At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

427 Difficult choices, this is the most worrying! 【Subscription】

Time, every second passed!

Through the mist of the city, the radiance of the morning began to slowly shine on the earth, and the sky has gradually brightened.

Although the visibility of this huge city is still not high, countless people are subconsciously relieved, because the sound of gunfire and explosions has gradually subsided.

That means the battle is over, right?

Although we don't know where this enemy came from.

But this is the German stronghold, the place where the head of state leads, the place guarded by millions of troops, how could it possibly lose?

These damned enemies must have been wiped out.

Countless people, with an uneasy mood, looked out from the doors and windows, only to see a scene that made them despair.

One by one, terrifying figures wearing bronze masks were collecting corpses on the streets to clean up the battlefield. When they saw alive, they went up to make up a shot. The blood on the street was so frightening that it was like hell.

"How can this be? What about our army?"

"Have they all been wiped out?"

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible, what about His Excellency the Führer? Where is he 11?'

The people were frightened in despair and horror, everyone panicked, and everyone hid at home tremblingly, with a feeling that the end was coming.

Immediately afterwards, these soldiers wearing bronze masks began to search from house to house, and the whole city began to be forcibly driven to open spaces.

Only then did everyone realize that the entire city's army had already been killed!

This is an army of more than one million people. The people are all stunned and stunned. Looking at the corpses all over the street, they can't help but panic.

These terrifying demons killed a million troops overnight, which is incredible, isn't it?

Even if it were a million pigs, it would take half a month to slaughter it. Why can it be so fast?

You must know that the famous Stalin defense battle in history lasted more than six months, and the two sides invested millions of people to fight, and in the end, only two million people were killed.

But it's unbelievable that so many people were killed in one night!

at the same time!

Werner and others were also taken to the rooftop of a high-rise building in the institute.

Ji Han was very kind to them, not only made a delicious breakfast, but also made them full before coming back.

Of course, looking from this rooftop, a square not far away can be seen faintly with a large crowd of people, surrounded by dense figures with guns, it can be seen that these are the detained residents of the city.

"There's a lot of people in this city." Ji Han chuckled and said: "In addition to the more than one million troops killed last night, there are now more than two million people here, who are scattered and gathered in more than ten places. There are probably hundreds of thousands of people here that you see now.

"Oh yes, these people are all driven here, which means your family is probably here.

"Although we can't see so far, it doesn't matter. Have you considered it now?"

"Their fate is in your hands. It's up to you to choose whether to be your own or your enemy!"

Ji Han smiled and scanned the audience, the threat in his eyes made everyone shudder.

This devil, what does he want?

He killed the million army here overnight, does he still want to kill all these old and weak women and children?

No one dared to question his threat, because this kind of person doesn't even care about millions of lives, he is already cold-blooded like a stone-hearted person, and he won't care about killing another group of people.

"Scumbag, what do you want?" Werner couldn't help roaring: "You are violating the laws of humanitarianism, and you are destined to be blamed by all mankind.

"Oh, really?"

"But so what?"

Ji Han smiled indifferently.

He looked at the time and continued: "You still have one minute to think about it. After one minute, I will order people to drop bombs into the pile of people, one a second, until everyone here is blown up!"

"No, you devil, you can't do this!"

"This is inhumane and you will be punished.

"You bloody scum, you're going to hell.

The crowd screamed and cursed!

But after Ji Han smiled and shrugged, he turned a deaf ear and just silently looked at the clock.

Although he didn't know who the family members of these scientists were, who cares, wouldn't he know if he killed a few more.

They are also afraid that their relatives and friends will be killed by mistake, in short, it is definitely not Ji Han who is nervous.

This is a tough choice!

It is very difficult for anyone to choose to cooperate or choose to be destroyed.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Everyone's faces became more and more ugly.

They desperately looked into the crowd of people in the square in the distance, hoping to find their relatives, but it was too far away to see them.

In this way, everyone became more worried. What if a grenade was dropped and their relatives were killed?

What you can't see is what makes everyone the most worried!

This guy, Ji Han, is a master at manipulating people's hearts. This little trick immediately made everyone panic.

"Time's up!" Ji Han said, "The game begins! 35

"No no no!" Werner roared anxiously: "Sir, stop, sir, we are willing to cooperate, and I will cooperate in whatever you want us to do!"

"Yes, we cooperate!

"Please stop them.

Everyone anxiously agreed, and although they looked perfunctory, Ji Han smiled contentedly.

It’s good to be willing to cooperate. As for whether it is sincere, whether it will do things in the later stage, or work secretly and fail to do anything, there are ways to solve these.

When they fell into Ji Han's hands, they were on a boat of thieves.

If you want to escape control again, it is impossible.

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