At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

473 Kyushu Supernatural Power Research and Promotion Organizing Committee! 【Subscription】



A change is taking place right now!

After receiving the guidance of Ji Han last time, the senior clan leaders in Yanjing began to make a dense arrangement, wanting to take advantage of the global sensation to completely change the situation brought about by the vision on the top of Kunlun Mountain.

Ten Kunlun fairy slaves have also arrived in Yanjing.

According to Ji Han's instructions, they fully cooperated with the senior management of Yanjing, and quickly developed a basic Qijue suitable for the promotion of the whole people!

Then, a brand new department was born.

This department called "The Kyushu Supernatural Power Research and Promotion Organizing Committee" is independent of the major departments, only responsible for the highest power center, and has great privileges.

It exists only to promote supernatural power culture on a large scale!

This is the big move announced by Mr. Lin and others.

Since Ji Han has already said this, if they can't seize the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and develop a unique route in Kyushu, then they are really stupid.

As a result, all the high-level leaders unanimously decided to promote the supernatural power culture and gradually develop a second path for Kyushu that is different from science and technology.

seven days later

The Kyushu Supernatural Power Promotion Organizing Committee was officially established!

On the day when the listing was established, all Chinese and foreign journalists were invited, and thousands of people directly crowded the headquarters of the organizing committee.

"Oh my God, what's going on here? Yanjing has no explanation at all about what happened at the top of the Kunlun Mountains and Dongshan City. What kind of organizing committee is being held now?"9

"Fake, what the hell is this damn Oriental doing? Is this a response to what happened last time?"

"Supernatural power promotion committee? What the hell is this? Wait, supernatural power? Does this refer to things that cannot be explained by science~々?"

"My God, it's no wonder that Yanjing invited so many reporters. This is the rhythm of a big event."

The reporters present were excited to discuss!

A large number of ambassadors and experts from various countries who were invited were also full of surprise, because no one expected that such a thing would happen suddenly.

They were suddenly invited.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't know what happened. They only knew that Yanjing seemed to have made a big move, so no one dared to neglect, and they all came together, which created today's scene.

Exactly ten o'clock in the morning!

Just when everyone was waiting impatiently.

The first president of the organizing committee, Lin Zhenhai, the eldest son of Mr. Lin, stepped onto the podium in military uniform.

Everyone was shocked, all kinds of flashing lights kept aiming at Lin Zhenhai, and all eyes were filled with exploration.

"Reporters and guests!"

"Dear viewers and friends in front of the live TV, welcome everyone to the establishment and listing site of the "Kyushu Supernatural Force Research and Promotion Organizing Committee"! 35

Lin Zhenhai, a lieutenant general, spoke in a concise manner, neither humble nor arrogant, and immediately aroused everyone's interest.

The reporters' eyes lit up, and they all started to ask questions excitedly.

"General Lin, as an actual power general in Kyushu, why did you suddenly resign from the military and be transferred to a civilian job?

"Does this mean that the Kyushu Army has any rights to change?"

"Is your supernatural power research and promotion committee set up for a series of events that happened before? 95

"What explanation do you Yanjing executives have for a series of things that science could not explain before?"

A series of questions kept throwing up.

In the face of everyone's concerned eyes and the curiosity of all mankind, Lin Zhenhai's mouth outlined an inexplicable smile.

He likes this scene very much, because it means that Kyushu has controlled the development and evolution route of all mankind, and no one can underestimate the strength of this great eastern country.

The leadership of the organizing committee this time was also won by the Lin family against all disapproval and at a great price.

If this matter is done well, the benefits it will bring to the Lin family will be immeasurable. Therefore, Lin Zhenhai is even willing to give up his position as a lieutenant general. His determination is evident.

At the same time, he has already done all the preparatory homework.

I saw him coughing lightly and said solemnly: "Everyone, regarding the supernatural phenomenon that occurred in various parts of Kyushu some time ago, we can definitely declare to the outside world that all these are objective facts.


Thousands of people in the audience, including hundreds of millions of spectators in front of the TV, were all in an uproar.

For a long time, Yanjing has never explained or acknowledged the supernatural phenomena that occurred in Kyushu, but this is the first time that such an open admission has been made.

What does this represent?

This means it's all true.

It's not a rumor, it's not a legend.

This world really has a side that no one can understand, and Yanjing executives must know more.

"..I have no comment on how and why these supernatural phenomena appear. 35 Lin Zhenhai continued: "I can only tell you that there are too many things hidden in this world that cannot be explained by science. "5

"This isn't theology, it's not a rumor, it's not a ridiculous fairy tale, it's a fact that happened to you and me!

"We humans have done too little research and exploration of this world. We think we have mastered the truth, but in fact we are just ignorant children."

"Why do many top scientists, such as Newton Edison, study theology at the same time in his later years? Because they have discovered the greatest secret in human history!"

"Humans accidentally discovered the ratio of gunpowder, and since then opened the age of firearms, and accidentally discovered the principle of steam, so (money is good) started the era of steam.35

"And today we have discovered a lot of supernatural phenomena, so we are about to start the supernatural age, because someone once said that the end of science is theology!

"Through the guidance of some legendary existences, we in Kyushu have mastered the key to stepping into, researching, and promoting supernatural power!"

"This is that we will spare no effort to promote and study this supernatural power in the entire Kyushu, the purpose is to let us humans embark on an ancient path other than science.

"Here I want to proudly announce that this road is not the product of aliens, nor is it a gift from God, it is the road passed down by our ancestors in Kyushu!"

Lin Zhenhai is righteous every word!

It deeply shocked everyone present, and everyone was stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

Holy crap, isn't this a dream?

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