At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

431 Transformation and sublimation, new permission function! 【Subscription】

Inside the small estate

Ji Han and others, who returned triumphantly, were warmly welcomed by the sisters, who were serving tea and water, and chatting around Wang Mushi, obviously very interested in this battle.

Wang Mushi smiled and explained what happened to the girls for a while, and every time it caused everyone to exclaim and made them envious.

Ji Han is resting on the side, thinking about his reward!

This is the reward he got for killing millions of foreigners, and it is definitely worth the money.

First of all, these millions of points are worthless, enough to allow Ji Han to exchange most of the things in the mall, at least this is the most arrogant one he has ever earned.

Secondly, the things in this god-level gift package also surprised him again and again!

"470" god-level psychic technique - this is a very powerful skill, its function is to communicate with all spirits, whether it is flowers, plants, trees or animals and insects, he can communicate with each other and perceive its spiritual fluctuations .

Ancient God Fragment - Dao Realm Fragment of the Ancient God, after swallowing, can upgrade the Godhead and gain unexpected benefits.

Qilin Ancestor Blood——The ancestor blood of the ancient mythical beast, Qilin, can make all beasts evolve and become stronger.

All three are good things!

As a result, this god-level psychic technique can make Ji Han's methods more unpredictable, and there are vaguely god-like methods, and even plants and trees can communicate, which can make up for the shortcomings of god-level animal control techniques. what.

As for this ancient god fragment and Qilin ancestral blood, one can upgrade Ji Han's godhead, and the other may be able to cultivate a unicorn-like divine beast. Thinking about it makes people excited.


Ji Han didn't even think about it, he directly swallowed the crystal-like, pale blue shard of the ancient god.

I saw this fragment disappear quickly after swallowing it in the body, as if it turned into a warm current, flowing through his internal organs, and finally disappearing into his godhead.

His godhead not only expanded on the spot, but also had many mysterious runes on it, and even exuded a breath that was more than ten times stronger than before.

"Ding! Congratulations on the upgrade of the master godhead to a high-level godhead!

"Your secondary light gate authority has been elevated!"

After a simple system prompt, Ji Han frowned in surprise, that's all? Is it gone?

"How much has the privilege escalated?" Ji Han asked.

"Go back to the master!" The system intelligently replied: "The number of people who can pass through each light gate at one time will reach 500,000.


Ji Han immediately laughed when he heard the words.

This is a big joy.

A gate of light can allow 500,000 people to pass through, so the number of soldiers and horses that come from the four dynasties at one time can be as many as 2 million?

This is an astronomical figure. With the technological level and the quality of the soldiers of the four dynasties today, two million troops are enough to push the entire time and space of World War II.

Ji Han can guarantee that absolutely no one can resist this kind of shock, so this news is very good for him.

"How strong is my strength now?" Ji Han frowned secretly, and said somewhat puzzled: "How powerful is a high-level godhead? Is there a reference?"5

"Yes!" The system replied intelligently: "If you are in a high-level plane, you should be a hero on the dominant side, and you can grasp the gods of billions of lives and deaths with your hands!""

"Fuck! Saying it is the same as not saying it.

Ji Han silently exclaimed, doesn't he know that he is a god?

After shaking his head depressedly, Ji Han looked at the Qilin Ancestral Blood in his hand.

This is a ball of blood the size of a baby's fist, sealed in a crystal, exuding a dazzling light, and there is actually a unicorn phantom sleeping inside.

It exudes a powerful breath, giving people a creepy feeling, and a glance is enough to make people tremble.

This is just a drop of blood. If the real ancestor of the unicorn is here, I'm afraid even Ji Han's scalp will be numb.

If it weren't for this thing that can only be used by beasts, Ji Han would have swallowed it himself.

Who should this thing be used for? Ji Han subconsciously looked at Xiao Hei and the two tigers.

Although there are many beasts in the small manor, only three of them are worthy of this unicorn ancestor blood, and other beasts are not worthy of such good things.

Xiao Hei has been with Ji Han for the longest time. He has a deep relationship with one person and one dog. He is also very popular with girls. He has a good position in the small manor.

It's a pity that after the two tigers settled in recently, they were faintly jealous of it. This guy suffered a lot. If it wasn't for the help of the wild boar family, it would have to be bullied to death by the tigers.

Ji Han turned a blind eye to these things and didn't think too much, but now that he has a drop of Qilin ancestor blood, it is suitable for it.

"Little black, come here!"

Ji Han greeted with a chuckle, Xiao Hei raised his head excitedly, and rushed over.

It also rides a little girl Wu Meiniang on its back. This girl usually plays the best with Xiao Hei. She also makes a silver bell-like laughter from time to time while riding on Xiao Hei's back, looking very cheerful.

"Mei Niang is going to play, I want to give Xiao Hei something good." Ji Han reminded with a smile.

Wu Meiniang blinked her eyes curiously, although she didn't know what he was doing, she still obediently walked aside.

"Little black, open your mouth!

Ji Han gave an order, and then flicked.


Xiao Hei opened his mouth subconsciously, and then the unicorn ancestral blood was swallowed into 4.3's belly.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei cried out in confusion, as if he was asking what it was, and Ji Han's thoughts were clearly perceived by the god-level psychic technique.

"It's a good thing, maybe you'll suffer a little later, don't panic, you'll change if you hold back!" Ji Han smiled comfortingly.

Xiao Hei whimpered a few times, and the next moment a sudden change occurred, it screamed a few times in pain, and then fell to the ground and twitched frantically, as if suffering from epilepsy.

"What's the matter? Sir, what's wrong with Xiao Hei?"

"Is this sick? Why is it so miserable?

"How are you, Xiao Hei? Xiao Hei!"

When the girls saw this, they all gathered around anxiously.

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