At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

539 Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng! 【Subscription】

"Understood, don't worry sir!"

Ying Zheng nodded and immediately conveyed Ji Han's meaning.

"Let's go, let's go back to Sifang City first!

Ji Han greeted and walked towards Sifang City not far away with Ying Zheng and others.

Soldiers will be responsible for the follow-up here, they only need to issue orders, and the rest don't have to worry about it.

After a while, Ji Han returned to Sifang City with Ying Zheng and others.

At this time, the Sifang City had already expanded several times and could accommodate millions of soldiers living at the same time.

Since the concentration of spiritual energy in the Jurassic period was more than ten times stronger than that of Daqin Daweidu, Sifang City was also an excellent training place for ordinary soldiers of the four immortal dynasties.

Therefore, every once in a while, the armies of the four immortal dynasties will send a large number of soldiers to Sifang City for rotation training in order to improve the overall strength of the army.

After returning to Sifang City, Ji Han and others made a random inspection, then made some arrangements, and then Ji Han returned to Daqin with Ying Zheng and others.

Great Qin Xian Dynasty, Qin Wang Palace.

After crossing the gate of light, Ji Han and the others immediately appeared in the Qin Palace.

In fact, when they returned from the Jurassic era, Ying Zheng and others were a little nervous and expecting.

No way, the sleeping plan is too important, this is the key to whether the 547s can conquer the Tianyu Realm in the future, so there is no room for mistakes, so Ying Zheng and the others will be so nervous, and will return with infinite expectations.

"How is it, sir? Can you sense it?

As soon as he came back, before he could sit down, Ying Zheng couldn't wait to look at Ji Han and questioned with anticipation on his face.

Not only Ying Zheng, Cao Cao and the others, including Wang Mushi, all looked at Ji Han nervously and expectantly.

The reason why they chose to return to Daqin instead of returning to Ji Han's small manor is because Daqin's time and space are the most suitable for waking the sleepers.

First, the time and space where the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty was located were not many, and they were all very simple. They had long been used to the existence of immortal masters, so once a supernatural phenomenon appeared in the awakening ceremony, it would not cause too much sensation.

Second, many places in Daqin Xianchao are sparsely populated, and even less populated outside of Huaxia, because Ji Han is not sure, after hundreds of millions of years, where the sleeping base they set up will appear, Therefore, it is the most suitable choice to wake up the sleeper in Daqin time and space.

"Don't worry, let me sense it first!!

Ji Han waved his hand, then closed his eyes!

With divine power running, coupled with (bbed) bloodline sensing, Ji Han sensed the position of the sleeper in an instant.

"It's actually moved so far??"

Ji Han abruptly opened his eyes, slightly surprised, and even more shocked.

Because he found that after hundreds of millions of years, the ten sleeping bases were moved to Feizhou, which was like a primitive country at this time, and was at least 10,000 kilometers away from China under the movement of countless continental plates. As expected by Ji Han.

"Sir, did you sense the location?"

"Yes, yes, where is it?"

"Sir, is the position shifted?"

"Is it far away? Can you sense the specific location, sir?

After seeing Ji Han open his eyes, he just said something with a face full of surprise, no beginning or end, Ying Zheng and the others were very anxious, and hurriedly started to ask questions.

"Ha ha!

Seeing Ying Zheng and the others with nervous and anticipatory expressions, Ji Han laughed a little:

"I sensed it, but there was some deviation in the position, which was somewhat different from the original expectation!"

"Where did it go?"

"Feizhou!" Ji Han said a place name that made everyone a little confused, "Those sleeping bases have been moved to the Feizhou continent, at least 20,000 miles away!! 55

"Hmm... 20,000 miles away?"

"Feizhou? Sir, where is this Feizhou continent?

"Could it be an overseas place?

"Wow... this is indeed too far away, it is actually 20,000 miles away, how can this be good? 55

When they heard the name of Feizhou Continent, and then heard that Feizhou was 20,000 miles away, Ying Zheng and the others were shocked.

It was a place they had never heard of, and it was also an unknown area they had never set foot in. It was normal for them not to know about Ying Zheng.

So Ji Han quieted the crowd and explained:

"This Feizhou Continent is indeed an overseas land, and it can even be called the west end of Blue Star!

"It's a large land, and it's really far away from our China. The 20,000 miles I'm talking about is just a straight-line distance. If you take a boat, the distance is estimated to be doubled! 99

"At present, the entire Feizhou Continent should be in a primitive state after all. The indigenous people there are not yet civilized, and there is no difference between the savages!"

"And our sleeping base is in the heart of Feizhou Continent!"

Ji Han briefly introduced the situation of Feizhou Continent, and pointed out the location of the sleeping base.

With that said, Ying Zheng and others will understand!

"In other words, Feizhou Continent is still an uncivilized and savage land? It's just a little far away? Is that right, sir? 33 Ying Zheng made a summary.

Ji Han nodded: "That's right, that's it!"

"Then what should we do? It's so far away, if we go by boat, we don't know how long it will take to get there!!

Cao Cao suddenly asked worriedly.

Ying Zheng and the others around him were stunned for a moment, but then they all burst into laughter.


It's not a joke, it's like hearing something interesting.

Even Ji Han smiled helplessly!

"This... Sir, brothers, what do you mean? What's so funny?"

Cao Cao was so dumbfounded by Ji Han and others that he didn't know what happened.

"Haha, Lao Cao, have you forgotten your current cultivation base? What does a mere 20,000 miles mean to us, haha!!

Ying Zheng laughed and explained to Cao Cao.

"Isn't it, brother, you're afraid you haven't gotten used to it yet? Do we need to take a boat now? Haha! 35

Chongzhen also reminded with a narrow face.

After being told this to Chongzhen by Ying Zheng, Cao Cao suddenly realized:

"Extremely, extremely, I actually forgot that I am already a Mahayana monk, haha, laugh at me, laugh at me!!!

Cao Cao blushed, and then he understood why everyone was laughing. This was clearly a joke of his own.

They are all monks in the Mahayana realm at present, and it is no problem to fly away from the ground. For them, a mere 20,000 miles is just a short distance away, so there is no need to worry about this problem.

That is to say, Cao Cao's time as a monk is still short, and his psychology and habits have not changed, so he subconsciously asks questions according to his previous thoughts.

This is just a joke, Ying Zheng and the others don't care!

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