At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

508 The change of the fifth gate of light, who is this time? 【Subscription】

At this moment, in the pavilion of the small manor, the atmosphere became extremely fiery.

The excitement on Ying Zheng, Cao Cao and the others couldn't be restrained at all, it was even more exaggerated than when they ascended the throne, the smiles on their faces never stopped, and the light in their eyes was full of hope.

The promotion of the ordinary dynasty to the immortal dynasty is definitely what Ying Zheng cares about the most in their hearts. Once their dynasty is promoted to the immortal dynasty, it means that their hundreds of millions of people can become immortal cultivators, and their desire for immortality is even more important. One step closer.

In addition, the Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal can also gather the luck of hundreds of millions of people. In this way, it can not only make the Xian Dynasty permanent, but also allow Ying Zheng and the others to continuously improve their cultivation and improve their luck, which can even add many incredible means and changes. .

How can anyone refuse such a good thing? Who can not be fascinated by it?

In addition, Ji Han also said that this Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal and the Secret Technique of the Three Thousand Avenues complement each other, and they can be used together to achieve the greatest effect.

Such rewards, such precious treasures and secret arts, if Ji Han hadn't given them to them, Ying Zheng and the others would never have been able to get in touch. Without Ji Han, their four dynasties would never have been promoted to the Immortal Dynasty.

Therefore, when the fiery colors in Ying Zheng's eyes eased a little, they looked at Ji Han with supreme respect and gratitude.

"Sir, the great grace cannot be said. In the future, Mr. has ordered. Our four great dynasties are the sharp knives in the hands of Mr., and it is entirely up to Mr. to control!"

"Haha, not bad, good sir, we will never forget it!! 35

"Thank you, sir, for your generous gift, and thank you sir for taking care of our four great dynasties. We really can't reciprocate! 35

"It's not that I don't want to repay, it's that I swear to die in return, sir, rest assured, we will definitely become the sharpest sharp knife in the hands of sir, we will definitely hit wherever we want, and dare not have any objection!!

The four Ying Zheng left their seats one after another, and then went to pay homage to Ji Han. While thanking Ji Han, they also made promises and promises in a very solemn manner, as if Ji Han would not know their loyalty!

Ying Zheng and the others are all smart people, they all know how to hug Ji Han's thigh.

And if there is no Ji Han, they won't even have a long-term vision, and there will be no change now, so Ying Zheng and the others dare to have other thoughts, there is only one thought in their hearts, and that is to repay Ji Han to the death.

In this regard, Ji Han is naturally extremely satisfied, and he is not in vain for his support and dedication.

"Hehe, alright, alright, don't be too polite, get up quickly~々!" Ji Han smiled while squatting: "No need, I understand your thoughts, I can give you these two things, It is the greatest trust in you, so no matter how much you say, it is empty, only helping me conquer and win the various worlds is the most important!"

"At that time, the four great dynasties of yours... oh no, it should be the four great immortal dynasties that will become stronger and stronger, and the regime will last forever. This is also the best reward for me!

"Haha, what Mr. said is very true, we will swear to follow Mr. to the death!

"Not bad, we will definitely help Mr. to conquer the world!!

"Hehe, thank you sir for your trust, I know what to do!"35

"Sir's words are very reasonable, no matter what the future will be, we will follow him to the death, sir, don't worry!

With Ji Han's help, Ying Zheng and several others stood up and responded to Ji Han with a big laugh. Everyone was very happy.

At this moment, after Ji Han took out these two rewards, Ying Zheng and the others seemed to have seen the opportunity for their four dynasties to become stronger and stronger, and they also seemed to see the prosperous scene after their four dynasties were promoted to the four immortal dynasties.

Even, as long as they follow Ji Han and continue to conquer the great worlds in the future, their four immortal dynasties will be enough to dominate the three thousand worlds, and gradually become the behemoths of the three thousand worlds, instead of being ordinary dynasties in the mortal world. !

For such a future, Ying Zheng and several people are longing for and confident!

Because of Ji Han and the leadership of the immortal master, they will live forever, and their immortal dynasty will last forever!

"Haha, come, let's have a toast to Mr.!"

"Yes, yes, sir!

"Haha, drink and drink, come and come!!

Under the excitement and comfort, Ying Zheng and the others immediately picked up the wine glasses happily, and toasted Ji Han one after another.

Although Wang Mushi on the side couldn't interrupt, but she heard everything Ji Han and the others said.

Obviously, Wang Mushi is also very happy for her father and the others. The rise and strength of the four dynasties is only good for her and no harm. For Ji Han so strongly supporting the four dynasties, Wang Mushi is even more grateful. tight.

Ji Han is also very happy. The rise and strength of the four dynasties means that it can help him realize more plans and win more big worlds, which can make him Ji Han continue to become stronger.

Therefore, it can be said that the four dynasties and Ji Han are already tied together, not only for mutual benefit, but also for mutual growth, otherwise Ji Han would not be so generous!

"..Come on, keep drinking, haha!"

Ji Han refused to come, and frequently clinked glasses with Ying Zheng and several others, and laughed a few times from time to time, making the atmosphere more and more lively.

However, just when the atmosphere was warm, the five gates around the small manor were closed, and suddenly a light gate suddenly lit up.

These five gates of light are naturally the gateways to the four dynasties and the prehistoric land, but at this time Ying Zheng and others have gathered here, so only the fifth gate of light can light up.

Sure enough, Ji Han, Ying Zheng and the others immediately noticed the change as soon as they appeared, and they all looked over, and then they saw the fifth gate of light suddenly brightening.

"(Li Dezhao) Hmm?? This is...  

"Could it be that Ao Lie is coming?"

"Is it Ao Lie? Is he here at this time?"

"It should be Ao Lie, we are already here, and the gate of light is the gateway to the wild land, who else can come here besides him?

Seeing that the fifth light gate was slowly lit up, Ying Zheng and several others were a little curious, and they all guessed whether Ao Lie was coming!

Because it was Ao Lie who appeared from that door of light for the first time, Ying Zheng and others subconsciously thought that apart from Ao Lie, no one else could get through!

However, Ji Han frowned slightly at this time, because the fifth door of light was a bit special, and it gave him a different feeling. Maybe it wasn't Ao Lie who wanted to come, but someone else!

Sure enough, a moment later, a figure emerged from the fifth gate of light. This figure was a little thin. If you look carefully, you can see that this is definitely not Ao Lie!

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