At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

335 Time and space correction, blood of vampires and werewolves! 【2/6, please subscribe】

A simple press conference

Quickly make this riot even more boiling!

When the content and video of the press conference were disclosed, more than one billion netizens in Kyushu were in an uproar, and people from all over the world were even more stunned.

No one thought that the Kyushu Department of Foreign Affairs would be so rigid, this is too tough~?

"Hahaha, well said, awesome! Deputy Director Wei said - well, so relieved!"

"This time, the Department of Foreign Affairs has spoken our hearts out. Well said, we all support it from 1.4 billion people!"

"If you want to fight, fight, if you want to fight, fight, I'm afraid of a fart, I support a month's salary!

"What is a month? I'm out for half a year, and I'll fight if I'm not convinced!

A lot of netizens in Kyushu were excited and collectively hilarious. Everyone was excited and screamed. Even if someone occasionally said a few words of disapproval, they were quickly besieged and dared not say a word.

All Kyushu seems to be united!

As for netizens and high-level officials from all over the world, they are naturally very angry.

"Damn, how dare these guys? They are going to kill themselves!

"Idiot Orientals, are they going to fight against the whole world? Then let's go to war!""

"Yes, fight and destroy them!"

Many foreigners were so angry that they roared and threatened!

It's a pity that this is only a threat, who would dare to start a war?

Don't talk about a real war, even if everyone can't stand a cold war, if a war really starts, 80% of it will be a nuclear war!

Once the third world war comes, all human beings will be in danger of extinction, but Kyushu will definitely survive to the end, because they are blessed by an existence that has lived for thousands of years.

Who knows what tricks he will play by then?

If all human beings are destroyed by nuclear bombs, Kyushu will be spared, this is funny, okay, who dares to take this risk?

As a result, this farce gradually evolved into a rhetoric, and any sanctions became a joke and empty talk under the tough counterattack of Kyushu.

Ji Han is naturally quite satisfied with this!

The result of this trial was also what he wanted to see.

So when the outside world was raging, Ji Han was ready to intervene in this incident. He would never allow this kind of shit to affect the development of Kyushu.

Although no one can do anything to gain this huge ancient country in the East, it is not a good thing to continue to make such a fuss, so it is time to intervene.

So how can he intervene?

If you want to solve this problem, you must beat these guys who jump up and down.

Directly let Jiaolong Dahei shoot?

No, although this Flood Dragon is invincible in the sea, it is difficult to beat them. If the Lighthouse Nation uses a nuclear bomb, the Flood Dragon may not be able to withstand it!

If this is the case, then Ji Han has only one way left - that is to use history to influence time and space to create a terrifying existence that is enough to make all countries fear.

Although Han Ye, Qinjiacun, and Maoshan are powerful, their influence on the world is not large enough, and their influence on overseas is even weaker.

And now what Ji Han wants to do is to create a few forces that are deeply involved overseas, more influential and more terrifying, so that they can control all situations.

After thinking hard, Ji Han came up with an interesting setting after all - werewolves and vampires!

These two legendary species, which occupy a pivotal position in Western myths, are actually low-profile zombies.

Ji Han did a random search in the system mall and found the bloodline inheritance of this low-species creature.

If they were thrown into the time and space of thousands of years ago, what would they become after correction?

Ji Han is quite curious about this!

So he had asked Lao Zhao to arrange it two days ago.

At this time, Da Qin had already conquered many places overseas and enslaved countless foreigners. It was not difficult to send an ironclad ship to the overseas station for information.

Calculate the time, it should be almost the same!

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ji Han to feel a prayer and call, obviously someone was offering sacrifices.

・・Ask for flowers・

After Ji Han's mind was immersed, through the barriers of billions of time and space, his spiritual sense descended on a god statue.

This is an exotic city, it looks like Europe more than 2,000 years ago, the surrounding streets are neat and clean, and there are a lot of blond men, women and children kneeling around!

There were also a large number of Daqin soldiers standing majestically near the temple, and Ji Han also saw Wang Ben's figure.


Ji Han resolutely released thousands, all kinds of special effects immediately reached the full level, the ghosts of the gods descended, all kinds of cranes roared in unison, and the divine light filled the air, scaring the foreigners in this city to their knees and trembling desperately.


"Report to the Immortal Master, Wang Ben was ordered to offer sacrifices, and specially received twenty-four young foreigners to pay homage, and ask the Immortal Master to deal with it!" Wang Ben knelt down on one knee and shouted, with a pious demeanor.

And there are twenty-four foreigners kneeling behind him!

These foreigners were all blond and blue-eyed foreign men, probably in their early twenties. They were all scared and trembling, and their faces were pale. They obviously didn't understand what the Qin people wanted to do with them.

Ji Han didn't talk nonsense, directly enveloped them with divine light, while transforming their bodies with the power of sacrifice, while injecting the blood of the werewolf and vampire just exchanged, mixed with the blood of Tiannu into their bodies!

These foreigners are changing rapidly!

Their faces were hideous, and twelve of them had their eyeballs turned blood red, their bodies extremely pale, and four fangs grew!

After the shrill screams of the remaining twelve people, their bodies were covered with wolf hair, and their physiques turned into a circle, as if they were as ferocious as giant beasts.


Wang Ben and others were taken aback by this scene!

After Ji Han left an oracle in the minds of these people, he ordered: "Wang Ben, send them away in secret, and don't allow anyone to have contact with them!


Wang Ben quickly clasped his fists and agreed to beg.

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