At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

048 Isn't The Holy One Afraid Of Repeating Wei Zhongxian's Disaster? 【35, Ask For Flowers】

After some secret talk

Sun Heding retired with excitement!

In fact, he did not know that his conversation with Chongzhen was destined to change the fate of the entire Ming Dynasty.

"Master Sun, our family Cao Huachun!"

"The Holy One ordered our family to take you to take over the battle, please!"

Outside the Qianqing Palace, Cao Huachun was already waiting here with a smile.

For this famous eunuch, Sun Heding couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Eunuch Cao!"


The two of them leave together!

In a short while, there was a bloody storm in the Beiping War Bureau.

Sun Heding, who shoulders the sacred mandate, is responsible for inspecting the craftsmanship skills, and all unqualified ones are eliminated. Cao Huachun is responsible for investigating corruption.

With a two-pronged approach, the troubling battle was moaned from top to bottom.

In less than half a day, the entire battle was cleaned up, all corrupt leaders were eliminated, and all unqualified firearms and craftsmen were quickly eliminated.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Heding announced the improvement of the treatment of craftsmen, which immediately inspired the enthusiasm of all the craftsmen, and began to work overtime all night for production and research and development.


at the same time

Fang Zhenghua is also rectifying the forbidden army!

Huang Degong started to rectify the Beijing battalion with great fanfare, selected high-quality soldiers, and began to add them to the Shenji battalion, preparing to expand the Shenji battalion to 20,000 people.

This big fanfare made the capital up and down in an uproar.

The cabinet immediately seized and rejected the imperial decree issued by Chongzhen, and a large number of civil servants and censors even knelt outside the Golden Palace and scolded.

"Your Majesty, this is the behavior of a faint-hearted monarch. Who would appoint eunuchs as the commander of the Imperial Army in all dynasties? The Holy One can't be so ignorant!"

"Isn't the Holy One afraid of repeating Wei Zhongxian's disaster?"

"The eunuch party is in power, and the country will not be the country!"

"Please take your life back!"

Outside the palace, the censors were desperately cursing!

As the pawns of the civil service group in the confrontation with the imperial power, they are not afraid to offend Chongzhen at all, what is difficult to hear.

Even if they are killed in battle, they can still make a name for themselves in history!

In the past, as long as they used this trick, Chongzhen would be pinched immediately.

Because he wanted to save face and reputation, he was afraid that he would be badly written in the history books, and he was also afraid of angering the entire civil service group.

After all, Chongzhen in the past was very naive and felt that he could not leave the support of these civil servants.

But now Chongzhen has changed. After being nurtured by Ji Han, he doesn't care who yells outside the door, nor does he care about his reputation, and he doesn't care about the mood of the civil servants!

"Let them kneel if they like to kneel!"

"Let them scold whatever they like!"

"Don't pay attention to them, they will all be left on the air!"

Chongzhen sneered and ordered, starting this silent confrontation.

Over the years, he has fought in secret with civil servants countless times, and his experience can be said to be quite rich.

It's time to let them hang out at this time, because these censors are mad dogs, and the more you pay attention to them, the more excited they will be.

The more you order to kill, the more they will come forward!

So just spend it and see who can spend it.

On the first day, everyone was at peace with each other. If you scold you, the censors, Chongzhen will handle his official business in the Xuanzheng Hall.

The next day, the censors were tired of scolding, and occasionally said a few words, and continued to live in peace!

On the third day, several older imperial censors fainted on their knees. Chongzhen even thoughtfully sent them to the Imperial Physician's Office, so angry that everyone wanted to vomit blood!

On the fourth day, just when the censors couldn't hold on and wanted to retreat, Chongzhen's counterattack had arrived!

"My lords, let it go, let it go!"

"The old slave has to go to the cabinet to declare the decree."

Holding the imperial decree in his hand, Wang Chengen passed by the censors triumphantly, which immediately angered the censors who were about to retreat.

"Eunuch, what's going on? Why didn't the Holy One see us?"

"What kind of imperial edict is this? What edict is the prince going to announce to the cabinet?"

"When will the sage want to see us? The prince will be right!"

The angry censors immediately surrounded Wang Chengen, vowing to get an explanation from him.

Wang Chengen smiled and said, "My lords, please don't embarrass the old slave. If the saint doesn't see you, what can the old slave do?"

"No, the sage has just issued an imperial decree to the cabinet to remove Wei Zaode from the post of first assistant, and instruct Fan Jingwen and Fan Da to take over as the first assistant. Oh yes, Lord Shi Kefa will take over as Minister of War and join the cabinet!"

Wang Chengen's intentional announcement made everyone stunned!

The censors looked at each other, and immediately noticed something wrong.

This kind of drama between monarchs and ministers is very useful for weak and deceitful kings, but it is a joke for powerful emperors.

Your cabinet can refute the emperor's canonization.

But the emperor can also replace your cabinet members.

This piece of auxiliary Wei Zaode has always been trusted by Chongzhen, and now it's time to change it?

Fan Jingwen and Shi Kefa quickly took over. Isn't this movement too big?

"It's more than that!" Wang Chengen chuckled, deliberately admiring his words: "Sir, this time, the movement is not small, and many people have been appointed and dismissed!"

"I'm sorry, my lords, but the old slave has to declare the decree!"

"Oh yes, kneel down slowly, the old slave will not disturb you!"

Wang Chengen left with a smile, but the censors felt their scalps go numb, and the audience couldn't help but become silent.

"Something's going to happen, something's going to happen!"

"The character of the saint was never like this in the past, why is it so serious today?"

"This is the rhythm of reorganizing the cabinet, something big is going to happen!"

The censors were horrified and talked a lot. They didn't know that Chongzhen was going to push the officials who died in Ji Han's mouth into major positions step by step, and they didn't know that he was going to start a big purge.

But even a fool can see that this Chongzhen is just about to do something!

For a time, all kinds of panic emotions were brewing among the officials, and this protest was over. Under the situation that everyone was in danger, no one insisted on kneeling in front of the Golden Palace.


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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