At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

506 Worthy of being a gentleman, admire and admire! 【Subscription】

"Sir, this is a great remark, haha!!"

"It makes sense, the first two problems are not difficult to solve!"

"Hehe, as expected of Mr., I admire and admire!!

"It seems that Mr. really has been thinking about it for a long time, now I can rest assured!"

Hearing that Ji Han solved the first two problems in just a few sentences, Ying Zheng and the others were all overjoyed, and the worry between their eyebrows instantly faded away.

"Hehe, you guys have big hearts!!" Ji Han smiled helplessly, "The first two problems are not difficult to solve, the first problem is water grinding kung fu, just need more training, and the second problem we will solve in Tiantiancheng A decision has been made, so it is not difficult to solve!"

"On the contrary, the lack of flight means and the lack of strategic materials such as formations, prisoners, and magic weapons are more difficult to solve. 99

"First of all, let's talk about the lack of flying means. Generally speaking, immortal cultivators can use flying instruments such as flying swords to fly in the air when they reach the foundation-building stage. Above the Nascent Soul, they can cross physically, but At present, we do not have so many flying swords and flying boats, and the strength of the soldiers is generally in the golden stage, so it is difficult to carry out vacant operations!

"Therefore, to solve this problem, we have to start from three aspects, one is to have enough flying instruments, and the other is to raise the strength of all soldiers to the Nascent Soul period, then this problem will no longer need to be considered. now!"

"For now, I think it is best to wait until the soldiers' strength collectively increases to the Nascent Soul stage, which not only improves the overall strength, but also solves the problem of no means of flight. What do you think? 99

"Three, you can also use the power of the dragon to soar to fight!"

Ji Han explained his thoughts in detail and analyzed them very thoroughly!

The lack of flying means does not necessarily need to be solved with the aid of flying instruments, as long as the strength of one million soldiers is raised above the Nascent Soul period, this problem does not exist!

How could Ying Zheng and several others have any opinions after listening to it, and they were naturally extremely happy.

"Haha, I think it's great!!

"What Mr. said is very good, how can the mere flying instruments be powerful and cost-effective to improve their own strength!"

"It is extremely, so, I believe that our son-in-law will soon be promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage!"9

"Haha, that's right, this problem doesn't seem to be difficult to solve, and it won't exist for a long time!

Ying Zheng and the others burst into laughter under the joy, and felt very recognized for Ji Han's analysis!

You must know that in terms of the current cultivation environment of Tiantian City, plus they have begun to absorb the cultivation culture system of Tianyu Realm, after taking the essence and removing the dross, it will definitely not take long for the millions of soldiers in Tiantian City to improve. At the Nascent Soul stage, as a result, the problem of flight means they were worried about no longer exists!

And at this moment, Ying Zheng and their ambitions have already been blazing high. If their army of one million cannot even reach the Nascent Soul stage, how can they guarantee to sweep the Nanzhou area of ​​Tianyujie?

Even the Nascent Soul Stage is only the minimum requirement, and it is the starting point for the initial battle. Once they continue to take down the sect of the Tianyu Realm, the millions of soldiers of the four dynasties will definitely complete their promotion at an extremely terrifying speed.

Otherwise, how could Ji Han and the others dare to peep into the huge Tianyu Realm!

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng and the others were in a good mood.

"Haha, sir, I toast to you!!

"Yes, yes, three of the four problems have been solved, we must toast Mr.

"Haha, come and come, drink, be a big white!"


The crowd rose up, raised their glasses and toasted Ji Han!

Naturally, Ji Han didn't save everyone's face, so he drank a big glass!

"Hehe, three of the four problems have been solved!" Ji Han put down his wine glass and said again: "As for the fourth problem, the lack of various strategic materials, I think this problem is more important and more difficult to solve! 35

"First of all, all of your four dynasties have just started to contact immortal cultivation, and it is not bad to have your current cultivation base. You have never been exposed to such things as equipment refining, alchemy, and formation, and you want to cultivate in such a short time. It is impossible for one’s own alchemist to be an alchemist or a talisman, so to solve this problem in the short term, we can only rely on external resources, such as various resources plundered from the Purple Phoenix Sect!”

"Of course, in the future, we must also cultivate talents such as alchemists and alchemists of our own, so that we can have a steady stream of strategic materials!""

"What do you think?"

For this last question, Ji Han paid some attention to it, and the solutions he proposed were also a temporary solution!

No way, for the strategic materials such as formations, captives, magic weapons and medicinal pills, the four major dynasties currently have no way to make and produce them, so the only solution is to rely on plundering resources from the outside world.

Ying Zheng and the others frowned again when they heard it, and after thinking about it carefully, they could only nod helplessly.

"As Mr. said, this is indeed the only solution at present!

"Yes, since we can't make our own production, we can only rely on plunder!"

"It seems that we must train our own soldiers who can manufacture and produce various strategic materials!"

"It makes sense, these strategic materials must not be choked by others, and must be created by yourself!

Thinking that those strategic materials will need to be plundered in the future, Ying Zheng and the others couldn't help frowning, and determined to cultivate their own talents!

Ji Han naturally supports this.

Thinking of the solution to the fourth problem, Ying Zheng immediately suggested: "Sir, since this is the case, it is just that we have plundered a lot of resources from the Purple Phoenix Sect this time, and there are many good things, but we can use them first. !"

"Yes, yes, the resources plundered from the Purple Phoenix Sect are not used, and it is also a waste. Except for setting aside a part for the implementation of the sleeping plan, we can take out the rest and distribute it!

"Yeah, sir, 4.3 I also think so, this time we have plundered a lot of things, whether it is flying instruments or resources such as formations, almost everything, we have to use it!"

"It makes sense. In this way, the shortage of supplies can be appropriately alleviated!"

The three of Cao Cao immediately nodded in agreement, hoping to use some of the resources plundered this time to change the current urgent situation and at the same time enhance the strength of the soldiers.

Ji Han was naturally satisfied with this, but then he shook his head.

"But that's not enough!" Ji Han said slowly: "We have millions of soldiers in Tiantian City. Although we have plundered a lot of resources from the Purple Phoenix Sect, we want to allocate and arm them to millions of soldiers, but we still have to. Some drop in the bucket and nothing to do with the bigger picture!""

"Therefore, we need a better solution!!"

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