At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

569 Last resort, is this what you rely on? 【Subscription】

Xiaoyue in the high sky has a gloomy face at this time, although there is no anger, but it is more terrifying than anger!

No one dared to talk to him like this, and no one dared to call their noble Tianyu clan people birdmen.

Such a person will definitely not have a second fate other than being smashed and scattered!!

"Then... kill them all!!

Xiaoyue did not hesitate and said something softly.

Since the enemy is so hard-hearted, let's face it hard and see if we can draw out the masters behind the scenes!!

And after Xiaoyue made a decision, the two sect masters, Guixue and Yanling, also waved their right hands!

In an instant, the people of the Tianyu clan, who were already extremely furious, were like tigers who had just come out of their cages. They didn't need to suppress their anger any more, and they all rushed towards Tiantiancheng.

"Die, you ants!!"

"Lowly human race, today is your day of death!! 35

"Haha, kill, kill them all!!

"The sect master has an order, kill it, kill it!!!!

Hundreds of thousands of Tianyu people flapped their wings wildly, like tigers descending the mountain, and rushed towards the soldiers who stepped on the four walls of Tiancheng City, instantly setting off a boundless momentum.

The ones who took the lead were the dozens of God Transformation Stage Birdmen, either with their bare hands or armed with weapons.

The same is true for the densely packed Tianyu clan behind them, they only have one idea in their hearts, and that is to smash the city in front of them to the ground!!

For these despicable human races who dare to insult their Tianyu clan, those birdmen will not have any courtesy!


All kinds of attacks, dense sword qi, all kinds of energy and various spells, all blasted towards Tiantiancheng.

However, in the face of such an attack by the enemy, Zhang Han did not panic at all!

"Everyone is ready, listen to my orders!"

"Activate all weapons!! 35

"Open the first layer of defense formation!""

"All soldiers resisted with all their strength!!99

Although Zhang Han was not panicked, he issued various orders in an orderly manner!

Following Zhang Han's order, the millions of soldiers on the four sides of the city walls were ready to attack.


The offensive outside the city has not yet arrived. Outside the city, a circular cover that can cover the entire city is in the shape of an upside-down button, firmly guarding the city in the middle.

Boom boom boom! (bbed)!!

As soon as the defensive circle was raised, those attacking spells outside the city slammed up, and then there were bursts of earth-shattering noises and various firelights.

The circular cover formed by the defensive array immediately swayed waves on the surface, seemingly shaky, but it was firmly supported, making the enemy's first wave of offensive completely ineffective!

But the counterattack of Tiantiancheng came along with it!

Boom boom boom!!


Countless kinds of artillery shells, densely packed bullets like torrential rain, and a large number of secretly made crossbows, all blasted out indiscriminately towards the enemies outside the city.

In an instant, it was too late to be surprised that the first wave of his offensive was blocked by the defensive circle, and the densely packed birdmen outside the city suddenly changed their expressions, and hurriedly used their own means to resist the counterattack of Tiantiancheng.

However, the wave after wave of artillery fire in Tiantian City was too dense, and the bombing was indiscriminate, making it difficult for the birdmen of the three sects to dodge, and there was no other way but to resist!


An even more violent explosion and loud noise exploded among the three sect disciples of Xuanying Sect.

One after another, it seems like it can't stop at all!

For a time, countless Tianyu people let out all kinds of mourning and screams, and every moment a large number of Tianyu people were smashed into pieces and fell from the air.

Although there were dozens of god-transforming birdmen in the front struggling to support them, or they defused most of the artillery fire, there were still a lot of casualties.

Seeing such a scene, Xiaoyue and the three immediately frowned.

"I didn't expect them to have a defensive array!! 35' Xiaoyue frowned.

"Their weapons are very novel, they don't have any aura fluctuations, but they can generate such great power. It seems that these human races can't be allowed to display! Ghost Blood said after careful observation.

Yan Ling nodded and agreed: "If that's the case, then let the three of Fa Yuan take action!



The three of them reached an agreement in an instant, and then the three of Fa Yuan, who had been instructed, acted instantly.

Fa Yuan is the deputy sect master of Jinxia Sect, and the other two are also the deputy sect masters of Xuanying Sect and Baigu Sect.

After receiving the instructions from Xiaoyue and others, the three of Fa Yuan went out in person and approached Tiantiancheng in a triangular shape from three directions!!

"Huh? The old monster in the fusion stage is about to shoot?

Zhang Han was always paying attention to the battlefield, so he immediately discovered the traces of Fa Yuan's three birdmen at the fusion stage, and his face changed slightly.

He didn't expect that, as the top combat power of this battle, the integration period old monster actually came out so early!

However, the fact was completely independent of Zhang Han's will. The three of Fa Yuan first used their powerful cultivation and mana to forcibly solve most of the artillery fire, minimizing the losses of the three sects.

Then facing the bombardment of countless artillery fire, the three of Fa Yuan quickly approached the circular cover formed by the defensive array.

"District defense formation, break it for me!!"

Fa Yuan sneered, his right hand formed a fist, and it blasted out instantly.

The other two also acted in the same way, as if they wanted to exert their strength together, and at the same time smash through the defensive array of Tiantiancheng.

"Quick, start the second defensive formation immediately, quick!"

Zhang Han's face changed dramatically, and he immediately issued an order with great anxiety!

However, as soon as Zhang Han's order was issued, he heard a loud bang, and the circular hood that had been upside down over the city of stepping on the sky was directly smashed by the three of Fa Yuan!

"Is this what you rely on?"

"Just trying to stop us with a defensive array?"

"What else is there now? If not, then all die!!"

After the three of Fa Yuan smashed the round hood, they looked disdainful, looking at Zhang Han and the others was like looking at dead people!

In the eyes of the three of Fa Yuan, this defensive array should be the last resort of Zhang Han and the others. Now that the defensive array has been broken, they can no longer stop their offensive, and all those lowly human races should die!

There was no need for Fa Yuan and the three of them to order, and the crowd of birdmen around them all took action with all their strength and displayed various spells.

They had suffered a lot of casualties before, and the Heavenly City was blocked by a defensive array, so that their anger had nowhere to vent.

And this time, the defensive circle has been broken, and it can no longer resist their offensive!

But at this moment, under the astonished eyes of Fa Yuan and the others, a stronger and stronger defensive formation suddenly rose up, once again firmly protecting the City of Treading Heaven!

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