At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

333 Test and pressure, the choice of major families in Yanjing! [6/6, please subscribe]

[Shocked: Wu Qing of the Lighthouse State publicly expressed his concern about the recent museum incident, and asked Yanjing to explain and apologize! 】

[The heads of the Nordic countries personally called Yanjing and made a public statement, asking Yanjing to return the antiques that belonged to them and apologize! 】

[A large-scale demonstration broke out in Tianzhu, demanding that Yanjing close the Longevity Museum and apologize, otherwise it is very likely to resort to force! 】

[The just-concluded 32-nation summit made it clear that large-scale sanctions will be imposed on China, including a series of bills such as technology blockade, high-end equipment embargo, and oil embargo!]

A piece of shocking news began to appear continuously!

With the pressure from the big bosses, this incident has become more and more noisy, and it has attracted more and more people's attention.

It seemed that overnight, Dongfang became like everyone was shouting and beating, which made many foreigners gloat over their misfortune, and scared many netizens in Kyushu secretly!

"Fuck! Why don't we just show some antiques? Why can't we show it?

"Protest your uncle, did you rob so many antiques back to us?"

"Damn bastards, these foreigners are too bullying, if you want to fight, fight!

"I'm afraid of you, dog thing, this museum can't be withdrawn, and it can't apologize!

Kyushu netizens are boiling!

The whole network is also full of panic, some people are angry, some people are scared, some people are worried, some people are anxious!

As a result, the domestic stock market plummeted and hundreds of billions of funds evaporated.

No one thought that a small museum incident would eventually turn into this, and the pressure on Yanjing had become unprecedentedly large.

Of course, Ji Han will not be unaware of all this!

But he sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, as if these things had never happened, and he did not order the Longevity Museum to be closed, and still opened its doors every day to welcome guests.

As early as when he opened the door of light to influence the ancients, he thought that there would be such a day, one day he would have a profound impact on this world, and even cause a huge movement.

Therefore, he was not surprised at all, and even thought that it was just some small talk.

As for why he didn't show up, it was because he was waiting!

The major families in Yanjing seem to obey him on the surface, but this is only on the surface, who knows if they will turn against the tide at a critical moment?

Under such a lot of pressure this time, it will be a test!

If they can withstand the pressure this time, then Ji Han will naturally regard them as his own, and he will inevitably give them some benefits in the future, and at the same time, he will easily resolve this matter.

If they can't stand the pressure and remove the Longevity Museum, it means that they will break up with Ji Han, and then it will be another matter!


Inside the Lin family mansion

The senior clan leaders gathered together and frowned again.

Everyone thought that this was just an ordinary museum, and it was just showing off the collection of the immortals. Who would have known that such a big disturbance would have occurred. This is the rhythm of a major event.

Everyone is in a high position, and every move is related to the well-being of more than one billion people. This is definitely not a trivial matter!

Once such sanctions and embargoes continue to increase, and the pressure from all parties continues to be crushed, the development of Kyushu will definitely be restricted, which is very unfavorable to everyone.

"What should I do? Everyone, please come up with a charter. These bastards have a very tough attitude. I'm afraid they won't be able to fool around this time~々!

"I'm afraid, how many years have you been punished? Killing a thousand enemies is nothing more than 800, and meet them to the end!

"Have you hit the bottom? I'm most afraid that a new Cold War will form at that time, which will definitely hit our economy very hard!"

"What if it's heavy? Don't they lose anything? What are you afraid of, let's hold on to the end. 35

"No, we cannot influence the interests of more than one billion people because of our own selfish interests!

Everyone frowned and talked about it!

No one has been able to convince everyone, nor have they made up their minds on what to do.

"Everyone, do you think the situation will change after you compromise?" Mr. Lin suddenly asked with a smile, and everyone immediately became stunned.

"Huh? What do you mean, Lao Lin?"

"What do you think?" Everyone asked.

"Since Mr. Ji appeared, this world has become too unfamiliar to us!" Mr. Lin sighed and said, "We can no longer look at problems with the old eyes! 35

"This world contains too many secrets, this is a revolution, and it is also a big shuffle! If we take a wrong step, it is very likely to change the fate of our family, and even the fate of Kyushu! 39

"But you didn't find out, the people holding the cards on this table are actually not us, nor Westerners, but Mr. Ji!

"No one knows how much he has, and no one knows how many pieces he has, but the strength he has shown so far is enough to make anyone despair!

"Have you ever thought that once we bow our heads and agree to the harsh conditions of the Westerners and apologize, on the surface, it seems that we can ease our relationship with them and continue to develop steadily, but in fact, it is useless at all, and we will offend Mr. Ji because of this!"9

"Do you think it's worth offending a trader at the poker table? Is it worth it?"

Lin's shrewd remarks made everyone stunned and made everyone ponder secretly!

It makes sense, everyone wants to refute but can't refute it!

Indeed, even if everyone bows their heads and apologizes now, closing the Longevity Museum will actually provoke Westerners, which will not benefit the development of the incident.

But once you offend Mr. Ji, the consequences are absolutely unpredictable, and everyone loses the qualification to continue playing at the poker table.

"Lin Lao Gao, I admire it!

"Great, Elder Lin is right!

"Hahaha, no matter how much pressure they create, we will bear it with all my strength!""

"What about the sanctions, I'm afraid of a fart! 99

The big guys laughed, and they all had a choice!

"Chapter 6 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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