At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

588 A new era is coming! 【Subscription】

As long as it is related to words such as the last era or human civilization, people are not aware of it.

Undoubtedly, this point of view not only provides a new way of thinking for everyone present, but also combines the previous scientific expedition events in the primeval forest of Mali. in accordance with.

Qi Guohua's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "It's really possible to say that, yes, it's definitely not impossible. Think about it, everyone, the Jurassic period is more than 100 million years ago. From the Jurassic period to the time when humans had Before the record, what kind of human civilization existed and what existed during the period, we don't know, but it doesn't mean there is no, right?

"That's right!" Another Kyushu scientist strongly agreed, "In this world, our Kyushu history can be said to be the longest, with records for more than 5,000 years, but who can guarantee that before that No human civilization appeared? Who knows if there is a previous era?

Qi Guohua's words immediately caused a shock in the conference room.

"It seems to make sense, although there is no scientific basis, but there is no problem with this idea and assumption!

"Who says there is no scientific basis, the previous scientific research findings in the primeval forests of Mali are the basis, and I think there is a connection between the two. 95

"Concrete appeared more than 100 million years ago, and there are huge sarcophagi groups, gods and sleepers, all of which are showing us that human civilization really appeared before this!"

"More than that, the important thing is that these mysterious ancients are related to the Kyushu, and all the things they left behind have become the heritage of the Kyushu, which is enviable!

"In this way, the last era was not fictional, and the gods also existed in the last era. My God, I have to correct my three views!!"

The high-level officials and scientists from all over the world were all shocked by such a bold conjecture, but after thinking about it carefully, combined with the scientific expedition event in the virgin forest of Mali, many scientists actually agreed.

In addition, scientists from all over the world have noticed that these miracles or illusions, as well as the results of scientific research, are actually related to Kyushu, and even left behind the background of Kyushu, making everyone outside Kyushu envious.

All in all, regarding this space-time magnetic field event, all the scientists present expressed their opinions and thoughts, and discussed it for more than an hour.

More than an hour later, the discussion of the space-time magnetic event was put down.

At this time, the head of a top European and American laboratory stood up.

This is a tall, but a little sloppy man, about fifty years old, looks a little ordinary, but his eyes are extremely sharp.

After Carter stood up, he slowly glanced at the venue, and everyone in the conference room became quiet, turned their attention to Carter, and waited for Carter to speak.

They all knew that when Carter chose to stand up and speak, there must be something extremely important to announce.

Sure enough, Carter supported the table with both hands, leaned forward slightly, and said in a slightly magnetic voice: "Everyone, recently, our laboratory has made a major discovery, and just through this meeting, we will announce the discovery~々 .

"What's the big discovery?" Edward asked curiously.

Carter paused for a while before answering: "A week ago, our laboratory accidentally discovered that the rotation speed of the blue star seemed to be a little faster than before. At first we thought we didn't care and thought it was a normal phenomenon. The genius discovered that this is not an accidental event, nor a normal phenomenon, but... The rotation speed of the blue star is indeed accelerating.39

"More than that, the rotation speed of Blue Star is not only slowly accelerating, but also the planetary area of ​​the entire Blue Star is slowly increasing. From our discovery to today, it has increased by about 3% unconsciously. This kind of change is still going on, we don't know when it will stop, but I know that this will be a major change for all people around the world!35

"If you don't believe me, you can go and adjust the satellite monitoring to see!

Carter didn't sell anything, and directly announced their major discoveries.

When Carter finished speaking, the entire conference room was in an uproar.

"Impossible? Blue stars spin faster? How is this possible? 55

"Bluestar's planet is growing in size? And it's still going on? Carter, are you kidding me? 55

"I buy Karma, is this true? 39

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, why is there such a change?

"Really or not? Why didn't we find out? Professor Carter, what about your data, let's take a look!

When all the scientists and experts heard the news, they were all shocked and couldn't help but speak up.

You must know that the rotation speed of the blue star has always been fixed, it has never changed, and the volume of the blue star is also constant, but now both have changed, how can we not let the scientists here do it Shock?

This is a major event related to the world, and no one dares to ignore it.

Soon, on the computer in front of everyone, a detailed record and data were displayed, indicating that Carter was not joking.

After reading this data, the meeting room suddenly fell silent.

Soon, Qi Guohua commanded decisively: " it true? Just look at the satellite monitoring and you will know, hurry up, send us the satellite monitoring images and records immediately.


At the request of Qi Guohua, various countries immediately transferred the satellite surveillance images and records.

Sure enough, after ten minutes, after careful comparison, everyone in the audience found that what Carter said was true, that the speed of Blue Star's self (Li Zhaozhao) was really accelerating, and the size of Blue Star's planet was also slowing down. The growth of the population is growing, and this change has not stopped.

"How does this happen? Why does this happen?

"It's really accelerating, it's really getting bigger, why is that?"

"Oh my God, if this is the case, what will our Blue Star look like?

"What does this change mean? Is it good or bad? Who knows?"

"What's wrong with this world? Why do various incomprehensible changes occur frequently?

"I don't understand, I really don't understand, but I feel like it's going to change!!"

After confirming that the change that Carter said was real, everyone was a little dazed, even at a loss.

Because no one knows what such a change represents, and no one knows whether it is good or bad!

It's just that everyone realized it later and felt that a new era seemed to be coming!

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