At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

038 Mr. Is An Immortal Master, Please Save Me Daming! 【35, Ask For Flowers】

Ji Han knows that people's first impression is very important!

No matter who this Daming Emperor who just arrived here, it is much harder to fool him than fool Ying Zheng.

At this time, it happened that he took so many wild boars out of the mountain together, and it would be a bit unreasonable not to pretend to be forceful with them!

So Ji Han deliberately kicked the wild boar king and said, "Live with your wife and children on the mountain in the west, don't run around when you have nothing to do, don't harm my fruit trees and farmland, or I will clean up you, understand?"

"Moo Moo!"

The king of the wild boar made a chirp chirp and nodded repeatedly, turned around and took his wife and children and went straight to the mountains in the west.

This humanized appearance made Chongzhen secretly shocked.

"Go back to the nest too!"

Ji Han waved his hand again, and tens of thousands of bees dispersed quietly and quickly returned to the beehive, with every move as orderly as a soldier.

Looking at Chongzhen Yingzheng and others at this time, they were already shocked with awe.

What Ji Han is showing is really the means of immortals, how can mortals control beasts and insects? This is not an immortal who is an immortal?

"Da Ming Zhu Youjian, I have seen immortals!"

"I strayed into the fairyland tonight, please don't take offense to the immortals!"

Chongzhen came out to say hello with a look of awe, and the doubts in his heart had long been forgotten.

"Ha ha!"

Ji Han is quite pleased with his response!

This is also what he wants to see. After all, if the image is not well shaped, it is not easy to fool people.

This guy turned out to be Chongzhen? Unexpectedly, the emperor of Daming's subjugation ran here, which is a pleasant surprise.

"Sit and sit, you're welcome!"

"Everyone here is a guest, so you don't have to be so cautious."

"I'm just an ordinary person, not an immortal teacher."

Ji Han greeted him with a warm face, which made Chongzhen flattered.

At the same time, he also secretly believed that this must be a low-key and easy-going immortal, otherwise it would not be the case.

"Let's just say it, you still don't believe it!" Ying Zheng laughed and joked, "Sir, what are we going to have for dinner tonight?"

"Hot pot!" Ji Han shrugged and said, "I have nothing to prepare tonight, hot pot is very convenient!"

"Okay, the hot pot is good, Ben Hou likes it!"

"After returning to the palace, I specially made this hot pot copper stove, but the sauce still can't make the taste of Mr., it is really greedy!"

"Sir, Fusu help you!"

When Chongzhen was stunned for a while, Ji Han directly moved out of the boiler!

All kinds of dishes and sauces are ready-made. With the help of Fusu, the hot pot quickly burned, and bursts of aroma began to waft out.

Ying Zheng took Chongzhen to sit down and said, "Mr. is easy-going and loves food. You don't have to be cautious. You will definitely have an unforgettable taste of this fairy's food later!"

"Yes, thank you First Emperor!" Chongzhen breathed a sigh of relief.

After the meal, he tasted this hot pot and found that it was quite delicious.

Even if he has eaten countless delicacies from mountains and seas, he has to admit that he has never eaten such delicious food.

Ji Han's master cooking skills are no joke!

The fragrant thick soup, lightly rinsed the meat slices, and then dipped in this special sauce, suddenly makes people appetite.

Especially this vegetable is Ying Zheng's favorite!

Since Ji Han's small spirit gathering array came into effect, this small farm has been increasing its spiritual energy every moment, making the vegetables here become unusually sweet and delicious, making people never get tired of eating them!

If Ji Han sells these vegetables, even if they are ten times more expensive than ordinary vegetables, I am afraid that there will be countless people rushing to buy them.

"Today you have a good time. I brought back a lot of good wine and cigarettes, and I will try them all!"

While eating and drinking, Ji Han took out some good wine, cigars and the like, which caused Chongzhen to be stunned for a while.

Is the life of a fairy like this?

After a while, there was another member of the eating and drinking group of four.

Chongzhen drank small wine, smoked cigars and ate hot pot, expressing in his heart that it was really fragrant!

"Sir!" Chongzhen hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking: "The first emperor said that you gave him a golden elixir to extend his life for a hundred years, which changed the fate of the second emperor of Qin, but is it true?"

"It's natural!" Ji Han nodded and admitted.

"Since the history of Daqin has changed, why can't I see the change in the history books?" Ying Zheng asked his last doubt.

"Haha!" Ji Han shook his head and smiled: "When Da Qin's fate changed, there was already a fork in the time and space, which means that you are no longer in the same time and space, understand? How can Da Qin's fate change? , it will not affect the Ming Dynasty in future generations!"

Chongzhen seems to understand, but the doubts in his heart are finally put down!

He couldn't help but continue to ask: "The first emperor also said that you once commented on the heroes of the world and knew about the future thousands of years, and even said that my Daming would be ruined here, but is it true?"

"Of course!" Ji Han said regretfully while cooking the meat: "Old Zhu, you ascended the throne at the age of sixteen. After you succeeded to the throne, you vigorously eradicated the eunuchs. You are diligent in political affairs. He is also a qualified emperor."

"Unfortunately, there were too many drawbacks in the late Ming Dynasty. Not only did natural disasters continue, but also there were disputes between the parties in the court. There were even foreign enemies who built slaves into the customs, and there were popular uprisings inside!"

"Your life can be described as extremely bumpy, and you will eventually be hanged in Meishan at the age of 33. At this point, the Ming Dynasty will also end the national fortune."

"Li Zicheng did not secure the throne, but was taken advantage of by the Jiannu Qing army outside the gate. They broke through the gate and entered a massacre, completely enslaving Kyushu for hundreds of years."

Ji Han's story made Chongzhen sweat again!

This time he couldn't believe it, and he couldn't help it.

Could he really hang himself in Coal Mountain at the age of 33?

This Ming Dynasty will eventually be ruined in his hands?

"I'm useless, I'm sorry for the ancestors and ancestors!" Chongzhen cried bitterly, got up and worshipped and pleaded: "Mr. is an immortal master, please save me Daming!"

"Saving Daming, it's hard! It's hard! It's hard!" Ji Han frowned and shook his head.


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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