At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

419 Is this enough to lure the enemy into depth? 【Subscription】

After half an hour of bombardment

Dozens of divisions in Dongying began to attack.

A large number of tanks and armored vehicles rolled over in a mighty manner, and the densely packed soldiers followed in the back and directly entered the city without fear of death.

"Brothers, Dongying dog thieves are here, and I will kill them all!

"The bullets are loaded, the grenades don't need to be saved, they are thrown out for me!

"Where's the heavy machine gun? Bring it up, get ready to go!"

All over the city's ruined streets, the soldiers and horses of the four great dynasties screamed excitedly.

After so many days, the people of Dongying finally dared to fight, and they had to be maimed today.

No matter how many people's attention this battle has attracted, no matter how shocking the world has become at this time, everyone has only one idea, that is to destroy the enemy in front of you.

Da da da!

Boom boom boom!

Intensive sounds of gunfire began to come from all over the city.

Every street and every route was attacked by the Eastern Ying people, and the two sides fought hard.

The crazy banging of bullets and cannonballs is constantly being staged everywhere.

The four dynasties occupying the defensive terrain naturally have an absolute advantage. Even if the Eastern Ying people have 453 grams of tanks to help them, they will be quickly headshot once they emerge.

Facing hundreds of thousands of sharpshooters, their ending is as tragic as they want, no matter how they charge, they will eventually fall to the ground in pieces.

At this time, the sky has also appeared densely packed with fighter jets!

The Dongying Air Force bombed the rear of the army as usual.

"Damn, are you still here?"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, air defense company, crippling them!"

There are ruins on the rooftops everywhere, Hu Hai and others are so popular.

For the Eastern Ying people's fighter jets, everyone has long been prepared. This time, not only a large number of anti-aircraft guns, but also hundreds of anti-aircraft machine guns were arranged.

They fired wildly at the sky, and the sky burst into various fires from time to time.

Hu Hai was even more ferocious. This guy aimed at the sky with a Butley in his hand, shot past it, and a bullet easily penetrated the fuel tank of a fighter jet.

With a bang, the sky is full of fire!

One after another (bbed) fighter jets were shot by a terrifying sniper rifle like Bartley, blowing black smoke and falling to the ground.

This wave of counterattacks caused heavy losses to the Dongying Air Force.

Losing the suppression of the air force, the ground forces once again fell into a hard fight.

When a bazooka was fired from all over the place, directly crippling the tanks, the Eastern Ying Army was even more miserable.

The firepower of the four great dynasties suppressed them stubbornly, and they suffered heavy losses if they did not advance one step forward.

Corpse, blood!

Broken limbs, broken arms!

The whole city seemed to have become a meat grinder, and tens of thousands of Dongying elite soldiers died tragically here.

Outside the battlefield, Matsui Iwane is watching the battle with binoculars.

"Report! The entire underground regiment was annihilated, and the regiment leader was defeated and killed! 35

"Report! The newly organized death-defying commando has just been repelled by the enemy, and more than half of them have been killed or injured. 99

"Report! The Kumamoto Division lost 30%, failed to occupy the intended destination, and requested to evacuate the battlefield.

One after another, the messengers conveyed the battle situation on the battlefield!

There is a map on a table in front of him, and he has also written and drawn, marked with various road map arrows.

It's a pity that after fighting for so long, dozens of divisions suffered heavy losses, and they only advanced a few hundred meters. This level of difficulty can be described as hell.

What are these enemies? Why are they so terrifying?

Even Maozi and Germany's strongest army could not resist such a fierce attack for so long, right?

"Keep attacking!

"Never go back!

"Pass my order, and those who retreat will kill!

Matsui Ishigen roared angrily, constantly shouting for the various master groups to step up their attacks, but the effect was quite weak.

If the four dynasties hadn't deliberately evacuated a group of people every once in a while, it would have been difficult for them to advance even a few hundred meters away.

This battle will be fought from morning to noon!

All the master groups in Dongying were exhausted.

Just when Matsui Ishigen was reluctant to want a temporary truce, the gunfire in the city gradually began to weaken, so that good news came from all over the place.

"Report! The Imura Regiment successfully occupied the predetermined location, please instruct.

"The Beishang Division has arrived at the predetermined location, and the enemy's firepower has begun to weaken. It seems that the ammunition is insufficient. The division commander asked for support!""

"The Nara Regiment has successfully captured many enemy positions, please continue to attack!

One by one, the messengers screamed excitedly.

When Matsui Ishigen and the others heard this, they all laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, I thought they weren't afraid of death, but it turned out to be the case.

"So what if these enemies are powerful? Are the ammunition empty in half a day? Without supplies, their firearms are useless."

"Are these goddamn fellows capable of this? Hahaha, Your Excellency Commander, our chance has come!"

"Order the charge, Your Excellency, the Dadongying Empire will win! 39


Headquarters up and down, all excited!

Although Matsui Ishigen felt that something was wrong, he didn't have the chance to think about it, because if he didn't take advantage of the victory at this time, the mad officers would turn against him.

"Order, attack!"

"Before dusk, end the battle completely!"

Matsui Ishigen gritted his teeth and roared, and gave an order decisively.


The officers bowed excitedly and agreed, and a larger-scale strangulation began.

Hundreds of thousands of Eastern Ying soldiers in twenty or thirty divisions went crazy after receiving the order of the general attack.

Under this crazy excitement!

No one noticed that the Eastern Ying army was even more dead and wounded!

No one has noticed that corpses are rarely seen in the trenches where the four dynasties have retreated. This is completely a trick to lure the enemy into depth.

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