At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

448 How can there be any eggs under the nest? Ji Han's sense of crisis! 【Subscription】

Ji Han is right!

The reason why this scene of a catastrophe on the top of Kunlun Mountain is actually mainly because these hundreds of Kunlun fairy slaves are too heaven-defying!

They have been sleeping for more than 2,000 years, but they are getting stronger all the time. Now, the weakest among them are all at the Nascent Soul Realm, and the strongest have even entered the Spirit Transformation Stage!

So many powerhouses suddenly awakened in this time and space, and it has long been unbearable for this place.

The situation is getting pretty bad now!

Either the heavens and the earth will be exploded, or hundreds of Kunlun fairy slaves will be killed by lightning, these situations are not what Ji Han wants to see.

"System, is there a solution?" Ji Han asked with a frown.

"Yes! The system intelligently replied: "If the master wants to solve this matter, there are only three ways. The first is to take action and seal them again. 35

"The second is to absorb the origin of other worlds and strengthen this world!"

"The third is to summon them to within ten miles of the small manor. This area is blessed by your divine power and will not cause too much turmoil!"

The three solutions given by the system made Ji Han secretly frown.

First of all, he decisively rejected the first plan.

After all, they have been sealed for thousands of years, which is more uncomfortable than being in prison. They have not collapsed in endless sleep, and they are already mentally tough.

It's hard to wake up at this time, what's the matter, and they have to continue to seal and sleep, they can't be suffocated and go crazy?

Even Ji Han is too embarrassed to do that.

As for keeping them in captivity near the small manor, it is also a solution, but it is also a temporary solution to the problem.

Only this second plan aroused Ji Han's interest.

"What does it mean to devour the source of other worlds~々?" Ji Han asked again.

"Master!" The system intelligently replied: "Any world has its inherent origin, or it keeps getting stronger or weaker. The owner can be understood as the life force of a planet."

"The planet you are in has already entered the era of the end of the law, and the spiritual flow is seriously fading. Although good technology has been developed, it is difficult to hide its fragility."

'Hundreds of Nascent Soul old monsters fight casually, enough to make this place collapse, so heaven and earth will impose a thunder penalty on their own. 35

"If you want this world to accommodate enough powerhouses, you must continue to plunder the origins of other worlds and strengthen this planet in order to fundamentally solve this matter."

After the system explained, Ji Han's doubts disappeared.

This explanation is quite credible, after all, any planet and any world has a lifespan, and even the sun will have a day when it will be exhausted.

For example, Ji Han is also the same. The divine power in his body is boundless. If he does not stay in the small manor, he will also easily explode this planet.

Maybe a sneeze, a cough, or an unintentional outbreak could cause the annihilation of countless people.

So he could understand why this happened.

"System!" Ji Han continued to ask: "How does the origin of the world swallow? Does it mean that I can let this world devour the origin of Jurassic time and space? Then make it stronger?"

"It's not the master!" The system replied: "The Jurassic is the time and space that exists in this world. This is the time dimension, not the space dimension, which means that you can't reverse time, and it's impossible for this world to devour your own. origin.

These words are a bit tongue-in-cheek!

Ji Han's face was full of surprise for a long time, before he clearly understood what it meant.

"That is to say, the Jurassic and the twentieth century are in different time and space in this world, and they share the same origin.

"I can jump through time and space and change some details, but I can't let the future generations devour the past, because they are all one, right?"

Ji Han quickly sorted out his judgment.

The system intelligently replied: "Yes, master, you are right, that is the truth, so you must find the source of other worlds to devour in order to make this world stronger.

"Otherwise, if it continues to develop like this, this planet will be as long as 100,000 years old, and as short as 10,000 to 20,000 years old, it will completely collapse and disintegrate, and the major time and space will be destroyed together.


Ji Han clicked his tongue secretly, not expecting to get this kind of information by accident.

The system actually judges that this world will collapse within tens of thousands of years? That is to say, countless races and creatures in countless time and space in this world will face extinction, right?

Although tens of thousands of years may seem like a lot, in fact, for a world that is hundreds of millions of years and billions of years, this is really nothing.

And if Ji Han gets more powerful people to pour in here, it will definitely accelerate the collapse of the world, and then everyone will have to die together.

Originally, Ji Han boasted about bringing Lao Zhao and the others together for longevity, but now it seems that longevity is a bit difficult. Tens of thousands of years have passed by, and if any accident happens, everyone will be doomed.

It's like lying on the side of timed explosives and sleeping, even if Ji Han has all the means now, he doesn't have any sense of security.

Although there would be no crisis on the surface for the time being, a faint sense of urgency shrouded Ji Han's heart, making him subconsciously interested in devouring the origins of other worlds.

How can there be a complete egg under the nest?

If this world is destroyed, where can he escape? (Zhao's)

And what about his compatriots, his relatives and friends, Lao Zhao Lao Zhu and others?

Therefore, whether Ji Han wants to or not, he must pay attention to this matter.

How can we devour the source of other worlds? How can we find other worlds? A trace of doubt flashed in Ji Han's heart, but he was still a little puzzled.

"..Master!" The system intelligence seemed to see his mind, and suddenly asked: "Do you know how this world came from?"

Ji Han laughed dumbly and joked: "According to scientists, isn't it the fact that spore organisms developed from nothing and developed hundreds of millions or even billions of years? It can't be Pangu's pioneering work, right?

"Actually, that's right! The system reminds me decisively.

"Huh? 99

Ji Han suddenly became confused.

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