At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

560 Is the gap between us and Kyushu too big? 【Subscription】

However, for Professor Aowei's remarks, although the people in the western countries resisted and refuted subconsciously, the people in the east laughed ecstatically.

"Haha, this Professor Aowei still has something, like it!"

"Yes, yes, I actually saw the real history of existence in our eastern country, it is worthwhile for me to keep paying attention to this scientific expedition!

"Haha, this is messing around, and finally all the clues point to us east? It's so funny!

"A history of more than 100 million years, damn it, I thought 5,000 years was too much, but it seems that I am too superficial!"

"I don't know why, although I don't know if this is true, but I am willing to believe it, haha!!"

Within Huaxia, countless viewers couldn't help but comment triumphantly, with uncontrollable pride in their demeanor!

No way, our East, our China, the history is so long!

Originally thought that more than 5,000 years have been crushed, but who knows that it is far more than that, it should be more than 100 million years~ History is right!

In this way, the people of China are simply overjoyed, and it seems that their identity has been raised invisibly, and they have a great psychological advantage when they look at people in Western countries.

They seem to be saying in their hearts:

Than history? Are you worthy?

Do you know what the concept of 100 million years of history is?

Turtle, a turtle with a history of only a few hundred years!

That's right, Chinese people look at people in Western countries at this time, just like looking at each and everyone, full of superiority!

And this kind of mental activity seems to have appeared in the hearts of all Chinese people, and it is especially clear at this time!

Such a strong psychological superiority and sense of superiority did not emerge suddenly, but increased sharply, especially after a series of mysterious events that appeared in Huaxia before!

Faced with such a terrifying guess, everyone on the scene took a deep breath and was frightened by Professor Aowei's remarks!

If this statement is true, then the world will look at the East and China will become different.

However, the scientific research staff around Professor Aowei wanted to refute, but they were unable to start.

Because all the information they have dug up now points to the east, there is no doubt about it, and no one can deny it!

At this time, Professor Charlie sighed: "Perhaps more than that, these mysterious symbols and words, according to our speculation, should be something like the eastern magic circle, that is to say, this is a supernatural that we can't understand. Power, and supernatural power that has been around since more than 100 million years ago, do you know what that means?"

Professor Charlie's remarks immediately made everyone stunned.

" this possible? 39

"Supernatural powers appeared over 100 million years ago? My God, are you talking about mythology, Professor?"

"This is getting more and more mysterious, what is it??

"Supernatural powers? Gods? So, is the scene seen by the old priests and their ancestors true? Not only are there sleepers here, but also gods who wake up those sleepers and take them away?"

"My God, I think I'm just listening to a fairy tale, that more than 100 million years ago, the ancestors of the oriental people were able to have supernatural powers? Were there really oriental people back then?

Allen and Andrew and other expedition personnel were shocked and lost their voices, and even felt that Professor Charlie was telling a fairy tale.

But if Professor Oway's remarks conjecture is true, then Professor Charlie's conclusion will also have a basis. From this point of view, it seems that this is really not a myth, but a fact.

Why is it a fairy tale?

Because in the eyes of Westerners, whether it is flying in the sky, or the magic circle, etc., they are all things that only exist in legends, and they are all unique to Easterners.

But now what they have unearthed confirms to them that those are not myths, but real!

If there were no sarcophagi in front of them, if there were no mysterious symbols and words, Allen, Andrew, and the others would have directly refuted Professor Charlie, but now that these things were placed in front of them, they could only remain silent.

In fact, at this moment, according to the various things and information they have unearthed, the speculations of Professor Oway and Professor Charlie appear to be very objective and close to the truth.

This is because there is a basis for their speculation and remarks!

For this, all those present tacitly agree to be right!

Then, Professor Oway asked Allen and each of them to express their preliminary opinions and recorded them so that they could continue their research after returning.

Then Professor Aowei asked Andrew and others to record the symbols and words in this mysterious space, because this is the most precious first-hand information, and they must collect and record it!

I have to say that this time the scientific expedition project has gained so much that it is difficult for Professor Aowei to imagine.

However, what Professor Aowei and the others did not know was that Professor Charlie's remarks once again caused a great uproar around the world and caused a huge sensation, especially in Western countries.

After hearing Professor Charlie's remarks, countless foreigners in Western countries sneered subconsciously, thinking that Professor Charlie was exaggerating, even in the mythical East.

However, when I think of Professor Aowei and the others from the discovery of wooden plaques with sacrificial patterns to the present, almost all clues and discoveries point to the east, to Kyushu and China.

Moreover, the test results of the concrete wall and the sarcophagus also made everyone shut their mouths. Because there was no error in the instrument, Professor Aowei and the others also checked carefully more than ten times before confirming it, so this represents Kyushu people, or Kyushu people. The ancestors of the genus appeared more than 100 million years ago, and seem to have real supernatural powers.

Such a conclusion made countless foreigners feel an uproar after thinking about it carefully.

"Omg, the ancestors of the Kyushu people began to master supernatural powers more than 100 million years ago? It's incredible!""

"A hundred million years ago? My God, we didn't even exist in America back then, did we?"

"I always thought those magic circles and the like were the feudal superstitions of the Kyushu people, but I didn't expect it to be real!"

"Supernatural power, and supernatural power, why are these things related to the Chinese people?"

"Is the gap between us and Kyushu too big? We engage in technology, but they develop supernatural powers, how should we play?

Those foreigners in western countries made various exclamations, and cast envious glances at the extremely mysterious country of Kyushu, China! Beg.

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