At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

The 342 system has been upgraded again, the second-level light gate authority! 【3/6, please subscrib

Live TV deciphering werewolves and vampires?

This is absolutely a crazy thing that all human beings dare not imagine.

But Mao Qingfeng dared to do so, because the oracle issued by Ji Han was to be in front of the public, so how could it be considered in public?

Just looking for a street to kill in public? This is obviously inappropriate!

Therefore, Mao Qingfeng came up with such a scene. First, he wanted to publicize this matter, secondly, it was to promote the prestige of Kyushu, and thirdly, it was to deter Nicholas and the Mutu family and make them restrain a little.

This bloody live TV broadcast, the effect is very good!

Hundreds of millions of viewers saw this shocking scene through TV or video sharing, and were stunned and stunned!

"It turns out that there are really vampires and werewolves in this world, my God, what happened a few days ago was not a terrorist attack, the rumors are true! 99

"God, who created them? Why is there such a terrible existence in this world?"

"Why is this old Eastern Taoist not afraid of them? He dares to dissect them in public?"

"I heard that it seems that because of these vampires and werewolves, a few Chinese people were killed by mistake, my God, this is too rude, right?

Countless foreigners have shocked the discussion!

When netizens in Kyushu saw this scene, they were all excited and full of pride.

Because this live broadcast alone revealed a lot of information!

First of all, these Maoshan Taoists in Kyushu have the means to restrain werewolves and vampires, which means that there is a higher-level unknown civilization in Kyushu. The legendary Maoshan Taoists are indeed no trivial matter.

Secondly, Mao Qingfeng caught these werewolves and vampires to analyze the live broadcast, and they did not see their kind to save people. What does this mean?

This means that there is an existence behind him that makes them afraid, this is the real hidden boss.

At the same time, this incident also deeply shocked the Nicholas and Mutu families. The ethnic groups of these two big families have firmly remembered a bloody lesson - absolutely must not provoke the blood of Kyushu!

It also made them a habit!

In the future, once you meet an Asian, you have to carefully identify the identity of the other party, for fear of stepping on the thunder accidentally.

The end of this incident

Ji Han also already knew about it!

He was quite satisfied with Mao Qingfeng's actions.

However, he quickly put the matter to the back of his mind and no longer cares about it. No matter how noisy the outside world is, he is not interested in paying attention to it anymore, because it is just a trivial matter in his opinion.

At the same time, a prompt from the system also attracted his full attention.

"System upgrade? Didn't you just upgrade last time? Why do you need to upgrade again?"

Inside the small manor!

Ji Han exclaimed in surprise.

Does the system show that it needs to be upgraded again?

What the hell is going on here?

"Master!" The system intelligently prompts: "This system can be strengthened through continuous upgrades, and its functions are constantly being improved. Now it has reached the upgrade conditions. Please upgrade!

"Go up! 99

Ji Han thought about it and decided to upgrade!

Since the functions of the system can be increased, there is no reason to hesitate, but he is curious, what functions will the system have after the upgrade?

Will more time-space light gates be opened?

No, if it's really that simple, it shouldn't upgrade the system.

Ji Han pondered while waiting!

Finally, after waiting for a few hours, the system was finally upgraded, and the 3.0 version of the system was officially launched.

"Finally the upgrade is successful!" Ji Han said with anticipation: "What new functions have been added to the system? Tell me?"5

"Master!" After the system intelligently detected it, he said: "After the system has been upgraded, the authority to open the second-level space-time light gate has been added.

"Second-level space-time light gate? What?" Ji Han was surprised.

"The second-level space-time light door is a temporary light door leading to other time-spaces! System intelligence explained: "It is different from the first-level light door that appears every night. It requires you to actively open it, and it can allow large-scale The Legion arrives at another time and space combat existence through the Gate of Light!


Ji Han was stunned in shock!

He heard it right, that is to say, now he can actively open the secondary light gate, and then choose to put each legion into another time and space battle, right?

"System, did you make a mistake? Is it so awesome?" Ji Han sucked in a breath.

"Master, rest assured, the new function is indeed like this!" The system intelligence continued to explain: "The second-level light gate can release legions of less than 100,000 people to reach the different time and space at one time, and the light gate will automatically erase the bacteria and viruses on the traversers. , will not have any impact on the space-time.

"In other words, I can send an army to reclaim another world, right?" Ji Han was secretly surprised.

"Yes!" System Intelligence continued: "At present, you can freely choose to jump and shuttle at 390 hours, each time you open it, you need to consume divine power and a correction value.

"It's interesting!" Ji Han's eyes lit up, and he said directly: "Check the secondary light gate authority! 99


In his mind, a large amount of unfamiliar information quickly appeared, which was information from time and space.

Ji Han quickly figured out how to use this new feature!

Now as long as he wants, he can easily open the door of light and deliver legions to any time and space on this planet, even if the army is brought to modern times!

Three emperors and five emperors, Xia, Shang and Zhou, all major dynasties, and even the time and space of the Jurassic period, he can also easily reach.

This is very domineering. In this way, Ji Han can easily change the history of many time and space, and support the prosperity of each Kyushu dynasty.

Even he himself can reach these time and space!

This is much more fun than playing tricks in a small manor every day.

Wouldn't it be cool to directly lead the army to kill it, and kill it if you don't accept it?

Especially now that the four dynasties have high technological and military power values, they no longer need to develop slowly, and they have the ability to simply and rudely interfere with other time and space.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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