At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

488 Corpses are everywhere, blood is flowing into rivers! 【Subscription】

Outside Dingyuan City.

When Yu Hong, the third elder of the Purple Phoenix Sect, appeared, Ji Han discovered him immediately. To be precise, when Ji Han came to this place, he discovered the existence of Yu Hong.

This is like a firefly in the dark night, there is absolutely nothing to hide in front of Ji Han!

"Haha, are you finally out?

Ji Han smiled, as if he had expected this.

But after Ying Zheng and the others felt Yu Hong's aura that was several times stronger than theirs, they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Deity Transformation Stage? There is actually a God Transformation Stage in this city!

"This...Sir, can our people stop this god-turning birdman? 55

"Yeah, sir, why don't we go too, after all, Yuan Ying is still a realm away from Hua Shen!"

"Hehe, it seems that he is the one who is in charge of this city, so he must be killed as soon as possible!

Whether it's Ying Zheng or Li Shimin, they have never fought against the existence of the Spirit Transformation Stage, so they can't help but feel a little worried, and they all want to go and see it together.

"No need!" However, Ji Han waved his hand casually and said, "It's just a God Transformation, although it is much stronger than Lu Bu and the others in terms of strength, but this is just a birdman in the early days of God Transformation, Lu Bu and the others are all You have reached the state of Nascent Soul Consummation, and you can defeat this person together, you don't need to worry!

"Just for them to practice their hands, if you need to take action every time, what is the use of those generals? What's more, they still have Jiaolong to help!

Ji Han had no intention of making a move towards this newly-appeared god-turning bird, and he did not allow Ying Zheng and others to help, because in Ji Han's view, Lu Bu and the others would definitely have the power to fight together.

"Haha, since Mr. said so, then we'll just watch it here!"

"Sir is so right, we are blind!"

"Hehe, it turns out that it is only the initial stage of God Transformation, so there is no need to worry, our generals will definitely be able to kill it!

"Yes, yes, let's just wait and see what happens!

Ji Han had already spoken, and Ying Zheng and others naturally had no choice but to hold back, and then watched the situation going out of the city gate.

The situation was as expected by Ji Han. Lu Bu and Xu Zhu and other generals decided to join forces. The strength of several of them had reached the perfect state of the Nascent Soul Stage. In the face of a Tianyu clan who was in the early stage of God Transformation, even though they were very weak. At first, they were a little unstoppable, but with their super recovery ability and the help of the Flood Dragon, Lu Bu and the others still managed to withstand Yu Hong's offensive, and slowly reversed the situation, instead suppressing it.

In just one stick of incense, the situation on both sides changed. Facing such a situation, Yu Hong couldn't believe his eyes. He even felt that his three views were refreshed.

You must know that within their Purple Phoenix Sect, the gap between a large realm is as difficult to cross as a moat, and he never believed that a few Nascent Souls would be able to compete against it with joint efforts, but the fact happened, and He has fallen into a precarious situation!

At this time, Yu Hong wanted to get out after reacting, but it was too late. Lu Bu and the others burst out with all their strength. Together with the blessing of Jiaolong's phantom, they slammed into Yu Hong in the middle, giving him no chance of flying to the sky. No, it was immediately blown up by Lu Bu and a few others, and it turned into a rain of blood that fell on the ground!!

"What? Third Elder? Third Elder...

"Even... even the third elder is dead? How is it possible!!"

"No, it's impossible, how could this be?"

"It's over, it's over now!!"

Seeing with their own eyes that the third elder of the Purple Phoenix Sect was smashed into a rain of blood by the enemy, the thousands of surviving Tianyu clan members all wailed in despair, and no longer had any confidence to resist.

When someone took the lead, they turned around and ran, and all fled back.

Ji Han and the others laughed with satisfaction, because things were as they expected, and the birdman who was in the Spirit Transformation stage was easily resolved.

Seeing that the remaining thousands of birdmen began to collapse and flee, Ji Han immediately ordered a full-scale pursuit, and must not let anyone go.

For these alien races, they will not choose the second way except to kill them all!

Lu Bu, Wang Ben, and the others naturally knew this, and they were very familiar with this business, so they immediately led their men to hunt down the enemy with all their might, and sent people to search and control the entire city!

An hour later, all the Tianyu people in Dingyuan City were slaughtered, and the entire city was searched and controlled by the troops of the four great dynasties.

Greeted by Lu Bu and others, Ji Han led Ying Zheng and the others slowly into the city that had been destroyed a lot.

"Welcome Immortal Master, welcome Your Majesty!!

As Ji Han and others entered the city, the soldiers guarding various positions in the city greeted them in unison.

"Old Zhao, immediately send someone to investigate the situation here, and ask for general information about this world, so that we can make our next move easier!"

Ji Han waved his hand at will, and ordered Ying Zheng to send someone to investigate the situation.

Ying Zheng agreed and immediately handed over the matter to Wang Ben.

Then, Lu Bu came to Ji Han.

I tell the Immortal Master, in addition to the annihilated birdmen, we have also found more than two million people, most of them are all kinds of monsters, and the human race accounts for about one tenth, how to deal with these people , also ask the immortal master to show it!! 35

Lu Bu respectfully understood the situation and asked for instructions at the same time.

"Oh? There are actually hundreds of thousands of human races!!" Ji Han paused for a second, then continued: "According to the old method, all the rebels will be killed and sacrificed. As for those human races, although they are not Our Kyushu bloodline is not a human race in our Blue Star World, but we cannot be treated as aliens, so let’s settle down temporarily!

"Yes, your subordinates will do it right away!"

Lu Bu immediately ordered to leave.

Ying Zheng and the others naturally have no objection to Ji Han's arrangement. After all, these are all human races and can be completely assimilated, so they are not worried about any questions (Li's) at all!

Soon, there were continuous screams outside the city, and a very strong smell of blood continued to come.

All kinds of monsters enslaved by the Tianyu Clan in the city were all pulled outside the city to be slaughtered together, causing the blood to flow into rivers outside the city, and the corpses were scattered everywhere, piled up like a hill.

After finishing all these matters, Ji Han waved his hand and started the sacrifice as usual!

The divine light appeared, and the bodies of the Heavenly Feather Race and all kinds of monster races on the ground were drained of their blood and souls, and a terrifying force was madly purified.

Soon, these purified powers disappeared into everyone's bodies out of thin air, causing everyone's power to skyrocket wildly!

The wounded soldiers are recovering quickly, and the uninjured soldiers are breaking their mirrors one after another. Even Lu Bu and the others have quickly broken through to the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, and they are only one step away from breaking through to the Divine Transformation Stage!

However, this is only one of their harvests this time, and a bigger harvest is yet to come!

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