At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

034 All Kinds Of Brain Supplements, Can't Be Offended! 【45, Ask For Flowers】

Gold worth more than 100 million, and finally received 74.52 million!

At this price, Ji Han is quite satisfied. After all, he is now selling stolen goods. Generally, it is not bad if someone is willing to buy it at half price. The 40% discount is already a sky-high price!

Xu Mingfeng's work efficiency is very high, perhaps because he often deals with the underworld, they are also very good at transferring money.

First, we simulated an antique trading contract for Ji Han!

Pretend that he traded a few antiques with the pawnshop, and then put the money into Ji Han's account in a grand manner.

The money was just laundered!

After accepting the contract, Ji Han's money can be used in an open and honest way, and no one will find out the slightest problem if he wants to check.

Of course, the tax for this transaction was also paid by the pawn shop!

This also made Ji Han's affection for Xu Mingfeng and others greatly increased. These guys have good eyesight and do things properly. Next time you have something to do, you can find them.

"Okay, the transaction is complete, I'm very satisfied!"

"Next time there is something good, I will definitely find you again."

"No need to send, bye."

Ji Han patted his butt happily, then turned around and left.

When Xu Mingfeng and the others saw him leaving in a broken van, they couldn't help but smacked their tongues secretly.

"Connoisseur, this car looks unremarkable, but there must be a heavy weapon hidden in the car!"

"Fortunately, the boss didn't let us blackmail us, otherwise we might not be able to keep him even if dozens of people came here!"

"Nonsense, if someone dares to come alone, there must be someone outside. Are you afraid that someone will rush in with a gun? These people are all outlaws!"

"I can't afford it, I can't afford it!"

Xu Mingfeng and others tried their best to make up their minds, the more they thought about it, the more they were in awe!

At the same time, they also remembered Ji Han's appearance, for fear of offending such a desperado in the future.


Of course Ji Han doesn't know about all this!

But what he wanted was this unfathomable sense of deterrence.

He was not at all afraid that Xu Mingfeng and others would be blackmailed, and he had the ability to deal with them. Now that they were so knowledgeable, he was naturally quite satisfied.

Then he got busy!

I went to the Auto City for a walk and ordered a domineering truck, a pickup truck, and a large family truck, which cost more than two million yuan.

Immediately after that, he went to the smoke shop to scavenge for goods, high-end cigarettes, drinks, cigars, etc., as many as he swept, enough to fill a truck compartment!

In the end, he also brought back the ostrich and pheasant cubs he ordered from the Internet.

With the help of the staff of the 4S store, the three cars returned to the small farm in the evening. At this time, Ji Fugen and others, who had been busy all day, just finished work and saw these cars.

"Ji Han, what are you doing?"

"Wow, why so many cars? And they're brand new?"

"Is this car a luxury car? I've seen it in the city, hundreds of thousands!"

"Nonsense, this thing is at least a million, and even this pickup has hundreds of thousands!"

Everyone gathered around with bright eyes.

Ji Han admitted generously: "These are the cars I just bought. It will be more convenient to pull things in the future."

"My God, it's two or three million, right?"

"Ji Han, did you post it?"

"My God, is this all yours?"

The big guy exclaimed again.

A look of envy appeared on everyone's face.

Spending two or three million to buy three cars is a lot of money for rural people, so everyone can't help but be envious.

"Okay, okay, Ji Han will be even richer in the future, everyone honestly come to help with the work, and the whole village will follow!"

"It's been a busy day, everyone go back first!"

Ji Fugen loudly cleared the siege, and the big guy reluctantly dispersed.

In the end, Ji Fugen stayed behind, took out a small notebook and said, "Look at Ji Han, this is today's expenses, the payment you gave me has been received, I spent more than 8,000 to buy chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and everyone will buy them for lunch at noon. The vegetables cost three hundred and two, and the wages have not yet been paid, so it will be fine to pay once a month in the future!"

"Uncle, you don't need to show me the ledger, I know it and trust you!" Ji Han smiled: "You can help me with it in the future. If you don't have any money, let me know and transfer money at any time!"

"Okay!" Ji Fugen said with a smirk, "but I want to discuss something with you!"

"What's the matter? You said!"

"It's you who lacks a few helpers!" Ji Fugen said embarrassedly: "Three groups of guests came during the day, although they were all for self-driving tours and barbecues, but someone had to greet them."

"And the big guy's lunch at noon has to be cooked by someone. I just wanted to let that girl in my family have nothing to do every day. I'll ask her to come and help!"

"Of course, you don't need to pay such a high salary, just two or three thousand!"

Ji Fugen's old face flushed a little, as if he was afraid that Ji Han would not agree.

"Uncle, why are you being so polite!" Ji Han said indifferently, "You're right, this farmhouse really needs help, and it has to help everyone cook lunch!"

"Let's do it, you ask Sister Yuting to come over tomorrow, and find two quick-handed aunts in the village to help!"

"The salary is still three hundred a day, I don't lack this money!"

After Ji Han's statement, Ji Fugen immediately burst into a smile!

His daughter Ji Yuting is actually Ji Han's cousin. The relationship between the siblings is okay. Recently, the work outside was not smooth and she quit her job and went home, so she came to help.

"Okay, okay!"

"Don't worry, Ji Han, I will definitely take care of this manor for you!"

"I'll let Yuting come over tomorrow!"

Ji Fugen left with a smile!

After sending him off, Ji Han started unloading.

But just when he wanted to ask Xiao Hei to help him, he found that this guy was gone.


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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