At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

460 Three tricks to make a comeback against the wind, is this reliable? 【Subscription】

After Ao Lie made a blood oath

Ji Han then smiled with satisfaction.

Although he didn't want Ao Lie to help him, it was always a good deal to get his promise.

In this way, by supporting Ao Lie step by step, there will be many benefits that can be obtained.

"I wasn't bragging just now, in fact, three moves are enough to solve the ills of the dragon clan." Ji Han was satisfied, and began to point out: "The first step is to move the dragon into the sky, the second step is self-innovation, and the third step is to get close to the human race!

"As soon as these three moves are made, the situation of your Dragon Clan will change rapidly, and if you operate it well, you may not be able to turn the tide against the wind.

Ji Han's words immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

Ao Lie frowned deeply. What do these three moves mean?

"Dragon race into the sky? Self-innovation? Close to the human race?" Ao Lie asked in confusion: "Senior, what do you mean? What's the use of this? Xiaolong doesn't understand, please explain."

"Haha!" Ji Han chuckled and said indifferently: "Don't worry, chat while eating, in fact, the biggest drawback of your dragon clan is the karmic sin of the ancients.

"These sins are like shackles, tied to your dragon clan's body. Not only is it difficult for the creatures in the clan to become stronger, but it is also prone to all kinds of three disasters and six disasters. It can be said that they are abandoned children of heaven."

"If you want to solve these sins, you have to use the gods of merit to wash away. If your dragon clan goes to heaven, why do you worry about your sins being unclear?


Ao Lie's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly became interested.

Does Ji Han mean to let their dragons go to heaven?

But if the court has just been established today, it is just an empty shell. Is this reliable?

There are very few people in the Three Realms who know the Heavenly Court, and the Dragon Clan has taken refuge in the past? Isn't this a nonsense?

And can Heavenly Court really help the dragons to wash away their sins?

Ao Lie was still skeptical.

"The Great Emperor Haotian was ordered by Daozu to set up a heavenly court!" Ji Han continued: "This is the plan of the prehistoric heaven, and it is also a destiny. In the future, the heavenly court will surely rise to rule all beings in the three realms."

"The sin of your dragon family is very big, but it is small, but it is also very small. At this time, you only need to invest in the team in advance before the rise of the heavenly court, then you can get the support of the Great Emperor Haotian. 99

"At this time, Haotian lacks major generals, how can he not be grateful to the dragons for joining? In order to win you over, shouldn't he entrust you with important tasks?

"What is this? This is taking a position in advance, this is taking refuge under the hands of the Honghuang Tiandao and expressing his attitude. Can Tiandao not be open to you?"

"A large number of gods and merits have descended, and you will benefit greatly from the dragon race of the four seas. You can easily wash away the sins of the ancient times, break free from the shackles, and soar to the sky!

Ji Han's eloquent words quickly made Ao Lie feel enlightened, and his breathing became heavier.

Although Ying Zheng and others didn't quite understand it, they felt that it was unfathomable, but Chongzhen knew some of the contents of Journey to the West, so he seemed thoughtful.

"Senior is amazing." After thinking for a moment, Ao Lie couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Why didn't we expect that by helping Heavenly Court before it was in its infancy, we would surely gain the friendship of the Great Emperor Haotian, the sins of the ancient times. Not difficult to solve!

"But there will definitely be a lot of opposing voices in the clan. Those clan elders all have their eyes above the top, so how can the clan masters be subservient?"

"The dragon clan is a minister of heaven, this is definitely a humiliation for us, Xiaolong is afraid that everyone will not agree. 35

Ao Lie sighed again and again and couldn't help sighing.

He is very aware of the situation of the Dragon Clan. Today, the Dragon Clan is still lying on the glory of the ancestors, and everyone thinks that they are ancient great clans, and they are arrogant.

If he proposes to submit to the heaven in the clan, he must be scolded to death, how can the arrogant dragon clan go to heaven as a minister?

Therefore, after Ao Lie was excited, he quickly laughed bitterly, obviously feeling that this method was not appropriate.

"Don't worry!" Ji Han chuckled and said: "How can I not know the internal situation of your dragon clan? Only those old stubborn, except for a few who have brains, others are stupid pigs and will not easily let go of their pride. of.""

"So you don't have to push the dragon clan to go to the sky, you can try to make contact with the Great Emperor Haotian first, build a good relationship first, and then go step by step.

··For flowers...

Ao Lie nodded again and again after hearing this!

After he took a deep breath, he said, "Senior's words are very true, this plan is feasible, and Xiaolong has written it down.

It's just that Ji Han could see that Ao Lie still had some hesitations about this plan. Obviously, he was very unconfident about whether he could implement this plan.

Ji Han sneered in his heart, but didn't take it seriously.

Because his cheating on Ao Lie has only just begun.

In fact, he is not very familiar with Honghuang, and he can only rely on flickering, but in his many deductions, he believes that his method has a high success rate.

"Let's talk about the second plan!" Ji Han continued: "The meaning of self-innovation is to remove some of the internal cancers of the Dragon Palace, so that the Dragon Clan can be reborn and gain a lot of fresh blood."

"You also know that the current dragon clan is unwilling to make progress, playing with things and losing their minds, and being intoxicated with money!"

"Most of the dragon clan relied on their noble blood to act recklessly and enslave others. Therefore, not only the four sea clans hate your dragon clan, but even the flood dragons have a lot of resentment."

About this, Ao Lie couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

What Ji Han said was indeed true. Above the bloodline within the dragon clan, those with high bloodline were born nobles, while Jiaolong was always a servant.

Due to the nature of the dragon clan, they will keep seeds everywhere, resulting in the number of Jiaolong with mixed bloodline being dozens or even hundreds of times that of the orthodox dragon clan.

Among so many Flood Dragons, there are always geniuses emerging, and now the Four Seas Dragon Palace not only has elite Flood Dragon Soldiers, but also a large number of Flood Dragon Powerhouses with high cultivation.

It is a pity that no matter how high the status of these Flood Dragons, any dragon child and dragon girl can easily bully them, which also leads to their resentment getting deeper and deeper.

As a result, Jiaolong became a time bomb.

The dragon clan needs powerful subordinates like Jiaolong, while insulting them, causing the contradiction to become deeper and deeper, and a disaster may break out at any time.

Ji Han's meaning is very clear, that is, to suppress the dragon clan to win over the Jiaolong, take the initiative to remove the internal tumor of the dragon clan, and let this ancient great clan gain a new life.

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