At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

036 The Last Emperor Of Ming Dynasty, Are You Chongzhen? 【15, Ask For Flowers】

night falls

Mist emerges

Ying Zheng, Wang Ben, and Fusu were no longer surprised.

They were familiar and careless, as if visiting a neighbor's house, and came to Ji Han's small farm at random.

"Sir, we are here to harass again!"

"What are you eating tonight?"

Wang Ben, the foodie, called out happily.

But after a few calls, no one responded.

Ji Han didn't come out either, which made everyone a little confused.

what's up? Isn't Ji Han at home tonight?

"Father, the Immortal Master seems to have gone out and hasn't returned!" Fusu frowned and reminded: "The fog is a bit thick tonight, and you see, there seems to be another door of light here!"


Ying Zheng Wang Ben was shocked.

They looked at them together, and sure enough, they found that there was a second gate of light behind them.

This strange scene suddenly surprised them secretly.

This is a fairyland, and the immortal master Ji Han is not there, and suddenly a second gate of light appeared, and they are also very confused.

It's like coming to someone's house as a guest, the owner is not at home, and there is another guest, what are you doing?

"I don't know who will come!"

Ying Zheng whispered curiously, the three of them saw this scene and simply stood there and waited.

After a while, a figure finally appeared!

This is a middle-aged man with a medium stature, wearing a golden dragon robe and an elegant face.

He stepped through the door of light with vigilance on his face, looking around as he walked, as if he was afraid of encountering something ghostly.

After a while, he saw the three Ying Zheng!

He first stopped vigilantly, then frowned and asked: "Who are you? Why are you here? Why is there a door of light leading to this place in the palace?"

"Zhen? You are also worthy of calling yourself me?" Ying Zheng was furious when he heard the words: "Is there a king's land in the whole world, besides the few people in this land of Kyushu, who else dares to call themselves me? You are so bold!"

"Rebel, this Marquis stabbed you!"

Wang Ben drew his sword out of its sheath and was about to slash people.

Dare to call yourself me in front of Ying Zheng, isn't this courting death?


Chongzhen was a little flustered, but his mind was still foggy!

After dealing with various memorials tonight, the entire Daming Palace was filled with astonishing fog, and then there was an extra door in his bedroom.

Chongzhen tried to step through the gate of light and appeared here.

At this time, looking at the novel buildings nearby, and these two furious big men, he didn't come back to his senses for a while.

where is this? Is this a dream?

"Father, Marquis Tongwu, slow down and get angry!" Fusu said suddenly from the side: "I am afraid that this person was also invited by the Immortal Master to this fairyland. We can't arbitrarily conflict, so as not to offend the Immortal Master."

"Well, that's true!" Ying Zheng heard the words and suppressed his anger. He snorted coldly and said, "Marquis Tongwu, put away your weapons."


Only then did Wang Ben put away his sword, but his eyes were still not good, and he kept staring at Chongzhen, as if he felt that he had offended his king.

Chongzhen is even more stunned!

"Wonderland? Is this a fairyland?" Chongzhen frowned and asked: "Who are you? I am Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, and you are immortals?"

"Emperor Chongzhen? Huh? Could this be the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty in the mouth of the Immortal Master?"

"It should be him, Immortal Master Xianshi gave Yan, this Emperor Chongzhen was extremely aggrieved. He was rebelled by Li Zicheng and entered the capital. He hanged himself from a tree with a crooked neck in Meishan. I didn't expect to look like this."

"Hehe, it turned out to be a monarch of a subjugated country, no wonder he also calls himself me!"

When Ying Zheng and Wang Ben saw this, they immediately understood the origin of Chongzhen.

When it was determined that this guy was the emperor of the last dynasty of the Han people, the anger and hostility in Ying Zheng's eyes also disappeared, and there was a hint of sympathy instead.

As the initiator of the imperial system, now that he has seen the juniors who are also emperors, it is like seeing his own juniors, so naturally he can't raise any hostility.

"Da Ming's last emperor?"

"I still hang myself?"

"Can Li Zicheng invade the capital?"

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

Chongzhen exclaimed in disbelief, he felt like he was dreaming.

I came here inexplicably. These people claim that this is a fairyland, and there is another guy who calls himself "Zhen", and also says that he is the king of the subjugated country?

What is this all about!

"Don't be suspicious, this is not a dream!" Ying Zheng explained patiently: "This is the land of the fairy family. The fairy teacher is not out now, and we are also here as guests!"

"Also, I am Ying Zheng, the first emperor of Qin, and you should know me! This is my son Fusu, and this is Wang Ben, the Marquis of Tongwu of Great Qin."

"Emperor Qin Shihuang?"

"How is this possible?"

Chongzhen was shocked again.

He pinched himself hard, only to be sure that this was not a dream.

He really came to an unfamiliar place, where everything seemed so novel, and there was a rare freshness in the air, and one breath was enough to make one feel comfortable.

Is this really a wonderland?

"Daqin has been destroyed for two thousand years!" Chongzhen exclaimed: "You said that you are the first emperor, what evidence does this have? I don't believe it!"

"I don't care if you believe it or not!" Wang Ben snorted impatiently: "It's said that this is a fairyland. Immortals know five thousand years ago and five thousand years later, and they are omnipotent. What's wrong with letting you come here? Possibly? How stupid!"

"Okay Wang Qing, people say that he is also the king of a country, don't do this!" Ying Zheng greeted casually: "Chongzhen kid, come and sit down, the immortal master has not returned from his trip, you can wait with me!"


Chongzhen is a little confused!

In fact, up to now, he has actually believed 80%.

After all, with such a magical method, who else can do it except immortals?

This guy Ying Zheng has an extraordinary bearing, full of domineering, he is even more powerful than the aura of Emperor Chongzhen, and most people can't pretend.

After hesitating for a while, Chongzhen sat down with them in the pavilion in the small farm.


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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