At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

057 No, There Is No Discussion, I Don't Want To Talk! 【25, Ask For Flowers】

Many people may not understand why Xu Huihuang and his wife are so excited!

But Su Xiaoxiao knew it very well, because the couple might have heard this once in their lives, that Xu Yanran would take the initiative to say that she wanted to eat.

In the past, no matter how much delicious food was put in front of her, she was too lazy to take a look.

Even if she starved to death, she would not take the initiative to eat a bite.

The normal state of her life is infusion, and many times she can only be forced to eat a little something, so that her condition is getting worse and worse.

Now she actually wants to eat this watermelon?

It's incredible!

"Quick, cut the melon!"

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but get excited.

She washed a watermelon knife herself and cut the watermelon open.

After the watermelon is cut, the sweet smell is more intense, and the red melon flesh is even more mouth-watering.

"This melon looks good." Xu Huihuang said expectantly, "Yanran, try a piece of it!"


Xu Yanran nodded happily, and there was a hint of anticipation on her pretty face.

I don't know why, but when she smelled this sweet smell, she suddenly had a sense of appetite that she had forgotten for many years!

She carefully picked up a piece of watermelon.

Take a tentative bite.

Then she widened her eyes in surprise.

So sweet, this tastes really good!

Her mouth was full of saliva, her brain was sending out violent signals, and her stomach felt a sense of satisfaction she had never had before.

she cried!

A tear fell down her pretty face.

"Is this what good food tastes like? It's so good!"

Xu Yanran whispered softly, and then continued to eat one bite at a time!

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, this severe anorexic patient actually enjoyed eating.

She greedily enjoys the taste of food that she has never enjoyed before, she is intoxicated and unable to extricate herself from it, she has absolutely no resistance to this watermelon.

Piece after piece!

Piece after piece!

Xu Yanran ate a whole watermelon by herself.

This terrifying scene made the doctors who came to hear the news stunned.

The people present were even more frightened. Is she a demon?

"Is this watermelon really that delicious?"

"I'm not dreaming? Isn't this a dream?"

"Wuwuwu, Yanran is eating, she really is eating!"

"Great, great!"

"If there was such a watermelon, Yanran wouldn't have to suffer for so many years!"

"Xiaoxiao, thank you, thank you!"

Xu Huihuang and his wife cried with joy. Seeing this happy scene, their emotions were completely out of control.

"Fuck, f*ck, is this melon really so delicious?"

"Patients with severe anorexia are cured in an instant?"

"This is such a goddamn melon, I will definitely buy one and try it if I have the money!"

"This melon made the goddess cry, how delicious is this?"

"I suddenly felt that Boss Ji didn't cheat, his melons are really worth a thousand, oh no, maybe he sold at a loss!"

"Yeah, such a good melon, these rich people will buy one for 100,000!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also in an uproar.

This unexpected live broadcast gave everyone a clear understanding of Ji Han's melon, which is definitely not an ordinary watermelon.

After eating a full watermelon!

Xu Yanran couldn't take it any longer.

She blushed and stopped, and said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, it's really delicious, I couldn't hold back for a while!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Xu Huihuang said excitedly: "As long as you want to eat it, I'll buy it for you no matter how expensive it is. Where did Xiaoxiao buy this melon? I'll buy it right away!"

"This is a melon grown in a small farmhouse in Jijia Village at the foot of Dongshan Mountain!" Su Xiaoxiao chuckled: "The fruit in their house is super delicious. This boss is very individual. "

"Money is not a problem!" Xu Huihuang asked anxiously: "Is there a lot of this stuff? Yanran likes to eat it, so I need to buy some more! You can ask him if I can take it all in, I'll sign the contract now. , the price is negotiable.”

Xu Huihuang, the old father, was really heartbroken for his daughter's rations!

After discovering that Xu Yanran likes to eat this watermelon, she can't wait to get all Ji Han's melons on the spot.

"Uncle, don't worry, his family's melons and fruits are all over the mountains and plains, so you won't have to worry about what you can't buy." Su Xiaoxiao comforted.

"Of course I'm in a hurry!" Xu Huihuang hurriedly urged: "Do you have his phone number? Call me and ask, or I can go there right away."

"All right!"

Su Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone and tried to dial Ji Han's number!

When transferring money just now, she had already left a phone call with Ji Han. After dialing the phone, she put the speakerphone on.

After a while, Ji Han's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, who is it?"

"Boss Ji, it's me!" Su Xiaoxiao said playfully: "I have a friend who wants to pack all your fruit, can you see it? The price is easy to discuss, we will go over to discuss it in detail."

"No, there is no discussion, I don't want to talk!"

Ji Han refused to combine punches three times in a row, and Su Xiaoxiao's face was full of confusion!

Xu Huihuang and others were also dumbfounded, and the netizens in the live broadcast room almost laughed like crazy.

Damn, this guy really has a personality, doesn't he make money?

"You don't have to come here, there's nothing to talk about. It's already night by the time you rush over, and I don't have time to receive guests at night!"

"And our family's fruit does not negotiate the price, nor will it be packaged and sold to anyone. No matter how high your friend's price is, it is impossible. I only sell one thousand and one kilograms!"

"Let your friend come over tomorrow if you want, I have to feed the pigs, so be it!"

Ji Han was firm and hung up the phone after a few words.

Xu Huihuang said angrily: "He, why is he like this, doesn't he even make money? Feed the pigs, what pigs?"

"Feed the wild boars!" Su Xiaoxiao said embarrassedly: "He likes to feed his litter of wild boars with these watermelons!"

Xu Huihuang: "..."

Xu Yanran: "..."

Netizens: "..."

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