At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

413 A new look, the real devil army is here! 【Subscription】

World War II

Kyushu, South Jincheng!

This thousand-year-old capital is suffering an unprecedented disaster!

More than 200,000 troops from Dongying and more than 700,000 troops from Kyushu fought furiously here. The entire city was bombed into ruins, and there were broken walls and black smoke everywhere.

Countless soldiers and civilians died tragically here. Cannonballs and scorched corpses were everywhere. Many people hid in the ruins, trembling like hell.

In just a few days, dozens of established divisions were crippled, and hundreds of thousands of people died here.

After the night fell, the smoke and death of the city filled the night sky, and a thin mist began to spread in all directions, and it soon shrouded the entire Nanjin City.

Four gates of light appeared strangely, and quickly occupied several empty streets, and then a large number of figures began to quickly occupy the streets.

These people wore black combat uniforms, armed with long spears, bowed forward, and quickly alerted the surroundings.

At the same time, they all wore bronze masks with animal patterns on their faces, which looked ferocious, like evil spirits.

They are naturally the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties.

After Ji Han made a plan for the expedition, everyone couldn't wait to take advantage of the night to come here, and quickly occupied the ruins of the street here, and began to gather in place.

This time I came here because it was an urban street fight, so I didn't bring any planes and tanks, and I didn't have any horses or anything. Everyone was lightly dressed.

However, because they were equipped with new military uniforms, military boots, belts, helmets and various combat equipment, the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties were extraordinarily mighty and terrifying, revealing a kind of sturdiness and professionalism all over their bodies.

In particular, the masks on everyone's faces gave people a powerful deterrent.

This is actually a mixed version of the cold weapon age and the firearm age.

"What's going on with this mask~々?" ​​Ji Han glanced around and couldn't help laughing: "It's a good job. 35

"Hahaha! Don't you think it's good sir? This is my proposal!" Chongzhen said proudly: "In the Northern Wei Dynasty, many generals in the army liked to wear masks and go out on expeditions, they were as terrifying as evil ghosts.

"When upgrading equipment before, many craftsmen have put forward many good suggestions, so we are also constantly improving!

"Later I discovered that the thick steel plate inside the soldiers' bulletproof vests can prevent bullets in the heart, and helmets can prevent bullets in the brain, but what about the cheeks?"

"Many times the people killed on the battlefield were shot in the front and were shot in the head, so the mask is more important than the helmet and body armor. 35

"This kind of mask is a special material made of fine steel mixed with bronze. The Eastern Ying prisoners of war participated in the production. The strength is very high. The ordinary rifle is shot at close range, and at most one piece is dented, which can greatly improve the survival rate of the soldiers!

Chongzhen proudly showed off his explanation!

Immediately, Ji Han smiled with satisfaction.

This is indeed a very thoughtful design. In this way, the thinking of the four dynasties is also moving closer to the future, and gradually forming their own cultural and scientific system.

It's good to have your own ideas, it's always an improvement.


Ji Han smiled admiringly, but when he glanced at the ruins around him, his face suddenly turned ugly.

Chongzhen and others were also secretly surprised.

Ying Zheng was even more surprised and asked: "Why are all the ruins all around? What happened here?"

"This is the Nanjin City of Kyushu in the 19th century!" Ji Han explained with a cold face: "It has been bombarded by dozens of rounds of planes and shells, thousands of tons of explosives have been continuously dropped, and hundreds of thousands of people have been bombed. Here, I fought with the people of Dongying, which caused this tragedy! 99

"After a few days of fierce fighting, the 700,000-800,000-strong army has been beaten and retreated, and now the people of Dongying occupy this place, and there are still countless people stranded in the city.

"In the next few days, these beasts will slaughter more than 300,000 people in the city, and now there are still about ten divisions of the Eastern Ying army, and they also have a large number of aircraft and tank support. Our Combat is not easy.

Ji Han explained the time, place and what was about to happen in a few words, Ying Zheng Chongzhen and others suddenly became furious.

Looking at the ruins and black smoke all over the ground, everyone's anger can hardly be suppressed.

.Dog things, dare to wreak havoc on my land in Kyushu, these little dwarfs are courting death! 55

"You still dare to slaughter my people in Kyushu. Could it be that you didn't kill them enough last time?"

"You bastard, you are looking for a dead end, let alone ten divisions, even a hundred divisions, I will destroy them too!"

Everyone gritted their teeth and roared again and again, and the murderous aura was condensed.

Ji Han smiled slightly and heard the sound of gunshots nearby. Knowing the appearance of so many soldiers and horses, he had already alarmed the Dongying Army.

They are coming in reinforcements from all directions!

This battle is already inevitable.

"Now the people of Dongying haven't really discovered us (Li Hao), let's fight while we're in chaos!" Ji Han said with a sneer: "It's inconvenient for planes to drop bombs at night, so let me kill them all in one night!

"Yes! Don't worry, sir, this city will not be returned to our hands overnight, I will come to see you!

"Old Zhu, Lao Li, we are all in one position, kill him without leaving a piece of armor!

"Yes! All move for me and kill!"

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen, Li Shimin, and Cao Cao were murderous, and without any hesitation, they decided to attack.

The 400,000 troops quickly dispersed, occupying one commanding height after another, occupying one street after another, and began to spread in all directions.

They saw black shadows with guns moving around like ghosts, and every corner of the ruins in Nanjin City became their search destination.

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