At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

573 Killing to the fullest, ghosts cry wolf howl! 【Subscription】

"Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!!

"Hurry up and inform the elders that there are unknown human races appearing outside the sect!!"

"The person who came to stop, stop, did you hear it??

"Stop for me, this is Xuanyingmen, who dares to be presumptuous??"

After seeing the figures of Lu Bu and the others appearing outside the Protector Sect Great Array, the dozens of Xuanying Sect disciples who were originally stationed at the gate instantly changed their colors, and some of them immediately raised the alarm and reported the news.

There were also people who scolded Lu Bu and the others in a stern manner, and put on the prestige of Xuanyingmen, trying to scare them away!

However, Lu Bu and the others didn't even look at these ants. First, they carefully looked at the Xuanyingmen station in front of them with scrutiny eyes, no matter how close the Xuanyingmen was.

"It seems that this is the so-called Xuanyingmen station!!

After looking at it for a while, Lu Bu said something to Xu Zhu next to him.

Xu Zhu didn't care about him so much, he said directly: "It doesn't matter whether he is or not, as long as he is a birdman, he will kill all of them, no need for so much nonsense! 35

Xu Zhu has always been straight-forward, and now all he sees is a group of birdmen, so he thinks it's better to just kill them!

Lu Bu shook his head and smiled bitterly. He understood Xu Zhu's temperament and didn't care about anything.

Moreover, Lu Bu saw a large number of birdmen flying down from the main peak of Xuanyingmen, so he didn't bother to say anything more.

"Then kill it!!"

Lu Bu waved his hand and gave an order!!

At this time in the Xuanying Gate, only Bai Yuan was left behind. When he hurriedly flew from the main peak to the gate, he saw a scene that made his scalp tingle.

I saw that among the incoming enemies, one of them stood up at will, and then directly punched their guardian formation.

Before Bai Yuan realized what had happened, there was a loud bang, and the great formation of protecting the sect that they depended on was smashed by a punch in an instant, so that the entire Xuanying Gate was completely exposed to the enemy's vision. among!

This punch not only smashed the great formation of protecting the sect of Xuan Yingmen, but also seemed to slam into Bai Yuan's mind, making his mind blank with a buzzing sound.

But Lu Bu and the others didn't care how the enemy reacted. Since there was no obstacle in front of them, they had to kill them to the fullest.

"咻咻咻!~々! 35

The Heavenly Immortal soldier who broke through the Great Array of Protecting Sect directly waved his hand, and the dense sword energy instantly shot towards the birdman in the Xuanying Gate.

The speed of these sword qi was so fast that it was hard to see with the naked eye, and in the next second, it directly pierced through hundreds of birdmen, and they were instantly twisted into pieces by the sword qi before they could scream.

"Haha, that's it, the labor and management have long disliked these birdmen, and today they will kill them happily, kill them!!"

Xu Zhu seemed to be stimulated by the bloody scene, and suddenly burst into laughter with excitement, and then rushed into the Xuanying Sect.

The other soldiers followed closely, and Lu Bu did not take action, but stood quietly outside the Xuanying Gate, as if waiting for something.

"Stop, who are you?"

"Damn human race, ah..."

"Stop, stop it all for me!! 35

"Go to hell, you lowly humans!!

Originally, when the Protecting Sect Great Array was smashed in an instant, a large number of birdmen who were approaching the gate were startled. The birdmen in the distance were even more horrified, but the next moment, those birdmen seemed to be aroused with arrogance in their bones, and they roared at Xu Zhu and the others to kill them, completely unafraid of death.

Because in the Tianyu Realm, the Tianyu clan is the most noble race, and the human race is the most humble and lowly enslaved, so no matter how terrifying the cultivation of Xu Zhu and others is, it cannot change the arrogance in the bones of these Tianyu people, so those birds People work so hard.

Moreover, after seeing the enemy's methods, the rest of the Tianyu clan in Xuanying Sect knew that it was useless to escape, and they could only resist desperately!

However, this situation made Xu Zhu not surprised but happy.

"Haha, come on, come on, let the labor and capital come and die, haha!!!"

Xu Zhu laughed wildly, but his hands did not stop at all. Even though Xu Zhu was already a master at the Golden Immortal realm, he still liked to hit people with his fists.


Across the distance, Xu Zhu directly punched out. At this moment, Xu Zhu's fist style seemed to arouse the spiritual energy in the entire Xuanying Gate, and after it condensed and formed, it violently bombarded the bodies of hundreds of birdmen.


The sky seems to be raining with blood and flesh, and it looks extremely bloody!

However, Xu Zhu became more and more excited. Wherever he saw a lot of birdmen gathered, he would bang his fists wherever he could, and he would have a great time killing them!!

The other Heavenly Immortal soldiers also scattered, searching for the fish that slipped through the net.

Whenever they encounter birdmen, no matter how loud they clamor, no matter what they say, those heavenly soldiers just use their methods to directly kill them without leaving any survivors.

For a time, all kinds of mourning and screams continued to be heard in the Xuanying Gate. A huge sect had no resistance to the enemy who came to the door.

Of course, not all the Celestial Soldiers have taken action, and a mere Xuanying Gate is not worth all their shots, but most Celestial Soldiers have focused their attention on the matter of searching for resources.

Xu Zhu led dozens of people and killed them all the way, while the rest of the Celestial Soldiers searched for resources, looking for everything they could take away.

With the cultivation of Xu Zhu and others, dealing with a mere third-rate sect is not too simple.

Even if the top and bottom of the Xuanying Sect began to resist desperately under the leadership of several elders, and even sacrificed several powerful magic weapons in the sect, but it had no effect, because the strength gap between the two sides was too great, fundamental (Li Zhaozhao) Not magic weapons or secret techniques can smooth it out!

Not only the Xuanying Sect, but also in the White Bone Sect and the Jinxia Sect, the Heavenly Immortal army led by Wang Ben and Cao Bianjiao and others had already descended into those two sects, and they were carrying out exactly the same frantic killings.

For the three sects of Xuanyingmen, Baigumen and Jinxiazong, they have already suffered a serious injury at this time. The three sect masters of Xiaoyue have taken away most of the power in the sect. How can these three sects be able to resist, they have been brutally murdered in various ways, and they can't even do any decent resistance!

Among the three sects, a large number of Tianyu clan masters were forced to break out, trying to block the mad slaughter of the enemy.

But these Heavenly Feather Clan experts suddenly discovered that, let alone blocking the enemy's slaughter, it was a problem whether they could save their own lives.

Therefore, the Tianyu people of the three sects all fell into despair!!

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