look, look, I'll just say, Ji Han has culture and ability, so he won't be bad!"

"You always say that Ji Han is incompetent. In fact, they are engaged in pure ecological agriculture, and many urbanites come to spend every day!"

"Ji Han, what good things do you have in the future, you have to think of everyone."

The villagers exclaimed and fawned, and the previous contempt for Ji Han was quickly swept away.

Of course, this is exactly what Ji Han wants to see. His farm is actually not very profitable, and many times he has no money to buy fertilizer.

But it's different now!

He's going to be richer in the future!

In order to reasonably explain the source of the money, deliberately boasting about showing off his wealth will make it more convenient for him to act.

"Don't worry, uncles!" Ji Han smiled and said, "It's not hard to live on this farm, I'll give you a maximum of 150 days to find outsiders, but we are our own family, and whoever wants to help will give you three Lunch is included every day, so everyone will not suffer.”

"Okay, great, Han Wazi is kind and righteous, it's great!"

"In the future, you can work and work in front of your home, it will be much easier!"

"I just said it, Ji Han has something to offer!"

The big guy immediately burst into a happy smile!

You can work part-time in the village, three hundred a day, nine thousand a month, and this is a long-term life!

This is so much better than going to the city!

"Ji Fugen!" Ji Han said directly, "I'll give you 50,000 yuan later, and you'll have people buy fertilizers and herbicides. The potatoes and corn in this vegetable field should be fattened."

"And the apples and pears in this mountain have to be pruned. You are an expert, and I don't need to teach you!"

"Oh yes, build me a few strawberry sheds, you can buy the materials and whatnot!"

"Don't worry, I can trust you. You arrange for everyone to work. You don't need to do anything. I'll give you five hundred days!"

Ji Han's words immediately made Ji Fugen smile and made the villagers envious!

But so many people have to have a leader. Ji Fugen is not only the village chief, but also has a high moral character and is a master in the field. He arranged for everyone to be convinced.

"Don't worry, Han Wazi!" Ji Fugen patted his heart and assured: "I promise to do everything in your villa!"

"Hey, hey, everyone is working!"

"You guys are going to shovel grass, you guys are going to compost, don't be lazy!"

Under Ji Fugen's arrangement, dozens of villagers began to get busy, and everyone was scattered into the hundreds of acres of mountain forests, which added a bit of a farmhouse atmosphere to the place.

After Ji Han nodded with satisfaction, he told Ji Fugen that there were guests from the city to help him greet him, then he packed all the gold bars into a suitcase, threw them into the broken van and drove to the city.

These gold bars are too hot to keep in hand and must be sold!

Specifically how to sell it, Ji Han thought of a way.

Going to the bank and looking for the official will definitely not work. If you can't explain the origin of these gold bars, he will get into big trouble!

Then the only way is to find someone on the road!

Only they can swallow such a large sum of money!

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