At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

044 The Great Purge Of Chongzhen Officially Begins! 【45, Ask For Flowers】

Ming Dynasty

Forbidden City, outside the Qianqing Palace

A lot of fog has enveloped this ancient palace!

There were many eunuchs and maids in the palace anxiously trying to enter the palace, but they couldn't get close, as if they were beaten by a ghost.

"What to do, what to do?"

"It's been a night, and the emperor has not come out all night!"

"What the hell is going on? Why is there such a big fog in this palace?"

The eunuchs were very anxious, all afraid of something big.

And not long after the day dawned, the fog began to slowly dissipate.

The big guy was overjoyed, only to see Chongzhen walking out of the Qianqing Palace with a happy face, and everyone immediately knelt to greet him.

"Hey, my lord, why did you stay in the palace for so long!"

"Yeah, the fog is so thick and scary that the slaves can't get in."

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

All the ministers greeted each other with a worried look on their faces!

Chongzhen's face turned serious, he first glanced at the crowd, and then his eyes stayed on Wang Dehua, Gao Qiqian and others for a while.

Then he said with a sneer: "I'm fine, no one will need to clean the palace in the future. If there is fog, no one is allowed to approach, and anyone who violates it will be killed without mercy!"


Everyone shook their heads in agreement!

Although everyone can see that Chongzhen has a secret.

But he didn't say that and no one dared to ask more.

"Your Majesty!" Wang Dehua humbly smiled and said, "You must have been hungry after working so hard all night. How about having someone pass you breakfast?"

"Ha ha!"

In the face of Wang Dehua's diligence, Chongzhen's heart was even colder.

If it was in the past, he must have been secretly moved, and felt that this dog slave was really caring.

But ever since he knew that Li Zicheng opened the city gate and surrendered for the first time since he entered the capital, he couldn't help but want to draw his sword and slash people.

"No, I'm not hungry!"

Chongzhen waved his hand impatiently to refuse.

He just came back from eating so many good things from Ji Han, of course he wasn't hungry.

And the fairyland is worthy of being a fairyland. He felt that he had only stayed for an hour or two, but when he returned to Daming, it was already dawn. The flow of time was obviously different.

Now Chongzhen is very ambitious, and he can't wait to race against the clock.

"Come on, let Wang Chengen, Fang Zhenghua, and Cao Huachun have an audience!" Chongzhen gave an order on the spot.

"Your Majesty, why do you want to see a few of them?" Wang Dehua was startled: "Cao Huachun has already begged for his resignation because of his illness!"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Chongzhen scolded dissatisfiedly: "Why don't you go and send orders?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Wang Dehua was so frightened that he agreed again and again!

At this time, he felt that Chongzhen had changed a lot from the past.

This made him very uneasy, and even felt a little bad.

But he had no choice but to do it!

After a while, Wang Chengen and others arrived!

Even Cao Huachun, who resigned due to illness, hurried into the palace!

The three hurriedly knelt down on the ground, and Qi Qi saluted Chongzhen: "I have seen the emperor!"

"Yeah!" Chongzhen nodded with satisfaction, and suddenly shouted with a cold face: "Come here, take down Wang Dehua and Gao Qiqian, drag them out and beat them to death!"


Everyone gasped in fright.

No one expected that Chongzhen would suddenly turn his face.

What's going on.

Did Wang Dehua offend him by Gao Qiqian?

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, spare your life, but what's wrong with your servants?"

"Your Majesty, the servants are loyal to you!"

Gao Qiqian and Wang Dehua were so frightened that they desperately knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Wang Chengen and others were also taken aback, what is this for?

Are you calling them over suddenly to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys?

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

The three of Wang Chengen were so frightened that they knelt on the ground desperately.

But what surprised everyone was that Chongzhen not only did not anger them, but instead helped them up one by one.

"Your Majesty!"

Everyone was stunned!

Not only was no one moved, but everyone was stunned.

"Don't be afraid, Gao Qiqian Wang Dehua should be killed!" Chongzhen shouted in a cold voice: "Last night, I got a dream from the immortal master, and I already know the future. These two dog thieves actually collaborated with the enemy and treason, and should be executed!"

"No, no, lord, no, absolutely not!"

"You are dreaming, this dream is the opposite!"

"Yes, dreams are all opposites, but we are loyal, lord!"

Wang Dehua got up and dived high and the two were desperately begging in horror.

But Chongzhen stopped talking nonsense, and shouted directly to the little eunuch beside him: "Drag it down and beat him to death!"


The little eunuchs around looked at each other in dismay, and all dared not move!

These two are big boss-level eunuchs, and many young eunuchs live with them. Faced with this kind of order, everyone doesn't know whether to listen to them or not.

"What are you waiting for?" Wang Chengen said angrily, "Have you not heard the emperor's orders?"

"Drag it!"

Fang Zhenghua was also angry and scolded!

The little eunuchs hurriedly agreed, and then dragged the two away!

After a while, the screams of Wang Dehua and Gao Qiqian sounded in the palace. With Chongzhen's death order, the two had to be beaten to death.

This naturally made the entire harem tremble!

These two people died like this, and the harem forces were reshuffled again.

Many of the little eunuchs who depended on them and the people in the twenty-four prisons will be purged, which is foreseeable.

"Cao Huachun, from now on, you will be your chief eunuch again, and you will be in charge of the East Factory. Don't tell me that you are ill. Your old man is doing well. I will use you!"

"Fang Zhenghua, from now on, you are in charge of the Imperial Army for me!"

"Wang Cheng'en, you are still your eunuch as your supervisor of ceremonies, and you usually serve me."

"All the people left behind by Wang Dehua Gao Qiqian should be cleaned, and no hidden dangers should be left, understand?"

Chongzhen's series of personnel appointments and removals shocked everyone again!


"Slaves take orders!"

Wang Chengen and others were both surprised and delighted, and quickly agreed respectfully!

Eunuchs, as the emperor's family slaves, have all the powers of appointment, dismissal and life and death determined by the emperor. Since the death of Wei Zhongxian, no one has been able to compete with Chongzhen in this harem. How dare you not obey orders?

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