At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

411 Prize Bartley, a big exercise that lasts for half a year! 【Subscription】

"Have you seen it? This is the horror of future wars. It has long been extended into an art, and is no longer just a simple war of flesh and blood!"

"Many war powers in the time and space of World War II have a large number of these professional snipers and special forces. They are very good at stealth operations and can easily give you a headache!"

"At the same time, there are various points that need to be paid attention to in the battle of the large army. It's good for you to conduct several exercises in the next six months. 35

Ji Han's comments and summaries of the exercise attracted everyone's nods, especially the defeated Chongzhen and others who praised this exercise mode even more.

"Sir is right, I originally thought that this exercise was just a game, but who would have thought that it would reveal so many "four, five, three" questions.

"Our concept really needs to be reformed, otherwise we will suffer a big loss in the future."

"Yeah, the method of sacrifice can only strengthen the body, if it can't improve the war experience, no matter how powerful the body is, it is just a target.

Everyone talked a lot, and all realized the importance of this exercise. I believe that the next four dynasties will focus on training a group of professional special forces and snipers.

"This exercise is actually different from the actual combat. If you really encounter this kind of sniping in the future!" Ji Han said with a chuckle: "In addition to cultivating a group of snipers to fight against, there are actually There are other ways to deal with it!

"For example, using heavy firepower to suppress, using machine guns, mortars and other weapons to shoot trees and hillsides is enough to suppress most snipers!""

"Or you can use long-range artillery support, or you can cripple the opponent. These skills can be summed up and improved continuously in actual combat. 35

Everyone quickly took note of Ji Han's instructions.

At the same time, the war in the mountains and forests has also ended quickly. After the wounded were carried out, they quickly became alive again through sacrifice, so there were no casualties.

The people of the three dynasties were convinced by Hu Hai's beating!

Because they didn't know where the bullets came from until they lost, which made them feel extraordinary admiration for this kind of latent operations.

"This exercise was won by Da Qin, do you all agree?"

"Hu Hai's performance in the exercise was particularly good, and everyone should learn more from him.

"Now I fulfill my promise and give a big gift, Hu Hai, let's go!"

Ji Han raised his hand and wiped it, and a long box appeared in his hand, which contained a handful of Butleys.

This is what he exchanged from the system mall. The whole body of high-strength alloy material is definitely more ferocious and accurate than the general Bartley on the market!

"What kind of gun is this?"

Hu Hai grabbed the heavy Butterley in shock, its domineering and caliber immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Ji Han explained casually: "It is a heavy sniper rifle of later generations, called Bartley. It has a total length of 1150 mm, a barrel length of 508 mm, a ten-round ammunition capacity, and a 10x scope!"

"It has an effective range of 1,850 meters and once set a record for killing an enemy at a distance of 2,475 meters. 35


When everyone heard this, they all gasped in shock!

2475 meters? That is four or five thousand steps?

The human eye can't see clearly from such a long distance, how can it be possible to shoot at such a long distance?

"And its power is terrifying!" Ji Han said solemnly: "You can't use it in drills, once this thing hits a human body, it will smash the flesh into crumbs no matter where it hits, and the person is dead. of.""

"Even if it's a cow, you can blow up its body with one shot. If it is paired with armor-piercing bullets, it can completely blow up many light tanks, so use it with caution!

"This? 35

Hu Hai hugged the Buttley in horror and refused to let go.

Such a cool gun, this is a baby.

No wonder the Immortal Master will use it as a gift, such a gift is really enviable by everyone.

"Thank you sir!"

Hu Hai saluted excitedly, and with his eyes shining, he hugged Bartley and refused to let go. This thing will be his life in the future..

"Okay, don't be so excited!" Ji Han said indifferently: "You performed well in this exercise, and in the next period of time, you will give the three dynasties the essence of special warfare and help everyone make progress together."

"Yes, sir, don't worry!" Hu Hai said quickly: "I know everything I can say without saying anything, and help all the armies grow! 35


Ji Han nodded in satisfaction.

With Hu Hai's words, then he can rest assured a lot.

Nineteenth-century snipers don't deserve to be compared to him, at least in terms of special operations and sniping.

With his guidance, the four dynasties can certainly cultivate a large number of excellent snipers. After the baptism of the battlefield, it becomes easy to crush the enemy.

"This trip to Daqin will stop here, you should be busy in the future!

"After half a year, I hope you will give me a different surprise then!

Ji Han got up and left.

Ying Zheng and the others bowed to say goodbye, and there was a flash of fighting spirit in everyone's eyes.

Half a year? That is to say, there will be a war in half a year?

Yes, the immortal master is so eager to ask everyone to practice, nothing more than to start a war. 4.3

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen and the others looked at each other and smiled. They were all looking forward to it. Then they started to hold a meeting to discuss and decide on the exercise strategy for the next six months.

The soldiers and horses of the four dynasties were transferred in turn, from positional warfare to offensive and defensive warfare, from mountain forest warfare to urban street warfare, and tried every means to constantly confront and sharpen themselves.

Due to the fact that they lost a lot of bets in the first exercise, Chongzhen and others were holding back their anger and wanted to win once, so everyone came up with their own ingenuity and constantly battled their wits and courage in the exercise.

Therefore, the four dynasties have gained a lot of benefits and growth!

As a result, millions of troops have become more and more familiar with future wars, and have become more and more proficient in the use of various weapons and the coordination of various types of arms.

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