At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

537 Competing, who will be the first batch of experimenters? 【Subscription】

The so-called sleeping plan is a plan tailored by Ji Han for the four immortal dynasties, which can solve their lack of top combat power.

At this time, among these sleeping bases, not only were there sarcophagi, but also various formations. The walls of the bases were engraved with all kinds of talismans, which seemed extremely mysterious.

These are the requirements of Ji Han, the protection of the sleeping base, and it is also necessary.

"Have you confirmed that all the protective formations are correct? Have you tried to activate it?

Ji Han touched the formation on the wall and looked at Wang Ben.

Wang Ben immediately patted his chest and assured:

"Relax, Immortal Master, it has been confirmed, and I have tried to start it, and it is guaranteed to be correct! 35

There is no need for Ji Han to worry about such an important matter. Ying Zheng and others do not know how many times they have ordered them, so that everyone below must strictly follow the requirements of the immortal master, and they must be carefully checked, and there must be no mistakes. .

After all, this is related to whether their four immortal dynasties will have top combat power in the future, Ying Zheng and the others will never allow any accidents.

"Well then, what about the training supplies?" Ji Han continued to ask.

To carry out the sleeping plan, massive cultivation materials, including various medicinal pills, etc., are essential.

These massive cultivation 11 materials and treasures from heaven and earth are the basis for 100,000 sleepers to become stronger, allowing 100,000 sleepers to gain stronger power in their sleep.

Without these things, the 100,000 sleepers might not have reached the height Ji Han expected, just by time.

"It's all ready. This is also all the training materials that our four great immortal dynasties can take out. Immortal Master, please take a look!"

Wang Ben gestured respectfully and asked Ji Han to check it out.

Ji Han looked in the direction Wang Ben was pointing, and saw that at the other end of the huge sleeping base, there were massive amounts of cultivation materials, various treasures from heaven and earth, various medicinal herbs, etc., like a hill. .

And these are just the materials needed by a sleeping base. Among the other nine bases, there are still the same amount of cultivation resources.

These things were basically obtained by Ying Zheng and the others from the Purple Phoenix Sect. If it weren't for this, they would not be able to implement the sleeping plan.

Now that these things are ready, Ji Han is naturally satisfied!

After half an hour, Ji Han roughly inspected the sleeping base in detail.

"Very well, you have done a good job, exactly what I want!

For such a result, Ji Han is naturally full of praise.

"Hehe, thanks to Mr.'s guidance!"

"Yeah yeah, we couldn't have done it without the guidance of Mr.! 35'

"Haha, sir, it's rude, these are what we should do!""

"That's right, for this sleeping plan, we've all sacrificed our lives!!"

Ying Zheng and several others were naturally overjoyed to be praised by Ji Han, and they all burst into laughter.

Not only did Ying Zheng and the others have no objection to Ji Han's request to build a sleeping base, but they were afraid that they would not be able to satisfy Ji Han, so they felt it was worthwhile to get Ji Han's affirmation!

And the sleeping plan was originally made for their four immortal dynasties, how could Ying Zheng and the others not do their best!

Ji Han waved his hand slightly and said with a smile: "We don't have to be polite, by the way, are you ready for the selection of candidates?

In Ji Han's plan, the construction of the sleeping base is the first step, and the selection of 100,000 sleepers is the second step!

At present, the first step has been successfully completed, and all preparations have been made, just waiting to select 100,000 sleepers.

Hearing Ji Han's question, Ying Zheng immediately laughed and said, "Haha, don't worry sir, everything is ready, all the candidates are ready, just wait for your order!"

As early as when Ji Han ordered the four immortal dynasties to begin preparations, Ying Zheng and others had already started to select the sleepers.

The first batch of sleepers was 100,000 people, with an average of 25,000 people per immortal dynasty. For the four great immortal dynasties, this was not too difficult, and the candidates were quickly gathered.

Among the four immortal dynasties, these 100,000 people are basically a group of people with the highest cultivation base and the highest cultivation aptitude.

And they are loyal enough to never have two hearts.

Besides, Ying Zheng and the others also knew that Ji Han had other means, so they were not afraid of unexpected situations that could not be controlled.

"That's good!" Ji Han nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Then gather all the sleepers, and we are also ready to start the next step!!"

"Yes, we will start preparing immediately!!"

Ying Zheng and others responded in unison, and immediately ordered people to go down to prepare, and gathered all the sleepers.

Following Ji Han's order, the four immortal dynasties naturally began to move, and made various preparations according to Ji Han's order.

The 100,000 slumberers gathered in the ten slumbering bases, one person stood beside each sarcophagus, and then they all stood by quietly, daring not to make a single sound.

However, just as the people below began to prepare, Wang Ben, who was surrounded by Ying Zheng and others, couldn't help but speak at this time.

Wang Ben looked at Ji Han with a shy face, and said with a charming smile: "Hey, Immortal Master, look... Do you think I can join this sleeping plan? I am willing to be an experimenter, Please also ask the immortal master to agree!"

After he finished speaking, Wang Ben looked at Ji Han expectantly, wanting to hear the word "agree" from his mouth.

However, Lu Bu and the others around them couldn't help but fry the pot.

"Fuck, 547 Old Wang, you are too shameless, Immortal Master, let me do such a risky thing, I, Lu Bu, have nothing to say!""

Lu Bu reacted the fastest, and while he glared at Wang Ben, he couldn't help but recommend himself.

"Immortal Master, don't listen to them, let me do it, I'm willing to be the first experimenter!"

"I am me, I am also, Immortal Master, add me!

"This kind of dangerous thing made me come, I am willing to devote myself to the Immortal Master!

"Master Xianshi, I think they are all wrong. I think I am the most suitable candidate. Please also choose me for Xianshi!!"

Behind Wang Ben and Lu Bu, Xu Zhu, Cao Bianjiao and others also reacted quickly, and they all scrambled to be the first batch of experimenters.

For such a desperate opportunity to become stronger, as long as you are not a fool, you can see it, so Wang Ben, Lu Bu and others want to join it, so that they will not fall behind, and even want to remain in the four immortal dynasties. Cultivation for the leading position!

Ji Han, Ying Zheng and others couldn't help laughing at the scramble performance of Wang Ben and others.

"Haha, don't worry, don't grab it, I'll let you join if you don't say anything, don't worry, I've already prepared your place!"

Ji Han laughed, and instead of hanging on to their appetites, he announced his decision on the spot!

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