At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

558 Unknown words, unimaginable huge gains! 【Subscription】

"Be careful!"

"Be careful not to move!"

"Come, come a little more, aim here!

Professor Aowei squatted in front of the sarcophagus, constantly instructing Yang Yuan and Allen who acted as assistants, and asked them to assist him in using the instruments for testing!

At the same time, the rest of the expedition personnel were divided into several groups and carried out detailed explorations of the surrounding areas.

The ground, the inside of the sarcophagus, the surface of the sarcophagus, the walls, and even the deeper part of this huge space, these scientific research personnel did not let go of any place, and they all carefully probed.

At the beginning, they were more careful, because they were afraid that there would be something like an organ, and they were afraid of casualties.

But after a while, they found that there were no organs in this huge space, so those scientific research personnel became more courageous and relaxed a lot. Explore and collect!

On Professor Aowei's side, Professor Aowei spent more than half an hour testing before slowly putting down the testing equipment in his hand.

The reason why it took more than half an hour, in fact, generally does not take that long, but Professor Aowei in a cautious and serious attitude, he did not dare to be slighted, and carefully checked back and forth more than ten times, and it was enough. After more than ten times of confirmation, the test results were finally confirmed.

At this moment, the complicated and incomprehensible look appeared on Professor Aowei's face again, and the light of shock and horror flashed in his eyes.

"How is it, Professor?"

"Professor Aowei, are the test results out?"

"Professor Oway, let's talk, we can't wait!"

"Yes, yes, Professor Aowei, let's announce the test results!

It seems that Professor Aowei has already obtained the test results, so the surrounding scientific research personnel have come back to surround the surrounding area, and can't wait to ask questions.

Not only them, but all the audience outside the TV were also very concerned about Professor Aowei's test results.


Professor Aowei's voice seemed to become a bit bitter and hoarse. He looked up at the people around him and said slowly: "The test results this time... are the same as... the test results for concrete walls, Tests have proved that these sarcophagi have existed for hundreds of millions of years!!

This time, Professor Aowei was obviously a little more relaxed than the previous time, and announced the test results directly.

After all, after coming in and seeing these sarcophagi, Professor Aowei already had some psychological preparations and guesses, so after confirming the test results, it was not as shocking as the first time.

It's just that the two test results are the same, which still has an indescribable impact on Professor Aowei.

And when Professor Aowei announced the results of this test, no matter it was everyone present or all the audience outside the TV, there was a complete uproar.

For a while, with the appearance of this test result, a sensation began to appear all over the world!!

"Really? Is it true?"

"Another hundred million years of existence? Incredible, so unbelievable! 35

"My God, what does this prove? Is there really a god in this world?

"It really existed for hundreds of millions of years? Doesn't that mean that there were sleepers sleeping here more than 100 million years ago? Who are those people? I can't imagine it!"

"Exactly the same test results, what does this mean? I feel like my cognition has been shocked!!35

All the people who heard the test results were deeply shocked, and they made various sounds of amazement, expressing their unbelievable mood!

Now the test results of the concrete wall and the sarcophagus group are consistent, which at least shows that these things were definitely built together and appeared together, otherwise it would not be the same test result!

However, the conjecture brought about by such a test result is enough to make everyone feel unbelievable.

Because these sarcophagi have existed for hundreds of millions of years, that is to say, if there were sleepers here before, those sleepers existed hundreds of millions of years ago, and were not awakened by the gods until more than 2,000 years ago. What the ancestors of the old priest saw was the scene of the sleeper being picked up.

Humans existed hundreds of millions of years ago?

Maybe it's not human, and no one knows what those sleepers are!

What kind of existence can be awakened after sleeping for hundreds of millions of years?

The various conjectures and questions brought about by this test result simply drove everyone crazy.

No one can figure out these questions, and no one can verify that they are true!

But the sarcophagus here also proves that those incredible problems do not seem to be exaggerated, but are likely to be real!

Countless experts and scholars went crazy, and at the same time, these experts and scholars began to study desperately, trying to deny or confirm the problems caused by the test results.

At this time, in the abandoned sleeping base, Professor Aowei and others looked at the sarcophagi with unspeakable eyes, as if they couldn't believe it until now, they had excavated such a huge and unimaginable discovery!

However, the fact was placed in front of them, and they couldn't bear to believe it.

After a while, Professor Aowei suppressed all thoughts and conjectures in his heart and looked at the other expedition team members.

Do you have any other findings?" Professor Orway asked.

"Yes, Professor!" Andrew stood up at this time, he pointed to the wall next to him and said: "Look, Professor, the walls here are also engraved with a lot of mysterious symbols and things similar to words, even more so than the walls outside. Dense!

As Andrew pointed to the wall, everyone else immediately looked in the direction of the wall.

Sure enough, as the searchlight shone through, they immediately saw a variety of incomprehensible symbols that were more complex and denser than the walls outside. Many of these symbols were very similar to words (Li Wanghao)!

Obviously, these scientific research personnel still have other graves discovered during the exploration just now!

Professor Aowei and others nodded slightly after seeing it. Professor Aowei immediately instructed the entourage to record all the mysterious symbols and words here.

And Andrew continued: "Professor, not only on the walls, but also on the surface of these sarcophagi, we also found a lot of similar mysterious symbols and words!""

"My God, is this the civilization symbol of the last era? 39

When Andrew said this, other people discovered that there were indeed a large number of mysterious symbols on the surface of each sarcophagus.

From this point of view, these mysterious symbols and words are definitely the most important discoveries here. Maybe these sarcophagi can exist for hundreds of millions of years because of the effect of those mysterious symbols.

And once they can decipher these mysterious symbols, they will definitely have unimaginably huge gains!

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