At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

424 Who are these demons? 【Subscription】

Inside the Imperial Chancellery

The head of state was on the window on the second floor, silently watching the approaching enemy, he saw a beautiful girl with a sword, and several oriental men in fancy clothes.

One of the men even gave him a smile!


The head of state was so frightened that he breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had encountered a ghost.

The lights of the entire Prime Minister's Office have been extinguished, but the head of state is stared at by the other party. This is too scary, isn't it?

At this moment, even if thousands of elite soldiers were ambushing him here to protect him, he felt a heartbeat, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

"Your Excellency, please go to the underground shelter to hide, these enemies are coming!" The blonde female secretary on the side urged anxiously: "We will block them, I promise!

"No! I can't go back!"

The head of state angrily rejected this request, but at this time more and more soldiers gathered on the street.

Behind Ji Han and the others, rows of soldiers and horses appeared, all of them raised their guns at the Prime Minister's Office, and pulled the trigger the next moment.

bang bang bang!

Intensive gunfire suddenly sounded.

A large number of bullets entered through the window, and the soldiers who were ambush in the window to block the enemy were shot in the head on the spot.

The enemy's terrifying firepower suppressed 453, and the soldiers and horses under the head of state had no power to counterattack at all. Anyone who dared to come forward would be shot and killed on the spot.

"His Excellency the President, let's go!"

"Counterattack, fight back quickly! 55

"Block them, and cover for His Excellency the Führer!

In the Prime Minister's Office, there was a mess.

Soldiers risked their lives to fight back, and the head of state was forcibly taken to the basement, where a large number of shelters had been built.

If you don't kill all the people here, they won't be able to attack.

"Hehe!" Ji Han laughed when he saw this: "Come on, let's settle the battle with a stick of incense!""

"Sir has an order to resolve the battle within a stick of incense!"

"Kill them and leave none of them!"

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen and others waved their hands decisively, and the dense army began to rush towards the building.

A grenade was thrown in from the windows, corridors, walls, etc. accurately, blowing up the corpses of the enemies ambushed in the buildings.

Then the soldiers rushed into the building and killed anyone they saw. Anyone who dared to resist would be slaughtered by them.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Thousands of soldiers are guarding it, and there are various bunkers. Even tens of thousands of people may not be able to attack.

But for the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties, this is the most suitable battlefield for them to play, and their formidable strength easily crushes each other here.

The rooms and the enemies behind the bunkers were quickly emptied!

In the time of a stick of incense, the huge Prime Minister's Office was swept away. Except for a few enemies in the huge underground shelter, everyone else had already been beheaded.

"Report!" A soldier hurriedly replied, knelt down on one knee and shouted: "There is only a small group of enemies left, and now they are hiding in the basement and resisting stubbornly, do you want to kill them all?

"No no no!" Ji Han chuckled and waved his hand, "Don't worry, I'll go meet them and lead the way!


The soldier clasped his fists in agreement and walked forward quickly.

Ji Han and his party passed through the buildings littered with corpses, and finally came to a secret entrance with a shelter extending in all directions.

This sanctuary was built very luxuriously, with tall and wide passages inside, and there were many lights, it looked very airy and airy.

At this time, most of the sanctuary had been cleared by the troops of the four dynasties, leaving only the core area, with dozens of nervous soldiers protecting the head of state.

Facing the approach of Ji Han and others, they were all scared and sweaty!

Who are these demons? Why are they so powerful? This is an existence that cannot be resisted.

Now everyone can't escape if they want to!

Even the Yuan capital was blocked here.

This is their base camp, why is it so exaggerated?

They never thought that someone would be able to hit here and push them to this point. This is simply a nightmare.

"Your Excellency, what should we do now?"

"Our people are completely unable to rush over, we are finished!"

"What to do? Are you going to surrender?""

In a secret room deep in the shelter, everyone was as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

The head of state was also full of cold sweat, and when he heard the movement outside, he was even more frightened.

Did these devils find them?

They're coming, right?

What? Do I have to die here today?

The head of state was full of unwillingness, how did these people come here, did they come out of hell?


A loud bang suddenly roared.

The steel door of the secret room with a thickness of several tens of centimeters was kicked open, and the terrifying force directly tore the door frame and the surrounding walls, and several soldiers were killed by the steel door on the spot.

The next moment, Ji Han and others appeared outside the gate, and he was the one who kicked the gate open.

At this time, Ji Han's strength is unfathomable!

The one or two hundred million followers of the four great dynasties continued to provide him with divine power, and he didn't know how strong he was. In short, it should not be too difficult to destroy a city with one hand, it just depends on whether he wants it or not.

So after kicking open the steel door, Ji Han faced dozens of guns aimed at him, not only showing no fear, but showing a smile instead.

"Your Excellency, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Ji Han said with a half-smile.

"Your Excellency!" In the crowd, the blond female secretary swallowed nervously, and then translated in a low voice: "He greeted you.

"Who the hell are you?" The Fuhrer roared excitedly, speaking in slightly nasal German: "Damn, this is our territory, why are you invading here? I don't think we should be enemies!"

"Sir!" The blonde female secretary translated in blunt Chinese: "Our head of state, His Excellency, asked who you are.

"I understand!

Ji Han chuckled lightly and stepped into the secret room, while looking at the decorations here and the cigars and wines stacked on the walls, he brought a lot of pressure to everyone.

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