At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

438 Permanent base? How delicious is dinosaur meat! 【Subscription】

When the barracks was built, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In this perilous ancient world, if there is no safe camp, it is absolutely unimaginable.

In the event of an accident, everyone has nowhere to hide, which is really not very safe.

After setting up camp, the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties were repaired in batches, and they began to explore this unfamiliar place while cooking rice.

After dawn, the visibility was much higher, and the speed of exploration was also increased a lot. Various guns and guns roared constantly around the camp, and a large number of dinosaurs, beasts, snakes, insects, rats and ants began to run around.

A ten-mile radius was disturbed by noisy chickens and dogs.

For the first time, this piece of ancient time and space that had been silent for many billions of years became so lively that many dinosaurs fled in fear and anxiety, causing a series of commotions.

If you look at it from a high altitude, you can see a large number of pterosaurs flying around, and you can also see many long-necked dragons fleeing frantically, trampling on many trees and weak dinosaurs.

There is never a harmonious coexistence between man and nature!

This unknown land is too dangerous, all kinds of poisonous insects, beasts, swamp poison, all kinds of man-eating flowers and man-eating vines, any small insect bite can kill people.

So everyone has to clean up the area.

After a while, the corpses of a large number of dinosaurs and various beasts, snakes and insects were piled up in the corner of the general camp.

"Sir, is this dinosaur edible?" Ying Zheng asked with great interest: "I don't know how this thing will taste when it's baked, maybe it will be good."

"Of course you can eat it, the creatures of the Jurassic era are nourished by aura all day long, not only are they huge, but they must taste good~々." Ji Han laughed dumbly and said: "But some poisonous insects, crustaceans, mushrooms Try not to eat unknown species, it is really poisonous!

"Yes! Mr. said yes!"

"Hahaha, come on, let's try a dinosaur barbecue. 35

"Where's the Firehead Army? Burn the fire and roast this pterosaur! 35

"The meat of these dinosaurs is definitely good, I can't help but have a desire to eat.

Lao Zhao Lao Zhu and the others screamed in excitement!

After the big guy was busy for a while, the thigh meat of a Tyrannosaurus Rex was roasted in front of the fire.

The physique of this dinosaur is too frightening, any one weighs several tons, and thousands of people can't finish it.

However, the meat quality is surprisingly good. For dinosaurs that are nourished by spiritual energy all the year round, and are good at rushing, the meat of the legs is simply delicious.

Just sprinkle a little salt and seasoning, and after baking for a while, it becomes golden and fragrant, making everyone drool.

After one bite, the deliciousness bloomed on the tip of the tongue, and everyone who tasted it couldn't help exclaiming.

"Oh my God, it's delicious, this meat is so good!""

"And this taste, this is too fragrant, right?

"Why does dinosaur meat have a special aroma? It makes me feel warm when I eat it. It's really fragrant!"

At noon, the soldiers gathered around the bonfire in surprise and began to eat, roasting a dinosaur leg at random, making millions of people full of oil, all of them radiant, and they boasted that this place is really a treasure.

Even Wang Mushi, who didn't want to eat dinosaur meat, couldn't resist the law of true fragrance after tasting it, and ate happily.

"Good stuff!" Ji Han chuckled and said, "Have you noticed? After eating dinosaur meat, there is a warm current in the body, and it is extremely resistant to hunger!

"This is because flesh and blood contains spiritual energy, and after eating it, the human body can not only prolong life, but also increase strength.

"At the same time, there is another point? The aura in the air is so strong that the soldiers are tireless, their physical fitness is slowly increasing, and the old toxins and wounds accumulated in the body are disappearing.

"If you stay here for a long time, you will have to cultivate a lot of immortal cultivators!"

Ji Han sighed in admiration, Ying Zheng and others couldn't help but be surprised when they heard the words.

"Is this true, sir?"

"If you don't tell me, I don't think so, and now I think about it, it really is!

"Yes, this meat is hot all over, as if it has endless strength, it must be good for the body! 39

"And the air is full of spiritual energy, like a fairyland, a real treasure! 35

Everyone was excited and talked a lot, all eager to occupy this place for a long time, but everyone also knows that each time travel is time-limited.

It stands to reason that everyone has to leave after ten days. Will they come every once in a while in the future?

But this is too inconvenient!

661. Sir, is there any way to occupy this place for a long time?" Cao Cao couldn't help but ask.

"This? 35

Ji Han frowned secretly, and couldn't help but think of this.

If you can occupy this place for a long time and develop it stably, then there are too many benefits.

It's best to build a huge city here as a stronghold and a transit station. Think about it and think it's beautiful. If you can tame dinosaurs in the future, it will be even more refreshing.

So how this is permanently stationed here is the key!

"System, is there a way to fix it?" Ji Han asked in his heart.

"Yes master!" The system intelligently replied: "It has been detected that you have built the first base in the Jurassic era. Would you like to upgrade it to a permanent base?"

"Huh?" Ji Han was suddenly pleasantly surprised: "What do you mean by permanent base?"

"A permanent base is a stronghold built after colonizing a time and space!" The system replied intelligently: "It can be expanded unlimitedly, and it has the authority of a special time and space gate, which can connect the four dynasties, allowing them to increase troops to come here at any time."5

"And after the successful construction, the base has additional functions such as defense, support, and spirit gathering!


Ji Han's interest is getting stronger and stronger, this permanent base doesn't seem to be simple, it can not only solve their problems, but also have other additional benefits, it must be done.

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