At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

484 The enemy invades, are you courting death? 【Subscription】

after nightfall

Tianyu Realm, Southern Region

A mist covers the land!

The four gates of light suddenly appeared near a mountain range, startling countless birds and beasts, causing quite a commotion in the dark night.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of soldiers and horses roared out. These soldiers stepped through the gate of light, crossed the boundaries of time and space, set foot in this unfamiliar area, and quickly assembled.

In the dark night, it could be seen that every soldier had sharp eyes and murderous aura.

On their hands and necks, they could all see the hideous dragon tattoos, which were super-powerful beasts cultivated by the four great dynasties using the blood of the dragons. They were nourished in the bodies of the soldiers and grew up with them.

In the future, they are destined to become terrifying beasts.

Ji Han, Ying Zheng and the others walked over. At this time, there were millions of troops around them. Everyone looked around like ghosts, and a huge ancient city could be seen not far away.

"What a strong spiritual energy!"

"Haha, the concentration of spiritual energy here is more than ten times more intense than that of Sifang City.

"Hehehe, this is a treasure.

Ying Zheng and the others laughed coldly, and all became ambitious.

Ji Han's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart couldn't help but arouse a trace of excitement.

Feeling the majestic power of heaven here, he couldn't help revealing a 500 thread of hope. If he completely knocked down this place, I don't know how good it would be.

"The most urgent task now is to lay down a foothold, establish a permanent base, and then figure out everything in this world." Ji Han ordered decisively, saying: "Now, take this city, and those who dare to resist will be killed!"


Ying Zheng and others grinned and agreed!

After a big wave of his hand, the army of one million slaughtered frantically.

I saw the soldiers jumped up on the ground, and the next moment, there were dragons and tigers roaring outside the body, and the phantoms of the flood dragons surrounded the surrounding, carrying everyone like cannonballs, and they continued to fall towards the big city.

From a distance, it can be seen that this big city covers an area of ​​about tens of kilometers, with countless houses and streets enough to accommodate millions of people, and there are many monks with white wings patrolling the city wall.

Seeing this terrifying scene, the Tianyu Clan on the city wall immediately stunned.

"What the hell is going on? 99

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

"Send a signal, send a signal!! 35

"Ring the alarm, hurry up, a large number of unknown enemies are approaching!!

The Tianyu clan on the city wall reacted immediately, screaming and shouting, and at the same time loudly warning, and took out various weapons and made a defensive gesture.

"Huh 99


At the same time, a sharp and piercing alarm sounded quickly in the city, and the signal formation was activated, and a firework-like signal rose straight into the sky, instantly turning the sky over the city into blood red, and the meaning of warning was undoubtedly revealed.

"What? The city alarm went off?

"Blood flame warning? What's going on? Is there an enemy invasion?"

"Damn, enemy attack, enemy attack...

"Hurry up, hurry up to the city wall, this is the highest level of alarm, there is definitely an enemy attacking, let's go!! 35

Such a big shock and warning directly caused an uproar in this huge city, and a large number of Tianyu people were shocked. At the same time, everyone in the city immediately understood that there was an enemy invasion!

Whoosh whoosh!!

At the same time, the experts from the Tianyu clan who were stationed in the city immediately moved when they heard the news, and they all rushed towards the city wall, making a loud noise for a while.

"Damn, someone dares to attack our Dingyuan City idea, are they courting death?"

"Grass, who doesn't know that this is the site of our Purple Phoenix Headquarters, and there are still people who dare to stroke the tiger's whiskers?"

"Come on, go and see what's going on!

"Quickly send a message to the third elder, saying that there is a big enemy invading, hurry up!"

While flying towards the city wall, these Heavenly Feather Clan masters cursed in anger, and at the same time ordered someone to notify the third elders who were retreating in the city.


At this time, they still didn't know the strength and details of the enemy. To be cautious, they decided to wake up the three elders. With the three elders in charge, they believed that Dingyuan City would definitely be safe and sound.

Because their third elder was sent by the Purple Phoenix Sect to sit at the top of Dingyuan City, and he was also the person with the highest cultivation level in Dingyuan City. With him, these Heavenly Feather Clan experts would feel at ease.

After a few breaths, these Heavenly Feather Clan experts quickly came to the city wall.

"what happened?"

After a Tianyu clan expert with a pair of light cyan wings on his back came to the city wall, he immediately asked the guards on the city wall in a cold voice.

"Big... lord, look outside!"

A Tianyu soldier immediately pointed to the outside of the city.

The experts of the Heavenly Feather Clan immediately turned their heads, and then saw the scene of countless figures falling from the sky in the darkness!

"Hmm... who are these people? Where did they come from?

"What? With so many enemies attacking, it's no wonder that a bloody warning was issued!

"Quick, what are you still doing? Quickly activate the defensive formation!! 35

"Quickly notify all soldiers to assemble, prepare to fight, go! 99

This horrifying scene directly shocked the dozens of Tianyu clan masters, and they were so frightened that they gasped. Something I never thought about.

After the establishment of Dingyuan City, did you ever encounter such a scene?

Therefore, after being shocked, they did not dare to neglect or despise them at all, and immediately ordered the defense formation of Dingyuan City to be activated, and at the same time ordered all the soldiers of the Tianyu tribe to gather.

"Quick, quick, go to the city wall to prepare for battle!"

"Ready to fight, everyone ready to fight!"

"Go, grab your weapon, the Tianyu clan must not retreat! 35

"Hurry up, the enemy will be killed!"

After receiving the assembly signal, all the soldiers of the Tianyu clan immediately came to the four walls with the fastest speed, preparing to face the unknown enemy.

These Tianyu soldiers all have white wings and fly fast!

Moreover, these soldiers had no fear, clenched their weapons in both hands, stared at the approaching enemy outside, and were ready for battle.

At the same time, Dingyuan City's defense formation was activated, and a huge light shrouded the entire Dingyuan City, making it look huge and dazzling in the night.

After the mask was activated, almost all the Tianyu tribesmen breathed a sigh of relief, because they subconsciously thought that no matter how strong the enemy was, it would be impossible for them to break through their defensive array. After all, this was the top three defensive array in their Purple Phoenix Sect. Yes, it is absolutely trustworthy!

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