At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

571 A bunch of ants, burning the mountains and boiling the sea! 【Subscription】

If waiting is tormented, then slowly despairing while waiting is absolutely unbearable for normal people.

At this time, Tiantian City has become a turtle shell, which can only be passively beaten, but cannot form a turtle shell that can counterattack!

Half an hour!

an hour!

two hours...

With the passage of time, the offensive of the enemies outside the city did not weaken in the slightest, but instead, the great formation of the guardian of the Heavenly City became shaky.

The white air hood formed by the Protector's Great Array was solid at the beginning, slightly swaying, and finally crumbling, which made the millions of soldiers in Tiantian City worry about it, and the atmosphere of grief and anger began to spread gradually.

It's just that Zhang Han and the millions of soldiers under him have already prepared for the worst, and they didn't react much to this. Instead, the light in their eyes became more and more blazing.

They... just waited for the last fight "May Seven Seven"!!

For the honor of the Kyushu people, for the honor of the four immortal dynasties!!

On the other hand, the birdmen of the three sects outside the city saw that the last line of defense was already crumbling, and they couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Even Xiaoyue and the three of them are waiting quietly, waiting for the destruction of Tiantiancheng, waiting for the appearance of the masters behind the scenes.

However, just when the defense line of Tiantiancheng was about to be broken, the variable finally appeared.


An invisible wave suddenly appeared in this piece of heaven and earth, swept across directly, without making any sound, but it made everyone feel the cold hair standing upside down, as if a great crisis was about to come.

Before waiting for the bird people outside the city to react, five gates of light emitting bright rays of light appeared in the sky above Tiantian City silently.

The appearance of the five doors of light did not seem abrupt, but seemed to have been standing there, but no one noticed.

The moment they saw the five gates of light, let alone ordinary birdmen, even Xiaoyue and the three of them instantly felt a great fear directly enveloped themselves, and it was difficult for them to even think of resistance.

"Gollum...this...what is this?"

Xiaoyue's dignified Xuanying Sect's sect master, a late-stage existence, was actually pale at this time. After swallowing saliva with difficulty, he asked in a terrified astringent voice.

Baigumen Sect Master Guixue and Jinxiazong Sect Master Yan Ling were like seeing a ghost at this time, and the two looked at each other with extremely fearful eyes.

"This... could it be the real murderer of the Violet Phoenix Sect?"

"Such aura, what is hiding behind this door of light??"

The shock and fear of Guixue and Yan Ling were no less than Xiaoyue's.

At this moment, the three of them were not only shrouded in huge fear, but also seemed to be firmly locked by countless breaths, so that they did not dare to move.

At this time, all the birdmen in the air outside the city were stunned, instead of continuing to attack, they retreated a lot of distance.

Although nothing has appeared in the door of light, but by virtue of their instinct, those birdmen know that the things inside are absolutely terrifying, and they are not something they can contend with. Therefore, those birdmen are directly scared away!

And this is a long story, but it actually happened in a short moment.

After the gate of light appeared, there was a sudden burst of great shouts in the city of stepping on the sky, which seemed extremely excited and excited.

"Haha, here we come, the immortal masters are here!"

"It's finally here, damn bird people, let them go back and forth today!"

"Haha, our backer is here!!"

"We have lived up to the expectations of the Immortal Master and His Majesty, and we have defended the city of stepping on the sky!!"

"Kill, kill, brothers, it's time to fight back!!"

The millions of soldiers on the city wall were extremely excited, and they finally got their hope.

At this moment, the first four of the five gates of light, each quickly walked out of a team of people from the gate of light.

The first person to appear was the six figures. The first person looked young and handsome, and had a very special temperament that made people dare not look directly.

Beside the young man was a beautiful woman with a sharp sword, exuding heroic aura, and behind the two, there were four dazzling looking like the sun, as soon as they appeared, there seemed to be countless golden dragons. Surrounded domineering man.

Just these six figures brought an unparalleled shock and shock to countless birdmen outside the city.

However, after the six people, the four gates of light continued to pour out a large number of people.

In just half an hour, the 100,000 Heavenly Immortals awakened by Ji Han appeared in the Heavenly Feather Realm.

When the 100,000 Celestial Immortals stood side by side in the void and exuded a terrifying aura unscrupulously, all the birdmen, including Xiaoyue three people, lost their ability to think at this moment, their faces were pale, and the pupils in their eyes diverged. , as if there was boundless fear looming over them.

"It's over!!"

The three of Xiaoyue were speechless, and groaned in pain from the depths of their hearts.

At this moment, boundless remorse surrounds their hearts!

But it has come to this point, and they can't change anything at all.

Just looking at the imposing manner of the gods in the sky, Xiaoyue and the others will understand that they will be buried here today!

At this moment, all the birdmen were suppressed in place by the breath of the 100,000 Heavenly Immortals, let alone move, and could not even speak.

After Ji Han appeared in the sky above Tiantian City, he slowly looked around, and immediately had a panoramic view of everything.

"Hehe, it's not too late!!"9

Ji Han chuckled lightly, and then looked at the many soldiers in the city.

"Welcome Immortal Master, welcome Your Majesty!!

At this moment, the millions of soldiers in Tiantian City knelt down on one knee and greeted Ji Han, Ying Zheng and others respectfully.

At this moment, Zhang Han and other millions of soldiers were excited, while the countless birdmen outside the city felt cold all over.

"Get up, you are doing well, very well!"

Ji Han raised his hand to help him, and made all the soldiers stand up, and praised him generously.

Because Zhang Han and others kept the city of Tiantian, and they did a really good job, which is worthy of praise!

However, when Ji Han looked at Xiaoyue and the others, his eyes were icy cold.

"Hehe, you really dare to kill me, you are so brave!!

Looking at Xiaoyue and these birdmen, Ji Han is like looking at ants.

"Kill them all!! 35

4.3 Ji Han waved casually!

Ying Zheng immediately understood, and immediately sneered and ordered: "The Immortal Master has an order to kill all the birdmen in this place on the spot, and leave none of them!


The 100,000 Heavenly Immortal-level powerhouse instantly took command, and then they didn't move, just waved their right hands lightly.


A large sea of ​​fire appeared out of nowhere in the air. Obviously, to deal with these little ants, as almighty above the gods, Lu Bu and the others did not need any effort at all. They just used a fireball spell to attract a sea of ​​fire, and all the birds were killed. All shrouded in it.


Like burning a mountain and boiling a sea, all the birdmen were instantly burned to ashes in front of Heavenly Immortal Great Master, and they couldn't even make a scream, so they completely dissipated.

At the moment when the 100,000 Heavenly Immortals descended, the outcome of Xiaoyue and others was already doomed!!.

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