At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

492 I want to enslave you forever! 【Subscription】


A calm and dignified angry rebuke slowly spit out from Gongyanghou's mouth!!

In an instant, the huge square at the top of the Purple Phoenix Peak became silent in an instant, all the disciples immediately shut their mouths, and did not dare to make a single sound, and the color of awe in their eyes flashed at the same time.

In front of the majestic and majestic sect master, these disciples and deacons of the Purple Phoenix Sect did not dare to show any disrespect.

Seeing this, Gongyang Hou's face softened slightly, and he continued to say solemnly: "The news has confirmed that the soul cards of Yu Hong and others have also been shattered, which proves that Dingyuan City must have been invaded by unknown enemies. As for the dozens of people who were sitting in Yuancheng, they suffered without resistance.

"Now we don't know the situation in Dingyuan City, and we don't know if the enemy has left, but we must prepare for the worst!"

"One, it must be assumed that the enemy has not left, and the number is quite large, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for the third elder Yuhong to fall easily!

"Second, the death of Yu Hong and dozens of deacons has weakened the strength of our sect. If those unknown enemies are coming to our Purple Phoenix Sect, then we must prepare for it immediately, and we must not be beaten by the enemy. Unprepared!


"In view of this, we have decided to immediately open the great formation to protect the sect, so as to protect the sect's door from accidents! 35

"Three, the importance of Dingyuan City to our Purple Phoenix Sect is self-evident, no matter whether there are still sect disciples in the city surviving, or whether the enemy leaves or not, we have decided that after an hour, we will send you to Dingyuan. The city support is not only to rescue the disciples in Dingyuan City, but also to pacify the unknown enemy, so as to protect the face of our sect!"

No matter what the tens of thousands of his disciples thought, Yanghou, the master of Gongmen, immediately announced his decision.

Obviously, after receiving the news, the sect master Gong Yanghou not only reacted quickly, making nine thunderous sounds, but also discussed with the elders and others in the sect, and reached a unanimous decision, which is exactly what he said above.

For thousands of years since the establishment of the Purple Phoenix Sect, they have never encountered such an incident, and the glory and face of the sect have never been trampled on like this. Therefore, whether it is public or private, or for other reasons, their Purple Phoenix Sect has never experienced such an incident. The enemy must be wiped out and wiped out before this shame can be washed away to warn the world!

If their Purple Phoenix Sect did not even make any actions or reactions, then their Purple Phoenix Sect would have difficulty surviving in Nanzhou in the future, and everyone would think that their Purple Phoenix Sect was easy to bully!

Therefore, based on this consideration, and also considering that the number of enemies is unknown, and they should all stay in Dingyuan City, Gongyang Hou and several elders decided to dispatch the entire sect to help Dingyuan City!!

For such a decision, the tens of thousands of disciples and deacons who had just calmed down couldn't help but suddenly burst into an uproar.

Because this decision is too risky, to use the entire sect to rescue Dingyuan City will not only take a bold risk, but will also put the sect headquarters in danger.

Because the entire sect is dispatched, the sect will fall into a state of empty personnel. If the enemy appears again, what should they do in the Purple Phoenix Sect?

Originally, many deacons wanted to ask questions, but it was captured by the majesty of the sect master, Gongyanghou, and at the same time, Gongyanghou has also proposed that he will immediately open the great formation to protect the sect to protect the sect. Therefore, tens of thousands of disciples and deacons resisted the doubts in their hearts and did not dare to ask any questions.

"Do you have any objections?

After waiting for a while, Gongyang Hou broke the silence and asked a question.

The scene fell into silence again, and no one objected.

Seeing this, Gongyang Hou's face finally showed a hint of satisfaction.

Because the decision he made cannot be changed, he is notifying his disciples, not discussing with them, if anyone dares to raise objections, he will definitely get the most severe punishment from Duke Gongyang.

Of course, there is an important premise for making the decision to dispatch the whole sect, that is, he himself has already reached the strength of the mid-term integration, plus the background accumulated by the sect and tens of thousands of disciples dispatched, Gongyang Hou believes that unless there is a Mahayana period The above monks appear, otherwise they will all have the power to fight!

Either don't fight or go all out!

This is the idea of ​​Gongyang Hou, and it is also his usual behavior!

The reason why the elders and the guardians agreed is not only because they have the same idea and have great confidence in Gongyanghou, but also because their Purple Phoenix Sect cannot be trampled on. No matter who the enemy is, they must be washed with the blood of the enemy. disgrace, so a unanimous decision was reached.

"In this case, leave a line of disciples to stay in the sect!

"The rest wait, follow me to fight!"

Gongyanghou slowly glanced at the disciple standing below with his majestic eyes, then waved his hand and made a direct decision!

"Yes, Sect Master!!

Tens of thousands of disciples led the order in unison, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

After that, they all fluttered their wings and flew high, all of them left Zihuang Peak with the fastest speed, and led by Gongyanghou, they went straight to Dingyuan City!

Of course, there were still a small number of people left in the Purple Phoenix Sect to maintain the operation of the 500 Protector Sect.

After all, the location of the sect is the most important, and there is no room for loss, and it is impossible for the Duke of Gongyang to not take this into consideration.


The defensive formation within the Purple Phoenix Sect also quickly opened.

A phantom like a god began to condense between heaven and earth, and it was faintly visible around the Purple Phoenix Sect. There were hundreds of phantoms of twelve-winged gods, as if they were guarding them.

"Set off!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone's military heart is determined!

Gongyanghou, who stood at the forefront of the flying boat, let out a low voice.

Tens of thousands of Tianyu clan army, mighty, galloped out overwhelmingly.

The sky was filled with astonishing rays of light, as if an army of angels had assembled and dispatched, and the momentum was quite astonishing.

Half an hour later, Dingyuan City on the ground was already in sight!

Seeing this, Gongyang Hou's eyes flashed a cold light.

"Hmph, I want to see who it is, who dares to straighten the tiger's whiskers!!

"Although my Purple Phoenix Sect doesn't care about a small town, there are still millions of servants and family members of my clan in the city, and they are all riches."

"No matter who you are, if you dare to fight with my Purple Phoenix Sect, you must pay the price in blood!"

"I want to enslave you forever and ever!"

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