At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

The idea of ​​382 military uniforms, this thing is a plane? [2/6, please subscribe]

"Sir, is this the Kitakyushu district?"

"Hehe, what a place in the East, I want to let blood flow into a river today! 35

"If we guess right, we can still stay here for ten days, right? 35

"In ten days, we must clean up this area! 95

Ying Zheng and the others were murderous, grinning and looking at all directions.

Ji Han didn't say much, he looked at some Japanese-style buildings in the 19th century in the distance, and then raised his head silently.

At this time, in the bright night sky, several Dongying fighter jets were flying by, as if they were going to land at the airport.

Looking at these big iron birds flying, Ying Zheng and the others all took a deep breath.

"Could it be that these are the flying chickens that Mr. said? This thing doesn't look like a chicken, why isn't it called a flying bird?"

"It is incredible that a machine made of steel can fly!"

"The Mo family also made a wooden kite, which can fly for three days without falling, but it is still not as good as this flying chicken.

Ying Zheng and others commented again and again, and immediately became interested in the aircraft.

Ji Han chuckled and 11 said, "Don't think that it can only fly, they can not only cruise thousands of miles, but also transport a large number of guests to distant places!"

"And if you load heavy machine guns, or drop explosive grenades at high altitudes, how much benefit do you think it will be for war?"

"You must know that on the battlefield in the future, all kinds of firearms and artillery are not as important as airplanes. It is the number one killer that occupies the blue sky."


Everyone took a deep breath, and all eyes lit up!

Just by imagining it, everyone can see how awesome this plane is.

At the same time, the concept of war instilled by Ji Han also amazed everyone. It seems that this future war is indeed no trivial matter.

This time, I have to get some good things, and I have to bring back some of the planes. The production line for making planes is the most important thing.

"Sir, how do we start now?" Chongzhen asked impatiently.

"Don't worry, just wait a moment!

Ji Han smiled and raised his hand a little, and a formation plate disappeared into the ground and disappeared.

This is a very ordinary array, with only the effect of being lost, and the coverage is just within a hundred miles of this radius.

After a while, the surrounding area began to be covered with fog. The fog was inexplicable, but it covered all directions, reducing the visibility here to about 100 meters.

Over 100 meters, the visibility began to drop sharply, so that when looking down from the sky, often only some trees and buildings could be seen.

And if someone wants to escape from the coverage area of ​​this hundred miles, they will fall into a burst of psychedelics and completely lose their way!

But there is no obstacle for outsiders to enter here, that is to say, Ji Han allows nearby enemies to come here to support, because no matter how many people come, they are just delivering food.

"Within ten days, this will be our home court!" Ji Han sneered and ordered: "Let's go now, the troops of the four dynasties will be dispersed, one squad will be in a group, and if they encounter resistance, they will be killed. All the resistance forces above will be killed!" 5

"There should be tens of thousands of troops stationed here, behead all of them, occupy every corner of the city, and start arresting people!


Ying Zheng and others agreed again and again!

They raised their hands and waved, and the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties, except for some necessary personal guards, stayed here to guard, and the others began to spread out under the leadership and command of the generals.

Apparently they were all told!

This time it wasn't to kill people, and it was a street fight, so everyone spread out quickly and used the squad as a group to conduct a carpet search.

Looking at the movements of the army, Ying Zheng couldn't help frowning and sighing: "After taking off the armor, the military uniforms of the four dynasties are still the best looking in the Ming Dynasty.

"Yes!" Li Shimin also laughed: "The role of armor in future wars is already very small. This simple cloth military uniform needs to be improved. Ours is too cumbersome."

"The Jinyiwei flying fish suit of the Ming Dynasty looks better, and it can also be used as a military uniform if you change it." Ji Han smiled: "I have time to let Lao Zhu make a few sets for you to go back and think about it, and let the craftsmen design and improve the military uniform. The taste, which improves the combat effectiveness.""


Everyone immediately became interested.

Does military uniform improve combat effectiveness?

How come you don't know this?

"Military uniform is similar to armor, but it exists for the convenience of battle!" Ji Han casually chatted while walking to the distant city: "Military uniform is divided into uniforms, combat uniforms, training uniforms, etc.! 39

"A set of handsome and majestic military uniforms will not only allow Soldier 420 to exert his strength more easily, but also increase everyone's sense of pride and make the enemy tremble with fear.

"This is a visual suppression. Sometimes a good uniform is more important than a handful of weapons!"

While chatting, Ji Han searched some military uniforms of later generations for everyone to see, and everyone understood the importance of this military uniform at once.

Compared with the complicated and heavy clothes in ancient times, military uniforms do have many advantages, and it is more convenient for soldiers to use firearms to fight.

And the aura is even stronger!

"Sir is right, our uniforms really need to be changed, I'll let someone change them when I go back!"

"This military uniform is indeed not to be underestimated, it is a pity not to modify it!

"The flying fish clothes of the Ming Dynasty are really good, and we can learn from them. 35

Cao Cao, Li Shimin and others expressed their opinions again and again!

After chatting for a while, everyone settled on this little thing that was not usually paid attention to.

At this time, the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties have also entered the city, and a terrible massacre has begun.

The gunshots started ringing!

The quiet night in the Kitakyushu area also began to become crazy.

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