At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

429 arrangement, the purpose of four atomic bombs! 【Subscription】

For the power of the atomic bomb!

Even if the four of Ying Zheng and Chongzhen wanted to break their heads, they couldn't figure out why this thing was so powerful, so that everyone subconsciously became suspicious.

Immortal Master, aren't you joking with everyone?

Ji Han shrugged and said, "There is no doubt that later generations have developed weapons that are more terrifying than atomic bombs, and can even destroy the entire planet thousands of times, so the power of technology is absolutely endless!

"Werner's group has top-notch black technology in their hands, and they will give you a steady stream of surprises in the future. Of course, you have to take away all the instruments in their base, otherwise it will be inconvenient to conduct research in the future. ."

"Really? Hahaha!"

"Thank you sir, we will definitely not treat them badly.

When Ying Zheng and the others heard this, their eyes lit up immediately, especially when they looked at Werner and the others, their eyes lit up.

Ji Han reassured and warned that they still don't know the excellence of 453 scientists, which is a golden bump.

"Old Zhu, these scientists are precious, how important they are to the development of our four dynasties, and their safety must be guaranteed!""

"Well, why don't you let these scientists go to our Daqin, I work harder, how about sending someone to protect them? 35

Ying Zheng waved his hand in a pretentious manner.

Chongzhen immediately became anxious.

He scolded angrily: "Bah, Lao Zhao, you shameless bastard, what do you mean? You think I can't protect them, don't you? You think beautifully!


Everyone burst out laughing.

Ji Han chuckled for a while, then looked at Werner again and said, "Where are your four atomic bombs?"

"In the No. 2 test well on the outskirts of the city!" Werner said honestly: "They are all in a sealed state, and they can be tested and launched after simple activation and installation.

"Although we have never tried it, we have verified it many times (bbed), and their launch success rate should be more than 90%.

"If their warheads are mounted on V2 missiles, they can hit any target within 320 kilometers with precision."

Ji Han frowned secretly, only 320 kilometers?

Sure enough, although the atomic bomb of this era has appeared, the launch is a big problem.

Only 320 kilometers is enough for a fart, and it is barely able to hit the Great Eagle Empire. It is no wonder that the two atomic bombs that the Lighthouse Nation attacked Dongying used aircraft to drop the bombs.

These four atomic bombs, Ji Han, are not going to be brought back. They should be released as big fireworks. Of course, they should be used as soon as possible.

But how should it be used? Where should it be used?

Dongying must be rewarded with one, these are our good neighbors who are barely deprived of water. If there are good things, we cannot forget them.

Maozi also had to use one, but the neighbors in the north were not at ease and could not let them continue to grow up.

Not to mention Lighthouse Nation, must save one for them!

So who is the last one for?

Ji Han frowned and thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to buy one for the Great Eagle Empire. Although they have gradually declined, they are no longer the empire on which the sun never sets.

But jumping up and down every day is disgusting, and the revenge of stealing hundreds of thousands of antiques from Kyushu is enough for them to use one.

And once all four explode, it will definitely cause huge damage to these four countries, enough to make them unable to recover their vitality for ten or eight years.

Then they must be very angry with Germany, and the two sides fought hard, and finally Kyushu can get a little time to develop.

"Just do it!" Ji Han made a decision on the spot and said, "Werner, take someone to debug these four atomic bombs immediately and place them on four long-range bombers filled with fuel!"

"Old Zhu, go find a few German-born pilots yourself, and ask for the best ones. I have seen quite a few Air Force prisoners before, and there must be some of them! Bring them over to meet me right away!


Chongzhen agreed and quickly went down to work!

Everyone else's eyes lit up, and they all knew what Ji Han was trying to do, this was the rhythm of a big fight.

Werner and the others opened their mouths to persuade, and their faces were full of resistance, but in the end, the Gu worms in their minds forced them to obey.

After a while, four German pilots were brought over!

Chongzhen carefully selected them, and finally brought them in after confirming that they were the top pilots in many ways.

The four of them stared at Ji Han angrily, and cursed in a dirty mouth.

Ji Han didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, so he implanted Gu worms in their minds. After screaming, the four of them were immediately treated obediently, and their faces were full of sincerity and fear.

In front of Ji Han, they couldn't even commit suicide.

One by one, being controlled by Gu worms, their eyes have changed.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Han handed each of them a note and said with a sneer: "Remember the city on the note, this is your target, just drive the bomber to the destination and drop the bombs to return."5

"I don't care how much you pay or what difficulties you have, if you can't do it, then your life will be lost! 35

"Oh yes, and your family members, relatives, friends, and comrades-in-arms, I will let hundreds of thousands of people be buried with you, understand?

Ji Han's murderous roar made the four people's faces turn pale.

After explaining everything, they were taken away quickly.

Next, they adjusted their state, and then dropped bombs safely to complete the task given by Ji Han.

They don't have the chance to resist, nor the courage to resist. Once they raise a hint of resistance, the Gu insects in their minds will devour their heads viciously.

And their family is all under control, they have to get away from it!

Finally, after the sky darkened, the four long-range bombers roared and took off, and then went straight to the south, east, and northwest.

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